
  • Understanding volatile
  • There are three major features of the JMM
  • How do you guarantee atomicity


  • Basic Principles of CAS
  • The disadvantage of the CAS

Java lock

  • What is the JAVA locking mechanism? What is the difference between bias lock, lightweight lock and heavyweight lock? How is the locking mechanism upgraded?
  • Talk about your understanding of AQS. How does AQS implement reentrant locking
  • Fair locks and unfair locks
  • Reentrant lock (recursive lock)
  • spinlocks
  • Read-write lock
  • Concurrent utility class
  • Blocking queue
  • Producer-consumer model
  • The difference between Synchronized and Lock
  • Fork/join frameworks divide and conquer

The thread pool

  • Create a thread
  • How to terminate a thread
  • Thread pool architecture
  • ThreadPoolExecutor
  • Rejection policies
  • There are three common thread pools
  • What thread pools are used in your work
  • How do I set the number of threads in the thread pool

A deadlock

  • Cause of deadlock
  • Deadlock bit analysis