Copy the link and turn the HTML of the body into markdown

As I am very inefficient, sometimes it is inevitable to be urged more ha

As we all know, laziness is the motivation for people to innovate

So I wrote a copy of the crawler script, I see feel good articles, directly climb over, and then use the wechat public number format to share with you ~

(Mainly because some articles are rich in gold, but ugly, just like you and me)

Of course, THE shared content I will not mark the original, as my personal favorites, will also indicate the link to reprint


Convert regular blogs, through crawlers and character processing, tomarkdownFormatted text

There are similar tools online, including the more famous python third-party libraries html2text, also have some problems more or less, try once, is the most accurate

So I wrote one myself


Copy the code

After entering the link that you want to copy and collect

The terminal will then output the converted result in MD format, and in the same directory, will be generated


  1. Crawl content is from my last original article: [

Python crawler – automatically gets the title of the reference link – into markdown format](…)

  1. Console output

As you can see, we have almost all the formatting we need

  1. The file preview
[@path/to/] $ ls
Copy the code

At this point, the file has been generated in the same directory. Let’s open it for a preview and see what it looks like

It’s exactly the same as the original I wrote myself

Completed function

  1. Solve bold, strikeout, italics and other textmarkdownstyle
  2. Solve images and linksmarkdownAccording to
  3. Solve the multi-level title and page title selection, as well as directorytocjoin
  4. Resolve conflicts between in-line code and block code display embedded in articles, supporting in-block code in different languages
  5. Support zhihu articles,csdnArticles, short books and blog garden articles, others have not yet been tested
  6. Supports the command line interaction mode


  1. Multi-level references are not yet tested by differentmarkdownThe rendering tool decided that there would be a problem
  2. In-block code can be a bit of a problem in some outrageous formats, but it doesn’t affect usage for now
  3. Formula not supported
  4. It’s not packaged graphically
  5. Multi-level lists are also a bit problematic
  6. Some pictures of the website do not support reference, such as some pictures of CSDN, which may need to be decoded first
  7. Should be the final generated document, according to the title of the name to regenerate the file, ah a line of code, do not want to do, enough for my own use
  8. Something magicalAn empty divLabel is outrageous, a label nearly 100 lines, and then it will be a bit of a problem, fortunately, not much, directly delete it first
  9. Tables not supported
  10. There’s a little bit of space at the beginning, not yet

Markdown is still rendered as HTML


I thought it might be useful, so I threw it in Gitee. If you need it, you can change it and use it together


But still put the source code, do not be too long ha (see not all can slide around) :

