
In the process of loading 3D models with front-end three.js, the model size is too large, leading to a long loading time of front-end, which reduces user experience. In this paper, the author is recorded in the use of GLTF-pipeline compression 3d model in the pit DRACOLoader and solve a process.

The three library version used is ^0.138.2

Solution and introduction

GLTF -pipeline can compress GLTF/GLB model files greatly.

And it has the following functions

  • Convert glTF to GLB (and reverse)
  • Save buffers/textures as embedded or separate files
  • Convert glTF 1.0 model to glTF 2.0 (using KHR_techniques_webgl and KHR_blend extensions)
  • Apply Draco mesh compression

The installation

npm install -g gltf-pipeline
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yarn global add gltf-pipeline
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Common Compression commands

gltf-pipeline -i model.glb -o modelDraco.glb -d
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Use Draco to compress the grid model. GLB file, modelDraco. GLB is the output file name after compression

gltf-pipeline -i model.glb -o modelDraco.glb -d -s
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Compress and write separate buffers, shaders, and textures.

Use Draco to compress the grid in three.js

Pit and solution process

The code written after many baidu searches

let dracoLoader = new DRACOLoader();

const loader = new GLTFLoader().setPath("path");
loader.load("modelName".(gltf) = > {
    gltf = null;
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Here I came across a big hole:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘<‘


During the troubleshooting process, it was discovered that the network request requested model data

Subsequent discovery bolb: XXX request is not written by the application layer issued by reading dracoloader.js source code

The bolb: XXX request in the network request is created at line 250 url.createObjecturl and is required to create the request

  • draco_decoder.js
  • draco_wasm_wrapper.js
  • draco_decoder.wasm

And the requested path is set using the setDecoderPath method

Follow-up access to information

  • draco_decoder.js— Emscripten-compiled decoder, andCompatible with any modern browser.
  • draco_decoder.wasm– WebAssembly decoder, compatible with newer browsers and devices.
  • draco_wasm_wrapper.js— JavaScript wrapper for the WASM decoder.

The Draco path for obtaining the three version in the node_modules installation package is node_modules\three\examples\js\libs

Copies to change folder to public folder and DRACOLoader. SetDecoderPath when setting the corresponding path

The final solution is to wrap the code with itself

import { DRACOLoader } from "three/examples/jsm/loaders/DRACOLoader";
import { GLTFLoader } from "three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader.js";
/** ** path: store the parent path of the model * modelName: modelName * setCenter: center or not * scale: scale of the model * position: position of the model * rotation: local rotation of the model */
function loadModuleByDRACOLoader(path, modelName, setCenter, scale, position, rotation) {
    let scaleVec3, positionVec3;
    if (typeof scale == "number") {
        scaleVec3 = new THREE.Vector3(scale, scale, scale);
    } else {
        scaleVec3 = new THREE.Vector3(scale.x, scale.y, scale.z);
    if (typeof position == "number") {
        positionVec3 = new THREE.Vector3(position, position, position);
    } else {
        positionVec3 = new THREE.Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z);
    let dracoLoader = new DRACOLoader();
    dracoLoader.setDecoderPath("./moduler/draco/"); // Set the decoding path under public, note the/at the end
    dracoLoader.setDecoderConfig({ type: "js" }); // Use a compatible draco_decoder.js decoder

    const loader = new GLTFLoader().setPath(path);
    return new Promise((res, rj) = > {
        loader.load(modelName, (gltf) = > {
            if (setCenter) {
                gltf.scene.traverse(function(child) {
                    if(setCenter && child.isMesh) {; }}); } gltf.scene.scale.copy(scaleVec3); gltf.scene.position.copy(positionVec3);if (rotation) {
            gltf = null;
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Since I didn’t find a solution to this problem, I wrote this article as a record to avoid the same problem for other developers.

And 🎇🎇 🎇🎇