Five, direct selection sort

1. Basic introduction

Select sorting is also a simple method. Its basic idea is: select the minimum value from ARR [0]~ ARR [n-1] for the first time, exchange with ARR [0], select the minimum value from ARR [1]~ ARR [n-1] for the second time, exchange with ARR [1], select the minimum value from ARR [2]~ ARR [n-1] for the third time, exchange with ARR [2]… , the minimum value is selected from arR [i-1]~ ARr [n-1] for the i-th time, and exchanged with ARr [i-1]… , the minimum value is selected from ARR [n-2]~ ARR [n-1] for the n-1st time, and exchanged with ARR [n-2]. After a total of n-1 times, an ordered sequence is obtained from the smallest to the largest according to the sorting code.



2. Code implementation


 1  //O(n2)
 2     public static void selectSort(int[] arr){
 3         for (int i = 0; i < arr.length-1; i++) {
 4             //Let's say the minimum is I
 5             int minIndex = i;
 6             //J starts at I plus 1
 7             for (int j = i+1; j <arr.length ; j++) {
 8                 //If the assumed minimum is greater than arr[j], then minIndex refers to arr[j]. 9                 //Otherwise, no if judgment is entered
10                 if(arr[minIndex]>arr[j]){
11                     minIndex = j;
12                 }
13             }
14             //If minIndex does not change, that is, minIndex is arr[I], and no swap is required
15             if(minIndex! =i) {
16                 int tmp = arr[i];
17                 arr[i] = arr[minIndex];
18                 arr[minIndex] = tmp;
19             }
20         }
21     }



Heap sort

1. Basic introduction to heap sorting

1) Heap sort is a kind of sorting algorithm designed by using heap data structure. Heap sort is a kind of selective sorting, which has the worst and best, and the average time complexity is O(nlogn). It is also unstable sorting. 2) The heap is a complete binary tree with the following property: each node has a value greater than or equal to the value of its left and right children, called the big top heap. Note: there is no requirement for the relationship between the value of the left child of the node and the value of the right child. 3) The value of each node is less than or equal to the value of its left and right children. This is called the small top heap


We number the nodes in the heap by layer and map them to an array like this:


Characteristics of big top reactor:

Arr [I] > = arr (2 * I + 1] && arr [I] > = arr [* 2 + 2] I / / I corresponds to which a node, I start from 0

5) Example of small top heap


Characteristics of small top reactor:

Arr [I] < = arr (2 * I + 1] && arr [I] < = arr [* 2 + 2] I / / I corresponds to which a node, I start from 0

6) Big top heap is used in general ascending order and small top heap is used in descending order

2, the basic idea of heap sorting

2) At this point, the maximum value of the entire sequence is the root node at the top of the heap. 3) Swap it with the trailing element, where the trailing element is the maximum. 4) Then reconstruct the remaining n-1 elements into a heap, which yields the subsmallest values of n elements. Do this repeatedly, and you get an ordered sequence.

1. Basic introduction




2. Code implementation


 1 public class HeapSort {
 3     public static void  heapSort(int[] arr) {
 4         int temp= 0;
 5 //        int arr[] = {4, 6, 8, 5, 9};
 6         //Unordered sequences are built into a heap, and large or small top heaps are selected according to ascending or descending requirements
 7         for (int i = arr.length/2-1; i >= 0; i--) {
 8             adjustHeap(arr,i,arr.length);
 9         }
10         //System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr));
11         //2). Swap the top element with the end element, and "sink" the largest element to the end of the array;12         //3). Rearrange the structure so that it meets the heap definition, and then continue swapping the top element with the current end element, repeating the adjust + swap step until the whole sequence is in order.
13         for (int j = arr.length-1; j >0 ; j--) {
14             temp = arr[j];
15             arr[j] = arr[0];
16             arr[0] = temp;
17             adjustHeap(arr,0,j);
18         }
19         //System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr));
20     }
22     //Resize an array (binary tree) into a large top heap
23     / * *
24 * Function: To complete the tree with I corresponding to the non-leaf nodes into the big top heap25 Int arr[] = {4, 6, 8, 5, 9}; => adjustHeap => {4, 9, 8, 5, 6}26 * If we call adjustHeap again and pass in I = 0 => we get {4, 9, 8,5, 6} => {9,6,8,5, 4}27      * @paramArr The array to be adjusted28      * @paramI means non-leaf nodes are indexed in the array29      * @paramLenght says that the length is gradually reduced as the number of elements continues to be adjusted30      * /
31     private static void adjustHeap(int arr[], int i,int length){
32         //First fetch the value of the current element and store it in a temporary variable
33         int temp = arr[i];
34         //Began to adjust35         //instructions36         //1. K = I * 2 + 1
37         for (int k = i*2+1; k <length; k=i*2+1) {
38             //Note The value of the left child is smaller than that of the right child
39             if(k+1<length && arr[k]<arr[k+1]) {40                 //K points to the right child
41                 k++;
42             }
43             //If the child is bigger than the parent
44             if(arr[k]>temp){
45                 //Assign the larger value to the current node
46                 arr[i] = arr[k];
47                 //!!!!!!!!! I points to k, and we keep going
48                 i=k;
49             }else{
50                 break;
51             }
52         }
53         //When the for loop is done, we've put the maximum value of the tree that has parent I at the top.
54         arr[i] = temp;//Place the temp value in the adjusted position
55     }
56 }


Merge sort

1. Basic introduction

Merge-sort is a sorting method based on merging idea, which adopts the classical divide-and-conquer algorithm.

