1. The return value is a string
1.1 the toString
// The syntax returns the string form of the specified object
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Return string
console.log([1.2.3].toString())// "1,2,3" let Num=123 console.log(Num.toString()) / / "123" Copy the code
1.2 the valueOf
// Mandatory string Original value of the object
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Mandatory string The original value of the object
var x = new String('Hello world'); console.log(x.valueOf()); // Displays 'Hello world' Copy the code
2. Extract the string
2.1 SubString (Extraction)
BeginIndex begins a character and endIndex ends a character
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Left closed right open (left included right excluded)
Returns a new string extracted from the start to end position (the original string does not change _)
Negative numbers are not supported
var anyString = "Mozilla"; / / output "lla" console.log(anyString.substring(4.7)); console.log(anyString.substring(7.4)); / / output "" console.log(anyString.substring(4.4)); / / output Mozill "" console.log(anyString.substring(0.6)); Copy the code
2.2 Slice (same as array method)(extract)
/ / grammar beginIndex extract the original starting position of the characters, endIndex end position Left closed right away [) | (including left right does not include)
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Extract a portion of a string and return a new string (without changing the original string)
var str1 = 'The morning is upon us.'.// The length of str1 is 23. str2 = str1.slice(1.8), // Output: he morn str5 = str1.slice(30); // output: "" str.slice(-3); / / return 'us.' str.slice(-3, -1); / / return 'us' Copy the code
2.3 Splice (same as array method)(interception)
This method is consistent with the use of splice for arrays
/ / grammar beginIndex extract the original starting position of the characters, endIndex end position Left closed right away [) | (including left right does not include)
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Left closed right open (left included right excluded)
Returns a new string that extracts the original string (changing the original string)
Reverse order and negative numbers are not supported
var str1 = 'The morning is upon us.'.// The length of str1 is 23. str2 = str1.slice(1.8), str3 = str1.slice(4, -2), // Start from the fifth character to the penultimate character str4 = str1.slice(12), // Extract the 13th character from the beginning to the end str5 = str1.slice(30); str6 = str1.slice(-3); console.log(str2); // Output: he morn console.log(str3); // Output: morning is upon u console.log(str4); // Output: is upon us. console.log(str5); // output: "" str.slice(-3); / / return 'us.' Copy the code
3. Convert strings to arrays
3.1 the split
// separator delimits the number of partitions
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Splits a string into substring arrays using the specified delimiter
- The sample
const myString = 'this|is|a|Test'; const splits = myString.split(['|']); console.log(splits); //["this", "is", "a", "Test"] Copy the code
- Limits the number of split elements in the return value
var myString = "Hello World. How are you doing?"; var spl = myString.split("".3); // Separate with Spaces console.log(splits); // ["Hello", "World.", "How"] var str="1234" var spl=str.split("")// Separate with an empty string console.log()/ / / "1", "2", "3", "4"] Copy the code
- Use split() to reverse the string order
const str = 'asdfghjkl'; let strReverse=str.split("").reverse().join("") concole.log(strReverse) // 'lkjhgfdsa' Copy the code
4. Concatenate strings
4.1 Join (same as array)
// syntax separator: separator
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What delimiter is used to concatenate the string and return the string
const elements = "FireAirWater" console.log(elements.join(,));//"Fire,Air,Water" console.log(elements.join(The '-'));//"Fire-Air-Water" Copy the code
4.2 Concat (same as array)
// The syntax strN is the string to concatenate
str.concat(str2, [, ...strN])
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Joins one or more strings with the original string concatenation to form a new string and returns
let str = 'Hello, ' console.log(str.concat('Kevin'.'. Have a nice day.')) // Hello, Kevin. Have a nice day. let greetList = ['Hello'.' '.'Venkat'.'! '] "".concat(... greetList)// "Hello Venkat!" Copy the code
5. Search for characters or indexes
5.1 charAt
// index Accesses the index of the string
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Returns the specified character from a string
var str="Brave new world" str.charAt(0) //"B" str.charAt(1) //"r" Copy the code
5.2 indexOf (same as array)
// syntax searchValue: the string value to be searched fromIndex: the position to start the search from left to right
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Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified value, or -1 if not found
//indexOf is case sensitive var myString = "brie, pepper jack, cheddar"; var myCapString = "Brie, Pepper Jack, Cheddar"; console.log(myString.indexOf("cheddar"));// 19 console.log(myCapString.indexOf("cheddar"));// -1 Copy the code
5.3 lastIndexOf(same as array method)
// syntax searchValue: the string value to be searched fromIndex: the position where the search starts is searched from right to left (the index is still counted from left to right starting with 0)
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Returns the index of the first occurrence of the value (which is still looked up from right to left), or -1 if not found
// Case sensitive var str =; var last = str.lastIndexOf(2); // index is 3 index = str.lastIndexOf(7); // index is -1 Copy the code
5.4 Includes (same as array method)
FromIndex: Searches from the fromIndex index
str.includes(valueToFind,fromIndex )
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Used to determine whether the string contains a specified value, returning true if it does, false otherwise
Note that using includes() to compare strings and characters is case sensitive.
