Abstract: Recently, The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) held the annual board election meeting, and two Apache Flink PMC were elected as the new members of the ASF in 2020, namely Apache Member. At present, among nearly 30 Apache members in China (Chinese), 3 are core contributors of Apache Flink. They love open source and contribute to it. They not only actively participate in the community and other PMC members to plan and lead the development of Apache Flink, but also actively participate in multiple open source projects and continue to contribute to the open source community.

As more and more developers participate in the construction of Flink community, the number of Flink contributors, committers and so on continues to grow at a high speed, and the contributing community is bound to get feedback from the community! If you love open source and want to get involved in community building, check out this article: How to Grow from an Apache Committer?

The following is a detailed introduction of Apache’s official blog

Article source | open source club, ACL related authors | Beijing Apache blogs, Sun Jincheng (ASF Member)

The introduction

This year’s ASF board was hotly contested, with 16 candidates running for nine seats. As a result, seven of last year’s nine directors were replaced, with Craig Russell and Shane Curcuru reappointed. In addition, three directors resigned shortly after last year’s board election to replace three who were not renewed this year.

In recent years, the concept and culture of ASF have been much agitated, with frequent and heated disputes over community governance, diversity & inclusion. The ASF’s principles of consensus and harmony are being tested.

In particular, several of the board candidates this year mentioned in their manifesto the development and contribution of the Open source community and projects in China, as well as their participation in the China Open Source Annual Conference (COSCon: China Open Source Conference, first-hand contact with the rapidly developing Open Source movement in China; Niclas Hedhman, the elected director, wrote a paragraph in Chinese in his election manifesto, inviting members in Asia and China to vote for him, which seems to be a sincere and effective election manifesto.

-- Liu Tiandong Ted, director and co-founder of Open Source Society, ASF MemberCopy the code

Apache Software Foundation Board of Directors 2020

Last week, the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) held its annual board election meeting, at which the following individual members formed a new board of directors:

  • Shane Curcuru (Re-elected Director)
  • Bertrand Delacretaz (former Director)
  • Roy Fielding (Former Director)
  • Niclas Hedhman (New Director)
  • Justin Mclean (New Director)
  • Craig Russell (Re-elected Director)
  • Sam Ruby (Former Director)
  • Patricia Shanahan (New Director)
  • Sander Striker (Former Director)

In the meantime, ASF would like to thank last year’s board members very much: Danny Angus, Rich Bowen, Ted Dunning, Dave Fisher, Myrle Krantz, Daniel Ruggeri, and Roman Shaposhnik for their extraordinary service.

Let’s once again welcome the new directors, and the returning directors!

For an overview of ASF governance and a complete list of ASF’s Board of Directors, Executive officers, and vice Chairs of programs/committees, please visit: apache.org/foundation/…

For information about the organization and operation of the Apache Foundation, go to: How does Apache work? .

Members before 2020 (10 in alphabetical order) :

. Liang Chen, Shenzhen. Jack Cai, Seattle, U.S. Jason Dai, Shanghai. Junping Du, Beijing. Sijie Guo. Han Qing Luke Han, Shanghai. Willem Jiang, Beijing. Ted Liu, Beijing. Zhang Huxing Zhang, Hangzhou. Jeff Zhang, Shanghai

List of newly elected members for 2020 (11 in alphabetical order) :

. Enping Chen Timothy Chen. Von Gosling, Hangzhou. Jerry Shao, Shanghai. ShaoFeng Shi, Shanghai. Jincheng Sun, Hangzhou. Wangda Tan, San Jose, U.S. Xiaorui Wang, Hangzhou. Sheng Sheng Wu, Beijing. Kurt Young, Hangzhou. Duo Zhang, Beijing. Zhe Zhang, Mountain View, U.S.

More information about the above members please refer to the ASF Member list, home.apache.org/committers-…

Next, we will introduce ASF’s organizational governance, organizational structure and responsibilities, election and appointment, and project governance one by one. The following content is translated by Mr. Sun Jincheng, a member of ASF, on the Apache official website blog. The original blog http://www.apache.org/foundation/governance/orgchart.

01 Organization Management

In general, the governance of Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is quite simple: members elect the board of directors; The Board appoints various officers and creates PMCs; PMCs report regularly to the board, and most other managers report to the CEO, who in turn reports to the board.

02 Organizational structure and Responsibilities

For better management, ASF has established the following architecture:

  • Existing members (members) nominate and elect new members on a regular basis, nominating and electing 9 directors to the Board each year.

  • The board appoints operational officers and assigns responsibility for specific policies or areas of operations to each officer. For example, the Vice President of the Legal Affairs Committee is responsible for setting the legal policy for ASF and all Apache programs and working with company consultants.

  • The board appoints executive officers, including the President, secretary, cfo, etc., who are responsible for the specific operations of the ASF.

  • Most officers report directly to the PRESIDENT on a monthly basis, who in turn reports to the board of directors on the overall operation of the ASF.

  • The Vice President of Infrastructure reports to the President and provides macro oversight of the operations of the infrastructure team. Within the team, the paid infrastructure manager role helps manage day-to-day operations, with paid staff prioritizing work and maintaining services used in all Apache projects.

03 Election and appointment

The Board creates and updates the Project Management Committee (PMCs). The board approves only reasonable build requests from the incubator (graduating as TLPs) or requests from the PMCs themselves (adding or removing PMC members). In each case, the changes recommended to the board have already been voted on by the relevant PMC. As shown below:

04 Project Management

Each Apache PMC manages their projects independently, in an Apache manner, following some core principles set by all officers for all projects. As shown below:

  • The PMC reports directly to the board quarterly. The board oversees the PMC to ensure its healthy development, smooth management of the community, and compliance with Apache principles. The technical direction of the project is specified by the PMC, and the board does not provide technical governance for the project.

  • The chair of each PMC is the vice president of the program and therefore an ASF officer. The chairman’s primary responsibility is to ensure that project reports are comprehensive and submitted to the board.

  • The PMC votes on software releases. The PMC implements appropriate release governance to ensure that all source code releases are ASF’s own actions.

  • PMCs nominates and elects new committers for projects. The PMCs is also responsible for nominating and voting on new PMC members, and the PMCs then reports to the Board of Directors on proposed changes.

  • The Apache Incubator is a special (I) PMC: its job is to mentor the new Podding community to help them learn the Apache Way. After each Poddle votes on their software release, IPMC members also monitor and vote on the release process for this Podling to ensure that Podding gradually becomes a qualified Apache project.

  • According to the policy, only individuals may act as members, committers or PMC members or administrators. This is a way for ASF and Apache projects to maintain their independence.

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