This is the 15th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging

UI component libraries are essential to front-end development today, because these mature, customizable component libraries allow us to spend more time building products, rather than endlessly reinventing the wheel. So let’s talk about the popular UI component library, such as PC, mobile, wechat small program development often used UI component library.

1. Commonly used on THE PC

1. ElemetUI

Element, a Vue 2.0-based desktop component library for developers, designers, and product managers. This is a set of UI component library developed by Ele. me, and also a commonly used UI component library. The component library has complete development components such as tables, forms, layouts, reminders, and so on. And it’s easy to use. Just introduce it.

However, there are a number of flaws in this component library, and they haven’t been solved yet, so pay attention!!

Official document:…


BootstrapVue was used to build responsive, mobile-first, ARIA projects (Accessible Rich Internet Application, i.e. barrier-friendly Application), Based on Vue.js and the world’s most popular CSS front-end framework – Bootstrap V4

This library is not complete, but it can be seamlessly integrated with Bootstrap. However, some of the internal components are not easy to adjust. They are a little ugly. Component less write, used to write the background also write the front desk is a little reluctant. The biggest advantage of this library is its versatility. For example, the table component hardly needs to change the structure code, just modify the Fields data, and then the other functions can be reused intact, such as sorting, retrieval, paging, etc. However, because of the high versatility, the logic of the code is a little complex. 12 grid layout, can be nested arbitrarily in Bootstrap, there is no nesting conflict, which is convenient for those who like to use Bootstrap.

Official document:…

2. Mobile terminal

1. Vant

Vant is an open source mobile terminal component library of Youzan’s front-end team. It was opened in 2017 and has been maintained for 4 years. Vant carries all the core business of Youzan internally and serves more than 100,000 developers externally. It is one of the mainstream mobile terminal component libraries in the industry.

  • Provides more than 60 high-quality components, covering a variety of mobile scenarios
  • Excellent performance, average component volume less than 1KB (min+gzip)
  • Unit test coverage is 90%+, providing stability assurance
  • Complete documentation and examples in Both English and Chinese
  • Vue 2 and Vue 3 are supported
  • Support on-demand import
  • Support theme customization
  • Support internationalization
  • Support the TypeScript
  • Support the SSR

Youzan.github. IO /vant/#/ zh-c…


Vue. Js mobile UI component library

VUX is a library, not a framework, and although there is a dedicated Vux-Loader, you are free to use other component libraries or tool libraries.

Doc.vux. li/ zh-cn /…

Three, wechat small program


WeUI is a set of basic style library consistent with the original visual experience of wechat. It is designed by the official design team of wechat for the web pages in wechat and wechat small programs, so that users’ usage perception is more unified. Contains button, cell, dialog, progress, toast, article, Actionsheet, icon and other elements.

The official document:…

2,Vant Weapp

Vant is an open source mobile terminal component library of Youzan’s front-end team. It was opened in 2016 and has been maintained for 4 years. Vant carries all the core business of Youzan internally and serves more than 100,000 developers externally. It is one of the mainstream mobile terminal component libraries in the industry.

Youzan.github. IO/vant-eappen /…


The official document:…