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The following text:
Recently there was a requirement for list filtering based on input text. This is a very common requirement. So the approximate code is as follows:
<div id="app">
<input type="text" :value="filterText" @input="onInput" />
<li v-for="item in filteredList" :key="item">
{{ item }}
export default {
name: "app".data() {
return {
filterText: "".list: [
"Love and Hope."."Flowers"."Mojito"."The Longest Movie ever."."Grandpa's tea."]}; },computed: {
filteredList() {
if (!this.filterText) {
return this.list;
return this.list.filter(item= > item.indexOf(this.filterText) > -1); }},methods: {
onInput(e) {
this.filterText = e.target.value; }}};</script>
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Listen for input events in the input box, and then trigger changes to the filteredList list.
Everything is so natural.
However, when we input Chinese, the pinyin will be displayed first, resulting in the process of input Chinese, the triggered filter list is empty, and the result will be displayed only when the Chinese is displayed.
Compositionstart and compositionend
So there are two events, compositionStart and CompositionEnd
MDN: developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/…
The compositionStart event is triggered when the user starts typing Chinese characters using the pinyin input method. The comPositionEnd event is emitted when the composition of a text paragraph is complete or cancelled.
In other words, the compositionStart event will be triggered when we start typing Chinese, and the CompositionStart event will not be triggered during the Chinese input process, and the ComPOSItionEnd event will be triggered when we finish typing Chinese.
In addition, it is found that compositionStart is triggered before the input event when entering Chinese.
So that’s all I need to do, so I’ll just say lock, when compositionStart fires, lock=true, when compositionEnd fires, lock=false. Filtering in input events is performed only when lock is false.
The code becomes the following:
<div id="app">
<input type="text" :value="filterText"
<li v-for="item in filteredList" :key="item">
{{ item }}
export default {
name: "app".data() {
return {
filterText: "".list: [
"Love and Hope."."Flowers"."Mojito"."The Longest Movie ever."."Grandpa's tea."], the lock;false./ / marking
computed: {
filteredList() {
if (!this.filterText) {
return this.list;
return this.list.filter(item= > item.indexOf(this.filterText) > -1); }},methods: {
onInput(e) {
if (!this.lock) {
this.filterText = e.target.value; }},onCompositionStart() {
this.lock = true;
onCompositionEnd(e) {
this.filterText = e.data;
this.lock = false; }}};</script>
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V – form of the model
In the code above, we are not using vue’s V-Model two-way binding. If you use v-Model, you will find that the input event is not triggered while typing Chinese.
View the source of vue SRC/platforms/web/runtime/directives/model. The js, there are so few lines of code:
export default {
inserted (el, binding, vnode) {
if (vnode.tag === 'select') {
setSelected(el, binding, vnode.context)
el._vOptions = [].map.call(el.options, getValue)
} else if (vnode.tag === 'textarea' || isTextInputType(el.type)) {
el._vModifiers = binding.modifiers
if(! binding.modifiers.lazy) {// Safari < 10.2&uiWebView doesn't fire compositionEnd When
// switching focus before confirming composition choice
// this also fixes the issue where some browsers e.g. iOS Chrome
// fires "change" instead of "input" on autocomplete.
el.addEventListener('change', onCompositionEnd)
if(! isAndroid) { el.addEventListener('compositionstart', onCompositionStart)
el.addEventListener('compositionend', onCompositionEnd)
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (isIE9) {
el.vmodel = true
/ /...
function onCompositionStart (e) {
e.target.composing = true
function onCompositionEnd (e) {
// prevent triggering an input event for no reason
if(! e.target.composing)return
e.target.composing = false
trigger(e.target, 'input')}function trigger (el, type) {
const e = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents')
e.initEvent(type, true.true)
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It can be found that VUE has already done the same operation, so V-Model helped us to do a lot of optimization, which is also one of the reasons why VUE is so good.
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