Personal summary address:…

Work + study


The job this year is to grow somewhat, changed a large Internet company, right you did not read wrong, be Baidu. So I was teased by a lot of people, but that is other people’s mouth, I do not control, I can only do my own, do what I want to do.



First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to those stars and Follow who are willing to help me improve the project.

Secondly, I want to say that I am a front-end dish chicken from the open source community. Although I am still dish chicken now, I am willing to make my own contribution to the community. If you want my opinion, you are welcome to communicate with me

Thank you very much for your support to Zhihu and Nuggets. Recently, I have rarely been active in Zhihu and Nuggets. Because I am really busy, I have not appeared or written any notes on it. But the notes of the little hyperson have been updated, welcome to pay attention.


The Denver nuggets



This should have been a good year for me, but it was a bad one.

  • New Year’s Eve, colleagues in the red envelope, I have a fever at home.

  • On the first day of the Chinese New Year, everyone was paying New Year’s greetings and celebrating the festival. I went to the hospital for a check-up. After all, it was a special time of the epidemic, and I still came home from Beijing.

  • At the end of the year (until today, December 14, 2020-14), I was in the hospital bed, before surgery for a ganglion cyst, still able to move my fingers, writing this year-end summary.

Happy Life (OKR)

  • Life event NaN

    Ing, but I don't know if it will workCopy the code
  • To pay 50%

    It's not debt (I don't spend much money, so why borrow?). , is not love debt (no fish pond, also no xiao Yaxuan happiness ah). Because in the two companies that leave, with the old before about good. Later, I have time to have dinner with them, but I haven't found the opportunity (because I'm really busy, because I'm a little shy, I won't say).Copy the code
  • In house 100%

    Has been living in a place, is also a partition room, although he has not cared about, because of the south, there is the sun, there are Windows. However, after living there for a long time, I don't want to live there any more. I want to change a new environment and prepare to change my job, so I changed a place closer to me.Copy the code
  • Guitar learning 10%

    As for music, I can't even pronounce 1-7. I don't know how to pronounce numbers and have no rhythm at all. Zero basic white guitar learning is really to infuriate people, fortunately my colleague is more patient, but also willing to teach me this spicy chicken. In order to learn guitar, rhythm and all kinds of knowledge, I also had the audacity to take vocal lessons from the company, pestered my colleagues to make up lessons for me, and swiped a lot of videos to keep my interest. Now IT is the basic class, right? I know how to press simple chords 5323, 1323, but my voice is unstable, and I am improving ingCopy the code
  • Photography 20%

    I started shooting last year. In April last year, I bought a DSLR, 800D with 50-135 + 50 fixed focus. Before the epidemic, I would go out for blind shooting every weekend. Mainly architecture (Forbidden City, Great Wall, various hutongs), scenery, portraits have never been taken, have been trying to learn.Copy the code
  • Weekend badminton

    This is very magic, before the boss quit, and then wanted to set up a group, we later on the weekend to play basketball, ha ha ha, somehow became about badmintonCopy the code
  • The weekend out store

    • Chua lam

    • Tan Duck blood hot pot

    • Nanjing Super Brand

    • Miss Fu is in Chengdu

    • Taco Bell

    • The powder of snails

    • . etc

      Every weekend, I accompany a little friend to visit all the restaurants I want to eat and do everything I want to do at the last moment of my stay in Beijing

  • Vlog

    I always wanted to take a Vlog this year, but I didn't have the chance. I wanted to complete a Vlog with this operationCopy the code


In general, this year has been a painful beginning and a painful ending, but I can make adjustments in my middle life, whether it’s social interaction or how to make my ordinary life more interesting.

State of mind

As a matter of fact, I once did a job that hurt my career, namely outsourcing. When I received the offer of outsourcing, I asked some classmates and friends whether I would like to go there, and then I decided to reject it. (Actually, I had several offers, including two from start-up companies, one from a game company and one from a medical company.)

But why outsource? Was rejected, the boss (left, went to Meituan, especially, is the real bosses, 👉 lot, zhihu), after refused, he called to ask me, will chat, asked some questions, what positive, technology, environment, etc, and then decided to go to, most of the reason is that the boss is the person of hometown, is of the same age, Is the big guy, there is no shelf, their impression is good, well, there is a part of the reason is because I want to go to a big company (Baidu) experience, went in, said to the boss, I left a year in this, I hope to stay, beg to take, so there is now I, a real Baidu classmate.

During this period, had abasement, had had abandon oneself, with what I and formal of different, want to be treated differently, I am not too optimistic, I certainly can enter? But fortunately, I adjusted myself and the leadership impressed me well.

So I’m constantly learning, taking what I can from everyone, and exporting documentation to make it my own. Plus I had the opportunity, so I made it.



Of course, promotion, promotion and pay rise, as soon as possible to improve their ability, and the boss more communication, more from the boss there to learn some experience, said that now has been familiar with baidu many front-end bosses, ho ho ho.


  • Slate
  • Typescript
  • Mobx
  • Webpack plug-in
  • The React ascension; The use of Hooks
  • Technology of precipitation
    • Lerna package
    • Learning notes
    • All kinds of resources
  • GitHub is releasing some interesting projects to help the open source community


  • Guitar as soon as possible to learn, can also teach children, there are people want to point music
  • Photography tries to capture people on the street and elevate people
  • exercise
  • Vlog to share their life, work, learning precipitation