Cookie to Cookie (JS-cookie plug-in)

Introduction to a.

npm install js-cookie --save
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2. References

import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
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Three. General use

1. Save to Cookie

// Create a cookie, valid across the entire site:

// Create a cookie that expires 7 days from now, valid across the entire site:
Cookies.set('name'.'value', { expires: 7 });

// Create an expiring cookie, valid to the path of the current page:
Cookies.set('name'.'value', { expires: 7.path: ' ' });
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2. Take out the Cookie

// Read cookie:
Cookies.get('name'); // => 'value'
Cookies.get('nothing'); // => undefined

// Read all visible cookies:
Cookies.get(); // => { name: 'value' }
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3. Delete

// Delete cookie:

// Delete a cookie valid to the path of the current page:
Cookies.set('name'.'value', { path: ' ' });
Cookies.remove('name'); // fail!
Cookies.remove('name', { path: ' ' }); // removed!
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4. Special use (storing objects in cookies)

The Cookie format is converted from a string to a JSON format.

const user = {
  name: 'lia'.age: 18
Cookies.set('user', user)
const liaUser = JSON.parse(Cookies.get('user'))
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Refer to the link