Concurrent Deductions, how to ensure data consistency? , there is a certain probability of data inconsistency when sharing the same user to deduct money concurrently. CAS optimistic lock can be used to ensure data consistency without reducing throughput and with only a small amount of modification.

In less than 24 hours, the article received nearly 200 comments.

Among them, the most asked is ABA problem, this problem has been in the “Concurrent deduction consistency optimization, ABA problem under CAS, this topic has not finished talking!! In the extension.

Select&set is used to write the balance back:

UPDATE t_yue SET money=
n e w m o n e y W H E R E u i d = new_money WHERE uid=
uid AND money=$old_money;

Why direct deduction is not possible:

UPDATE t_yue SET money=money-
d i f f W H E R E u i d = diff WHERE uid=

Many people say that in concurrent cases, money will be deducted as a negative number.

To ensure that the balance is not negative, add a WHERE condition:

UPDATE t_yue SET money=money- diffWHEREuid=diff WHERE uid=diffWHEREuid=uid AND money-$diff>0_; _

Is this feasible?

_ voiceover: _ Well, aside from the business, this SQL is using columns to do operations, actually bad, recommend using:

UPDATE t_yue SET money=money- diffWHEREuid=diff WHERE uid=diffWHEREuid=uid AND money>$diff_; _

Unfortunately, still not. The reason is in “Concurrent deduction, how to ensure data consistency?” The most liked comment on an article, not idempotent.

_ Voiceover: _ Indicates that most students can answer the homework correctly.

Before we talk about idempotency, let’s look at another test case.

Assuming a service interface, register a new user:

bool RegisterUser(
u i d . uid,

// Check whether the UID already exists

select uid from t_user where uid=$uid;

// Not a new user, return failed

if(rows>0)return false;


// Insert the new user into the user table

insert into t_user values(
u i d . uid,

// Return to success

return true;



A test engineer wrote a test case for this interface:

bool TestCase_RegisterUser(){

// Make some fake data

long uid=123;

String name=’shenjian’;

// Invoke the interface under test

bool result= RegisterUser(uid,name);

// Expected registration success,Make an assertion judgment about the result


// Return test results

return result;


Is this a good test case?

What’s the problem with this use case?

You’ll notice that executing this test case twice under the same conditions yields different results:

(1) The first execution, the first time to create data, call the interface, registration success;

(2) for the second time, create the same data again, call the interface, registration will fail;

This is not a good test case, with different results multiple times.

What is idempotency?

Under the same conditions, execute the same request, get the same result, conform to idempotent.

Voice-over: Google it better than I can explain, but the meaning should be clear.

How do I change the above test case to one that is idempotent?

Just add one line of code:

bool TestCase_RegisterUser(){

// Make some fake data

long uid=123;

String name = “shenjian”;

// Delete the fake user first


// Invoke the interface under test

bool result= RegisterUser(uid,name);

// The registration is expected to succeed


// Return the test result

return result;


This way, the test results are the same no matter how many times the use case is executed under the same conditions.

I’m starting to get a sense of idempotence.

Read requests are generally idempotent.

Write request, as the case may be:

  • Insert X, in general, is not idempotent, and repeated inserts may not give the same result

  • Delete x, which is generally idempotent, gets the same result multiple times

  • Set a=x is idempotent

  • Set a=a-x is not idempotent

Thus, the balance is deducted as follows:

UPDATE t_yue SET money=
n e w m o n e y W H E R E u i d = new_money WHERE uid=
uid AND money=$old_money;

Is an idempotent operation.

If the balance is deducted in this way:

UPDATE t_yue SET money=money-
d i f f W H E R E u i d = diff WHERE uid=
uid AND money-$diff>0;

Not an idempotent operation.

Talking here, perhaps there are friends to argue, the test routine repeated execution, how can the deduction repeated execution?

Try again.

Retry is a common technique in exception handling.

Have you ever written code like this in your business:

result = DoSomething();

if(false==result || TIMEOUT){

// Error, or timeout, try again

result= DoSomething();


return result;

Of course, there will be friends, I never retry!!

Vo: Well, is that a pass or a fail?

You can decide how the business code is written, you can’t decide how the underlying framework code is written:

(1) Does the site framework automatically retry?

(2) Does the service framework automatically retry?

(3) Does the service connection pool and database connection pool retry automatically?


(1) In the hierarchical architecture of servitization, it is recommended to retry only at the entry layer and not at the service layer to prevent avalanches;

(2) Dubbo, call timeout is the default retry, this design is not good;

Therefore, idempotence is an issue to be considered in an architectural architecture with retry.

Now you can understand why deduction and top-up services are generally used:

  • Select&set, with CAS scheme

Without using:

  • The set money – = X

Voice-over: 100 phone charges, why 200 yuan more?

Know why, know why, I hope you have a harvest.

The architect’s Path– Share technical ideas

Version number, CAS can only be used in low concurrency, high concurrency will have a lot of modification failures. In the next post, we’ll talk about some of the misconceptions about high concurrency.