# get title from title
# get content from article
# finish requests while article

# difficult @ filter out the correct content from so many 


# and format different content. import re import requests import time import random import urllib3 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #def getimg(link): def run(filename,textString) : src = open(filename,'a') # Solved # 1. bold # 2. img and figcaption # 3. title and contents # 4. italics # 5. code # 6. nonsense tags # 7. quote ### multi_quote TODO # 8. delete # 9. toc # # 11.p # 12.add toc # 13.formula ### TODO toc_flag = 0 i = 0 l = The '-' quote_flag = 0 code_flag = 0 title_flag = 0 #for line in src.readlines(): for line in textString.split('\n') :if len(line) ==0: continue templine = line #### replace figcaption if'< /? (? <=figcaption)[^<]*>',templine): continue #### replace [toc] if'(? <=
,templine): toc_flag = toc_flag + 1 elif'</div>',line): toc_flag = toc_flag - 1 if toc_flag: continue templine = re.sub('<code\s[^<]*inline[^<]*>'.'<code>', templine) code_inline ='(? <=).*(? =)',templine) if code_inline: #print('===========' + str( templine = re.sub('< /? code>'.'`, templine) if' ' \s[^,templine): code_flag = 1 codetype ='(? <=language-)([^\"]+?) (? = \ ") ',templine) if codetype: #titlelevel ='(? <= $)',templine) )([0-9])(?> #print( #print( templine = re.sub(' ' \s[^.'` ` `'+str("\n",templine).strip() else: templine = re.sub(' ' \s[^.'```\n',templine).strip() templine = re.sub('< /? code>'.'\n```',templine).strip() #### replace image try: full_img ='(? <= ' ).*(?>,templine) #print( img_name_group ='(? <=alt=\")[^\"]+? (? = \ ") '.str( img_group ='(? <=src=\")([^\"]+?) (? = \ ") '.str( #print( #print( img_name = str( img = str( if len(img_name) <= 1 or img_name.startswith('im'): img_name = ' ' else: img_name = str( templine = re.sub(' ' [^.'\n! ['+str(img_name)+'] ('+str(img)+')\n',templine).strip() except: templine = re.sub(' ' [^.'! [load img faild]()',templine).strip() #templine = re.sub(' ', '! ['+str(img_name)+']('+str(img)+')',templine).strip() [^ #### replace bold templine = re.sub('< /? strong[^<]*>'.'* *',templine).strip() templine = re.sub('< /? (b>|b\s[^<]*>)'.'* *',templine).strip() # conflict with blockquote templine = re.sub('< /? em[^<]*>'.'* *',templine).strip() #### replace italics templine = re.sub('< /? i[^<]*>'.The '*',templine).strip() #### replace delete templine = re.sub('< /? del[^<]*>'.'~ ~',templine).strip() templine = re.sub('< /? s>'.'~ ~',templine).strip() #### replace list #if'<ol[^<]*>',templine): # i = 1 #elif'</ol[^<]*>',templine): # i = 0 # l = '- ' ifi ! =0: if'<li>',templine): l = str(i) + '. ' templine = re.sub('<li>'.str(i) + '. ',templine).strip() i = i + 1 templine = re.sub('<li>',l,templine).strip() templine = re.sub('</li>'.'\n',templine).strip() #### replace link try: full_link_group ='(? <= )' )[^,templine) full_link = str( link_href_group ='(? <=href=\").*(? = \ ") ',full_link) link_href = str( #print(link_href) link_text_group ='(? < = >). * ',full_link) link_text = str( #print(link_text) templine = re.sub(' ]+? >.*' [^>.'['+link_text+'] ('+link_href+') ',templine).strip() except: templine = templine #### replace p #lineval = re.sub('<p[^<]*>','',templine).strip() #if'</p[^<]*>',templine): #print("") templine = re.sub('<p[^<]*>'.' ',templine).strip() templine = re.sub('</p[^<]*>'.'\n',templine).strip()+'\n' #### 1. replace quote if'<blockquote[^<]*>',templine): quote_flag = quote_flag + 1 print(">",end="") #templine = re.sub('
', '> ', templine).strip()
templine = re.sub('<blockquote[^<]*>'.' ', templine).strip() src.write('>') elif'</blockquote[^<]*>',templine): quote_flag = quote_flag - 1 templine = re.sub('</blockquote[^<]*>'.' ', templine).strip() if quote_flag: print(templine,end="") src.write(templine) continue #### replace different level title #templine = re.sub('<h1[^<]*>','# ',templine).strip() templine = re.sub('<h1[^<]*>'.'## ',templine).strip() templine = re.sub('<h2[^<]*>'.'## ',templine).strip() templine = re.sub('<h3[^<]*>'.'# # #',templine).strip() templine = re.sub('<h4[^<]*>'.'# # # #',templine).strip() templine = re.sub('<h5[^<]*>'.'# # # # #',templine).strip() templine = re.sub('<h6[^<]*>'.'# # # # # #',templine).strip() templine = re.sub('</h[0-9].*>'.' ',templine).strip() if'< /? title[^<]*>',templine): templine = re.sub('< /? title[^<]*>'.' ',templine).strip() #### replace all tags templine = re.sub(+ '< [^ <]? > '.' ', templine).strip() print(The '#'+templine+'\n[toc]\n') src.write(The '#'+templine+'\n[toc]\n') continue #### replace all tags templine = re.sub('< /? code>'.'`, templine).strip() templine = re.sub(+ '< [^ <]? > '.' ', templine).strip() lineval = templine + '\n' print(lineval) if len(lineval) == 0: continue else: src.write(lineval+'\n') src.close() if __name__ == '__main__': urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) heads = {'User-Agent':'the Mozilla / 5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36'} des = open(""."w") des.write(' ') des.close() #des = open('','a') url = input("Please input a legal URL: ") while not url.startswith('http'): url = input("Please input a legal URL again : \n") try: res = requests.get(url,timeout=30,headers=heads,verify=False) res.encoding = 'UTF-8' content = res.text #print(content) soup = BeautifulSoup(content,'html.parser') if '' in url: temp_article = soup.find('div',class_='Post-RichTextContainer') elif '' in url: temp_article = soup.article elif '' in url: temp_article = soup.find('div',class_='markdown-here-wrapper') article = str(temp_article) except: print("request error") exit(1) try: title = soup.find('title') target_head = str(soup.title) #print("%s\n" % ("# "+title.text+"\n"+"[toc]")) #title_text = '# '+title.text+'\n[toc]\n' #des.write("# "+title.text+"\n"+"[toc]\n") except: print("===== title not found =====") h1 = soup.find('h1') target_head = str(soup.h1) #print("%s\n" % ("#"+h1.text+"\n"+"[toc]")) #des.write("# "+h1.text+"\n"+"[toc]\n") #run(article) target_text = target_head + article #print(target_text) #des.write(article) #des.close() run('',target_text) #run('') Copy the code

Finally, click on a focus not to get lost