Step 1: Create an XML file, in this case applicationContext.xml

Step 2: Click Window → Prefences, enter the keyword cata, and click XML Catalog, as shown below

Step 3: Click Add to bring in the constraint package

My constraint package location is shown below:

After the derivation, it will look like the picture below. Finally, click OK

Step 3: Click on the newly created file applicationContext.xml and enter the file directory

Step 4: Click on the new file applicationContext.xml and select the Design mode in the lower left corner.

Step 5: Click on beans, right click Edit NameSpace, and enter

Step 6: Add xSI and click OK

Step 7: Introduce XSD constraints, as shown in the figure below

Step 8: Click Browse to pop up the interface shown below

Step 9: Select the Select XML Catalog entry, Select the package derived from step 2, and click OK.

Step 10: Name: Copy the Location Hint with the exception of the last /, as shown below

Note: in an XML file, only one constraint prefix can be allowed to be empty. In this case, if prefix can be beans, you need to insert the last/after Name into the constraint

Step 11: Click OK to check whether the constraints for the applicationContext.xml file are imported, as shown below

Step 12: If the import is successful, Alt + / will appear as follows