It is a server-side process management container that is designed for permanent process handling. The container is the container that is designed to run the viewing, loading, and other commands.

I. Supervisor Installation

pip install supervisor
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Or is it

yum install supervisor  # centos
sudo apt-get install supervisor  # ubuntu
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Supervisor configuration

Creating a folder

mkdir -p /etc/supervisor/
mkdir -p /etc/supervisor/supervisord.d/
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Generating a Configuration File

echo_supervisord_conf > /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
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Editing a Configuration File

vim /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
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Use the default configuration except for the last two lines in the configuration file. In vim, use G to jump the cursor to the end of the file and change the last line to the following.

files = /etc/supervisor/supervisord.d/*.conf
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Creating a startup script

vim /etc/supervisor/supervisord.d/shopApi.conf
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Start script Contents Notice Change the path of the project artisan file

command=php /mnt/www/xmshopApi/artisan queue:work --tries 3 --sleep 3
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Start the Supervisor

# It is running the container service
supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf

supervisorctl reload  # restart supervisord
supervisorctl reread  It is designed to re-read the configuration file container
supervisorctl start lumen_worker:*  Start the lumen_worker service

supervisorctl restart lumen_worker:*  Restart the lumen_worker service
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Check the running status once you start

supervisorctl status
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Make sure you restart the file after modifying it. Reread doesn’t work