Introduction to the

Markdown string to HTML, automatic table of Contents (TOC), code highlighting, etc.

  • markdown-it: Converts markdown strings to HTML strings;
  • html-react-parserConvert the above HTML string to React and use it in the Node.js Web project to show the final layout;
  • markdown-it-anchor: Add anchors to HTML and plugin-generated document table of Contents (TOC);
  • markdown-it-toc-done-right: Help Markdown generate TOC automatically, depending on the plugin abovemarkdown-it-anchor;
  • uslug: TOC generated above, sometimes the jump fails, because the anchor id generated by markdown-it-anchor does not match the HERF generated by markdown-it-toc-done-right, uslug can solve this problem;
  • The split line <hr/> cannot be displayed: The final HTML page cannot display a separator because<hr/>If there is no height, use CSS to set the heighthr{ height: 1px; }Can be displayed.
  • highlight.js: Markdown code parses into HTML without color, keyword highlighting, etc., just like normal text. This plug-in can solve the code style problem.


Function: Convert markdown strings to HTML strings.

# Install NPM I markdown-it # use// node.js, "classic" way:
var MarkdownIt = require('markdown-it'), md = new MarkdownIt();
var result = md.render('# markdown-it rulezz! ');

// node.js, the same, but with sugar:
var md = require('markdown-it') ();var result = md.render('# markdown-it rulezz! ');
Copy the code
  • Markdown – it is the source code
  • Markdown – It plug-in download
  • Live Demo: See how markdown strings become HTML
  • Markdown-it Chinese document


Function: Convert HTML strings to React elements.

1, install,
# NPM install NPM install html-react-parser --save # yarn install yarn add html-react-parser # CDN install <! -- HTMLReactParser depends on React --><script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
  window.HTMLReactParser(/* string */);
Copy the code
2, use,
# Convert HTML string to HTMLconst parse = require('html-react-parser');

Hello, World!

); // React.createElement('p', {}, 'Hello, World! ')# Convert the HTML string to HTML and replace the attribute parse('<p><br id="remove"></p>', { replace: ({ attribs }) = > attribs && === 'remove' && <></>}); # Convert the HTML string to HTML and replace the tag <main/> with <div/>import parse, { attributesToProps } from 'html-react-parser'; const html = `
; const options = { replace: domNode= > { if (domNode.attribs && === 'main') { const props = attributesToProps(domNode.attribs); return <div {. props} / >; }}}; parse(html, options);// Result after replacement: <div class="prettify" style="background:#fff; text-align:center"></div> Copy the code
3. Precautions
<ul> {parse(` 
  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • `
    )} </ul> Copy the code
    • Download the HTML – react-Parser plug-in

    • HTML – the react – parser source code


    Markdown-it-toc-done-right is used as a markdown-it plug-in to help markdown-it parse HTML, add anchor points (tags add ID attributes), and add markdown-it-toC-done-right plug-in to automatically generate toCs for Markdown.

    1, install,
    # Install NPM I markdown-it-anchor # useconst md = require('markdown-it')()
      .use(require('markdown-it-anchor'), opts)
    Copy the code
    2, use attention
    # Use the uslug plugin to solve the anchor id, "%XX" such unreadable character. $ npm i -S uslugconst uslug = require('uslug')
    const uslugify = s= > uslug(s)
    const md = require('markdown-it') ()const anchor = require('markdown-it-anchor', {
    	slugify: uslugify
    Copy the code
    • Markdown-it-anchor plug-in download
    • Markdown – it – anchor the source code


    What it does: Generate an slugify(unique string, remove or transform unreadable, unsupported characters) for strings.

    1, install,
    npm install uslug
    Copy the code
    2, use,
    Uslug (string, options) # String is the string to be passed in; Options have three values:1AllowedChars: you can specify that the string should remain unchanged and not be converted. Default value:'- _ ~'.
    2Lower: Boolean value, whether to cast to lowercase? Default istrue
    3Spaces: Boolean values, whether Spaces are allowed? Default isfalse# Use case uslug('Б ы с т р е е и л discusses some related problems ш е! ') / / 'б ы с т р е е и - л discusses some related problems ш е'
    uslug('Chinese/Chinese') // 'Chinese Chinese'
    uslug('Y U NO', { lower: false })) // 'Y-U-NO'
    uslug('Y U NO', { spaces: true })) // 'y u no'
    uslug('Y-U|NO', { allowedChars: '|' })) // 'yu|no'
    Copy the code
    3. It can be used with other plug-ins
    #Generate slugify with markdown-it-Anchor plug-in
    #Slugify is generated with the Markdown-it-toC-done-right plug-in
    Copy the code
    • Download the USlug plug-in
    • Uslug source


