I. New TP6 project

(1) environment

  1. PHP7+
  2. composer

(2) new

  1. Note: long installation time, available domestic mirror
composer config -g repo.packagist composer https://mirrors.aliyun.com/composer/
Copy the code
  1. Tx-cloud is a customizable project name
composer create-project topthink/think tx-cloud
Copy the code

2. Install object storage COS

(1) Modify composer. Json

	"require": {
    	"qcloud/cos-sdk-v5": "> = 2.0"}}Copy the code

(2) Run the command

composer update 
Copy the code
composer install 
Copy the code

(3) Check whether the installation is complete

Check whether qCloud exists in the vendor directory

3. Use cloud storage

(1) Complete code

/ / code path: / project name/app/controller/index. The PHP
namespace app\controller;

use app\BaseController;
use Qcloud\Cos\Client;

class Index extends BaseController
    private $secretId = "Your cloud API key SecretId"; //" cloud API key SecretId";
    private $secretKey = "Your API SecretKey."; //" cloud API SecretKey";
    private $region = "Your bucket territory"; // Set a default bucket region
    private $bucket = "Your bucket name"; // BucketName format: bucketname-appid
    private function __cosClient(){
        return $cosClient = new Client(
                'schema'= >'http'.// The protocol header, which defaults to HTTP
                'region'= >$this->region,
                'credentials'= >array(
                    'secretId'= >$this->secretId ,
                    'secretKey'= >$this->secretKey

    public function upload()
        // Get the uploaded file
        $file = request()->file('file');
        // Get the bucket object
        $cosClient = $this->__cosClient();

        / / upload
        try {
            $result = $cosClient->Upload(
                $bucket = $this->bucket,// Bucket name
                $key = 'images/'.md5(uniqid()).'. '.pathinfo($file->getOriginalName(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION), // Key is the object key
                $body = fopen($file->getFileInfo()->getPathname(), "rb")// File data
            // The request succeeded
            return json([
                "msg"= >"Upload successful"."data"= > ["RequestId"= >$result['RequestId']."Bucket"= >$result['Bucket']."Key"= >$result['Key']."Location"= >$result['Location']]]); }catch (\Exception $e) {
            // The request failed
            return json([
                "msg"= >"Upload failed"."data"=>[],
            //echo $e;}}public function delete(){
        // Get the key for the deleted graph
        $key = input('get.') ['key'];
        // Get the bucket object
        $cosClient = $this->__cosClient();

        / / delete
        try {
            $result = $cosClient->deleteObject(array(
                'Bucket'= >$this->bucket,// Bucket name
                'Key'= >$key));// The request succeeded
            return json([
                "msg"= >"Deleted successfully"."data"= > ["RequestId"= >$result['RequestId']."Bucket"= >$result['Bucket']."Key"= >$result['Key']."Location"= >$result['Location']]]); }catch (\Exception $e) {
            // The request failed
            return json([
                "msg"= >"Delete failed"."data"=>[],
            //echo $e;}}}Copy the code

Now you can use upload to upload a picture and delete to delete a picture.

Demo video of this article:Click browse

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