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API Change History

version The alias API level memorabilia
The Android 1.6 -Penny: Donut API level 4, NDK level 2 Android Market
The Android 2.1 Eclair: Chocolate Eclair API level 7, NDK level 3
Android 2.2.x Android: yogurt API level 8, NDK level 4 Dalvik JIT compiler and browser use V8 JavaScript engine
The Android 2.3 GingerBread: GingerBread API level 9, NDK level 5
The Android 3.0 Honeycomb: Honeycomb API level 11
Android 4.0.1 Ice Cream Sandwich API level 14, NDK 7
Android 4.1.x -Jenny: Jelly Bean API level 16
The Android 4.4 KitKat: Chocolate API level 19 Immersive design
The Android 5.0 -Serena: Yeah, Lollipop API level 21 MATERIAL DESIGN, multi-screen projection DESIGN
The Android 6.0 -Leonard: Marshmallow API level 23 Runtime permissions
The Android 7.0 -Leonard: Nougat API level 24 Split screen
Android 8.0.0 -Penny: Oreo API level 26
Android 9 Pie: Pie API level 28 API for screen bangs

Version Change Description

  • Animated demo, Android 1.6 – Android 6.0
  • The Android 7.0
  • The Android 8.0
  • The Android 9.0

Developer website

  • Version history and behavior changes
  • Platform Architecture Description

  • Chinese Developer Website
  • Studio download
  • Studio Usage Guide
  • Support library details and release history
  • Kotlin introduction
  • Jetpack guide
  • AndroidX migration guide
  • Developer guide
  • Code sample
  • Material Design
  • The SDK API to retrieve

Android Open Source

  • Open Source Chinese Network
  • Open source Git repository
  • Open source GitHub image
  • Source code download, compilation guide
  • HAL, Kernel, HIDL, etc
  • Audio, camera, wireless communication, graphics, automotive, peripherals and other development guide

Youtube Android development videos