    Function: Generate a directory (TOC) for markdown string during HTML conversion, depending on the plug-in: Markdown-it-Anchor

    1, install,
    $ npm i -S markdown-it-toc-done-right markdown-it-anchor
    Copy the code
    2, use,
    # Node.js use casevar md = require("markdown-it") ({html: false.xhtmlOut: true.typographer: true
    }).use( require("markdown-it-anchor"), { permalink: true.permalinkBefore: true.permalinkSymbol: '§' } )
      .use( require("markdown-it-toc-done-right"));var result = md.render("# markdown-it rulezz! \n\n${toc}\n## with markdown-it-toc-done-right rulezz even more!"); # Another use scheme// browser without AMD, added to "window" on script load
    // Note, there is no dash in "markdownit".
    var md = window.markdownit({
    	html: false.xhtmlOut: true.typographer: true
    }).use( window.markdownItAnchor, { permalink: true.permalinkBefore: true.permalinkSymbol: '§' } )
      .use( window.markdownItTocDoneRight );
    var result = md.render("# markdown-it rulezz! \n\n${toc}\n## with markdown-it-toc-done-right rulezz even more!");
    Copy the code
    3. Precautions
    In the process of using, uslug plug-in is introduced, so that the anchor ID generated by markdown-it-anchor can be completely consistent with the href generated by markdown-it-toc-done-right, so that the anchor point jump will not fail due to different names.var md = require("markdown-it") ({html: false.xhtmlOut: true.typographer: true
    }).use( require("markdown-it-anchor"), { permalink: true.permalinkBefore: true.permalinkSymbol: '§', { slugify: uslugify} } )
      .use( require("markdown-it-toc-done-right"), { slugify: uslugify } );
    Copy the code
    • Markdown-it-toc-done-right plug-in download

    • Markdown – it – the toc – done right – the source code


    Function: Allows markdown code to display different font styles (color, keyword highlighting, etc.).

    1, install,
    #Environmental requirements
    Node.js >= 12.x
    npm >= 6.x
    #NPM install
    npm install highlight.js
    #Yarn installation
    yarn add highlight.js
    Copy the code
    2. Load and call
    #1.Automatically recognize the code language and highlight it with the corresponding language formatconst hljs = require('./highlight.js');
    const highlightedCode = hljs.highlightAuto('Hello World! ').value
    #2.Highlight HTML = hljs.highlight(using the defined code language format)'

    Hello World!

    , {language: 'xml'}).value #3.Customize the format for each code element module// first, find all the div.code blocks document.querySelectorAll('div.code').forEach(el= > { // then highlight each hljs.highlightElement(el); }); Copy the code
    3. Select the style and render the final effect
    # in this path "/ node_modules/highlight. Js/styles", find like CSS, copy the file to the project, when using loadimport ".. /components/shades-of-purple.css"You can see the official style link belowCopy the code
    • website

    • Official – User manual

    • Official – Style effect display

    1, install,
    npm i markdown-it-multimd-table
    Copy the code
    2. Use Case 1
    // defaults
    var md = require('markdown-it')()
    // full options list (equivalent to defaults)
    var md = require('markdown-it')()
                .use(require('markdown-it-multimd-table'), {
                  multiline:  false.rowspan:    false.headerless: false}); md.render(/ *... * /)
    Copy the code
    3. Use Case two
    $ mkdir markdown-it-multimd-table
    $ cd markdown-it-multimd-table
    $ npm install markdown-it-multimd-table --prefix .
    $ vim test.jsvar md = require('markdown-it')() .use(require('markdown-it-multimd-table')); const exampleTable = "| | Grouping || \n" + "First Header | Second Header | Third Header | \n" + " ------------ | : -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - : | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - : | \n" + "Content | *Long Cell* || \n" + "Content | **Cell** | Cell | \n" + " \n" + "New section | More | Data | \n" + "And more | With an escaped '\\|' || \n" + "[Prototype table] \n"; console.log(md.render(exampleTable));
    $ node test.js > test.html
    $ firefox test.html
    Copy the code
    • Markdown-it-multimd-table plug-in download

    • Markdown – it – multimd – table source code

    Reference documentation
    • Convert the Markdown string to HTML