When the quantity of goods in the order is less than or equal to 2, display all goods; When the number is greater than 2, only two items are displayed, and all items are displayed by button control
Not a reasonable test
Due to my manual acceptance test, not careful enough; After writing the code and realizing it successfully; No systematic testing has been found to produce bugs. As the picture above shows, there seems to be no problem at first glance.
Found a bug
This problem was discovered later in the development process when the entire module was accepted.
<template v-for="(item, index) in productList" :key="item._id"> <div class="products_item" v-if="index <= isShowProducts">Copy the code
Const useOrderExpandEffect = (orderProducts) => {const isShowProducts = ref(2) const handleExpand = () => {if (isShowProducts.value ! == orderProducts) { isShowProducts.value = orderProducts } else { isShowProducts.value = 2 } } return { handleExpand, isShowProducts } }Copy the code
// Setup () const orderProducts = object.keys (productlist.value).lengthConst {handleExpand, isShowProducts} = useOrderExpandEffect(orderProducts)Copy the code
Location problem
I checked the code logic again when I saw some goods displayed incorrectly. After finding that there was no logical problem, I checked to see if the productList data was correctly retrieved during rendering. So I printed out the productList.
Find productList value with key = 3,4; Is a
; My code shows that the data part is a loop index in productList, so I think the index gets the key value, not the index value I want, so I go to the Vue documentation for v-for with an object and v-for has three parameters. Example:
<li v-for="(value, key, index) in myObject">
{{ index }}. {{ key }}: {{ value }}
Copy the code
The solution
Since I personally don’t like code that doesn’t use defined parameters, I decided to convert productList from Object to Array to suit my needs. So change to:
Const useOrderExpandEffect = (productList) => {// Convert the productList data type to an array, Const productListArr = object. values(productList.value) const orderProducts = productLiStarr.length const isShowProducts = ref(1) const handleExpand = () => { if (isShowProducts.value ! == orderProducts) { isShowProducts.value = orderProducts } else { isShowProducts.value = 1 } } const totalNum = computed(() => { let total = 0 for (const i of productListArr) { total += i.count } return total }) return { handleExpand, isShowProducts, productListArr, totalNum }}Copy the code
Implementation effect
The reasons for this bug not being found in time and occurring are as follows:
- The design of functional test scheme is not careful enough
- The implementation of V-for is not well understood
Improvement: for functional testing needs to design a better test scheme, learn to think about the specific implementation process of a code package; To better understand how it works.