For a list of documents, see: Rust Mobile Complex Graphics Rendering Project Development Series summary (table of Contents)
Check whether the pointer is NULL/nullptr
Suppose const T* ptr1 and T* ptr2 exist and determine whether they are empty, respectively. The C++ and Rust implementations are shown below.
if ((NULL == ptr1) || (nullptr == ptr2)) {
// do something
Copy the code
use std::ptr;
if ptr::null() == ptr1 || ptr::null_mut() == ptr2 {
// do something
Copy the code
Returns the nullptr/NULL
When Rust provides a C interface, nullPTR or NULL is returned
pub extern "C" fn init_engine() - > *const c_void {
// something goes wrong
fn main() {
let engine = init_engine();
println!("{:? }", engine); }}Copy the code
Use slice to read and write pointer content directly
The write pointer
const int COUNT = 100;
int *int_ptr = new int[COUNT];
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
int_ptr[i] = i;
Copy the code
The worst way to write to Rust is to create a Vector inside Rust of the same length, write the data to the Vector, and copy it to int_ptr via STD :: PTR :: STD :: PTR :: int_ptr :: STD :: PTR ::
use std::ptr;
pub extern "C" fn write_to_c_buffers(n: usize, buffers: *mut i32) {
let mut tmp_buffers = Vec::with_capacity(n);
for index in 0..n {
unsafe{ ptr::copy(tmp_buffers.as_ptr(), buffers, n); }}Copy the code
Tmp_buffers allocates a new block of memory the same length as buffers.
Reading and writing bare Pointers using STD ::slice implements the above C++ approach as shown in the following example:
use std::slice;
pub extern "C" fn write_to_c_buffers(n: usize, buffers: *mut i32) {
unsafe {
let mut slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buffers, n);
for index in 0. n { slice[index] = index; }}}Copy the code
Furthermore, Rust’s C# like foreach can be used for looping while reducing the scope for unsafe code blocks. This scheme is also available for reading Pointers.
use std::slice;
pub extern "C" fn write_to_c_buffers(n: usize, buffers: *mut i32) {
let mut buffers = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buffers, n) };
for slice in buffers {
*slice = //do something; }}Copy the code
Read pointer
int summary(size_t count, int ptr*) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
sum += ptr[i];
return sum;
Copy the code
Pass the PTR to Rust for summation, which can be done directly with slice without allocating additional memory, as shown in the following example:
use std::slice;
pub extern "C" fn summary_for_c_buffers(n: usize, buffers: *const i32) {
unsafe {
let slice = slice::from_raw_parts(buffers, n);
let mut sum = 0;
for index in 0..n {
sum += slice[index];
Copy the code