When we manipulate cookies, we usedocument.cookie, or use third-party libraries to perform operations on cookies, such asjs-cookieWell, why isn’t there an API that can directly fetch or manipulate cookies?

But now you can have oneAPITo operatecookieThat’s itcookieStore

About cookieStore

CookieStore is an asynchronous API, which is quite convenient for operating cookies. There are few documents for this API, and there is no Chinese document on MDN

To obtain

Get a Cookie

await cookieStore.get({name:"xxx"})
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Gets all cookies under the domain

await cookieStore.getAll({ domain: '.baidu.com' })
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Set up the

To set cookies we can use cookiestore.set ()

await cookieStore.set({ name: 'YushengSenior'.value: true.domain: 'baidu.com' })
/ / or
await cookieStore.set('haha'.123321)
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Before we want to delete a cookie, we need to set its expiration time to invalidate the cookie. Now we can use the following method to delete a specified cookie

await cookieStore.delete('haha')
/ / or
await cookieStore.delete({ name: 'haha' })
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Listening for cookie changes

We can listen for a specific cookie and do something when the cookie is changed or deleted

cookieStore.addEventListener('change'.event= > {console.log(event.changed, event.delete)})
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Reference Documents:

Chromium API: Developer.chrome.com/docs/extens…

CookieStore: Developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/…

Http Cookies: Developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/…

Cookie Store API: Wicg. Making. IO/cookie – stor…