'Blue Whale'.includes('blue'); // returns false 'Blue Whale'.includes('Blue'); // returns false Copy the code
5.5 the startsWith
// Syntax searchString The substring to search for Position The beginning of the search
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Returns true if the beginning of a specified character in a string; false otherwise
Case sensitive
var str = "To be, or not to be, that is the question."; alert(str.startsWith("To be")); // true alert(str.startsWith("not to be")); // false alert(str.startsWith("not to be".10)); // true Copy the code
5.6 the endsWith
// Syntax searchString The substring to search for. Length Indicates the length to be searched
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The specified substring is at the end of the string. Returns true otherwise returns false
This method is case sensitive,
var str = "To be, or not to be, that is the question."; alert( str.endsWith("question."));// true alert( str.endsWith("to be"));// false alert( str.endsWith("to be".19));// true Copy the code
6. String pattern matching
6.1 the match
// syntax regexp a regular expression object
// If a non-regular expression object regexp is passed in, it is implicitly converted to a regular expression object using new regexp (regEXP).
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Finding a match for one or more regular expressions returns the result of the match (array)
Note that this method returns matching values stored in an array, depending on whether regexp has the global flag G
var str = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; var regexp = /[A-E]/gi; var matches_array = str.match(regexp); console.log(matches_array); // ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] Copy the code
6.2 the search
// syntax regexp a regular expression object
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Returns the index of the first match in the string that was successfully matched, or -1 if not
var str = "hey JudE"; var re = /[A-Z]/g; var re2 = /[.]/g; console.log(str.search(re)); // 4 console.log(str.search(re2)); / / 1 Copy the code
6.3 the replace
/ / grammar regexp | substr regular or string. What the re matches is replaced by the second argument
/ / newSubStr | function is used to replace the first argument string or function return value
str.replace(regexp|substr, newSubStr|function)
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Returns a new string partially or completely replaced by a match replacement (without changing the original string)
var str = 'Twas the night before Xmas... '; var newstr = str.replace(/xmas/i.'Christmas'); console.log(newstr); // Twas the night before Christmas... Copy the code
7. String case conversion
7.1 toLowerCase
(Cast if the value calling the method is not a string)
// syntax (cast if the value calling the method is not a string).
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Calling this method to convert a string to lowercase does not affect the original string
console.log('Chinese simplified useful - CN | | useful - Hans'.toLowerCase()); / / of simplified useful - cn | | useful - Hans •console.log( "ALPHABET".toLowerCase() );// "alphabet" Copy the code
7.2 toUpperCase
(Cast if the value calling the method is not a string)
/ / grammar
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Calling this method to convert a string to uppercase returns a new string. Does not affect the original string
console.log('alphabet'.toUpperCase()); // 'ALPHABET' Copy the code
8. Remove end-of-string whitespace
8.1 the trim
This method does not work with the null undefined Number type
/ / grammar
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Returns a string with whitespace removed at both ends, without affecting the string itself
var orig = ' foo '; console.log(orig.trim()); // 'foo' // Another.trim() example, removed from one side only var orig = 'foo '; console.log(orig.trim()); // 'foo' Copy the code
9. Repeat a string
9.1 repeat
// Syntax count number of repetitions
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Returns a new copy of the string for the specified number of times
var orig = 'foo'; console.log(orig.repeat(2)); // 'foofoo' Copy the code
10. Convert the string to a number
10.1 parseInt
// Syntax string String to parse radinx Optional. Represents the radix of the number to be parsed. The value is between 2 and 36
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Parse an integer from the given string
Note that parseInt converts BigInt to Number and loses precision in the process.
parseInt("10"); // Output: 10 // If this parameter is less than 2 or greater than 36, parseInt() returns NaN: parseInt("50".1) // Output result: NaN // Only the first digit in the string is returned, until the first non-digit character is encountered: parseInt("40 4years") // Output: 40 // If the first character of the string cannot be converted to a number, NaN is returned: parseInt("new100") // Output result: NaN Copy the code
10.2 parseFloat
// The syntax string needs to be parsed into a floating point value
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The given value is parsed to a floating point number. NaN is returned if the given value cannot be converted to a numeric value.
, loss of accuracyparseFloat("10.00") // Output: 10.00 parseFloat("10.01") // The output is 10.01 parseFloat("10.01") // The output is -10.01 parseFloat("40.5 years") // Output: 40.5. Copy the code
If the first character of the argument string cannot be parsed into a number, parseFloat returns NaN.
parseFloat("new40.5") // Output result: NaN Copy the code