Strategy (divide-and-conquer will be the problem(divide)Make a bunch of little problems and solve them recursively, andTo treat (conquer)“And” patch “the answers together, i.e. divide and conquer.





2. Code implementation


 1 public class MergeSort {
 2     public static void sort(int[] arr, int left, int right, int[] temp) {
 3         if (left < right) {
 4             int mid = (left + right) / 2;
 5             //I recurse to the left
 6             sort(arr, left, mid, temp);
 7             //I'm going to recurse to the right
 8             sort(arr, mid + 1, right, temp);
 9             //merge
10             merge(arr, left, mid, right, temp);
11         }
12     }
14     / * *
15      * @paramArr sorted the original array16      * @paramLeft The initial index of the left ordered sequence17      * @paramMid intermediate index18      * @paramRight index19      * @paramTemp is an array for transfer20      * /
21     private static void merge(int[] arr, int left, int mid, int right, int[] temp) {
22         int i = left; //Initialize I, the initial index of the ordered sequence on the left
23         int j = mid + 1; //Initialize j, the initial index of the ordered sequence on the right
24         int t = 0; //Points to the current index of the Temp array25         //(一)
26         //First, the left and right (ordered) data is regularly populated into the Temp array27         //Until one of the ordered sequences on the left and the right is done
28         while (i <= mid && j <= right) {
29             //If the current element of the ordered sequence on the left is less than or equal to the current element of the ordered sequence on the right30             //Fill the temp array with the current element on the left31             //Then t++, i++
32             if (arr[i] <= arr[j]) {
33                 temp[t++] = arr[i++];
34             } else {
35                 temp[t++] = arr[j++];
36             }
37         }
39         //(二)
40         //Fill all the data on the side with remaining data in turn into Temp
41         while (i <= mid) {//The ordered sequence on the left, with any remaining elements, is filled with temp
42             temp[t++] = arr[i++];
43         }
44         while (j <= right) {//The ordered sequence on the right, with any remaining elements, is filled with temp
45             temp[t++] = arr[j++];
46         }
48         //(三)
49         //Copy the elements of the TEMP array to arR50         //Note that you don't copy everything every time
51         t=0;
52         int tempLeft=left;
53         //First merge tempLeft = 0, right = 1//tempLeft = 2 right = 354         //Last time tempLeft = 0 and right = 7
55         while (tempLeft<=right){
56             arr[tempLeft++]=temp[t++];
57         }
58     }
59 }


Radix sort

1. Introduction of radix sort (bucket sort)


Radix sort belongs to “distribution sort”, also known as “bucket sort” or bin sort, as its name implies, it is through the values of each bit of the key value, the elements to be sorted are allocated to some “buckets”, to achieve the sorting effect

2) Cardinality sorting method is a stable sorting method, cardinality sorting method is high efficiency stability sorting method

3) Radix SortBucket sortThe extension of the

4) Radix sort was invented by Herman Hollerey in 1887. It works like this: integers are cut into different numbers by number of digits, and then compared individually by number of digits.




2The basic idea of radix sort

1) All the values to be compared are unified into the same digit length, and zeros are added before the numbers with shorter digits.

Then, sort the order one by one, starting with the lowest order. So from the lowest order to the highest order, the sequence becomes an ordered sequence.

2) this explanation, relatively difficult to understand, let’s look at a graphic explanation, understand the cardinality sort step 3, cardinality sort graphic explanation

 Sort the array {53, 3, 542, 748, 14, 214} in ascending order using radix sort




4, cardinality sort description

1) Radix sort is an extension of traditional bucket sort, which is fast. 2) Radix sort is a classical way of space for time, which occupies a large amount of memory, and is prone to cause OutOfMemoryError when sorting massive data. (I computer 100 million random number sort will appear, 10 million will not) 3) radix sort stable.

[Note: Suppose there are multiple records with the same keywords in the sequence of records to be sorted, if sorted, the relative order of these records remains unchanged, that is, in the original sequence, r[I]=r[j], and r[I] is before r[j], and in the sorted sequence, r[I] is still before r[j], [4) We do not use radix sort to sort arrays with negative numbers. If we want to support negative numbers, see

2. Code implementation


 1 public class RadixSort {
 2     public static void sort(int[] arr){
 3         //1. Get the number of digits of the largest number in the array
 4         int max = arr[0]; //Let's say the first number is the largest number
 5         for (int i = 1; i <arr.length ; i++) {
 6             if(arr[i]>max){
 7                 max=arr[i];
 8             }
 9         }
10         //I'm going to get the largest number of digits
11         int maxlength =(max+"").length();
12         //Define a two-dimensional array representing 10 buckets, each of which is a one-dimensional array13         //instructions14         //1. A two-dimensional array contains 10 one-dimensional arrays15         //2. Each one-dimensional array (bucket) is set to arr.length in order to prevent data overflow when placing numbers16         //3. The name is clear, radix sort is a classical algorithm using space for time
17         int[][] bucket = new int[10][arr.length];
18         //To keep track of how much data is actually stored in each bucket, we define a one-dimensional array to keep track of how much data is put into each bucket at a time19         //You can understand it here20         //For example, bucketElementCounts[0] records the amount of data that can be put into a bucket[0]
21         int[] bucketElementCounts = new int[10];
22         for (int i = 0,n=1; i <maxlength ; i++,n*=10) {
23             //The first time is the bit, the second time is the tens place, the third time is the hundreds place..
24             for (int j = 0; j <arr.length ; j++) {
25                 int digitOfElement=arr[j]/n%10;
26                 bucket[digitOfElement][bucketElementCounts[digitOfElement]]=arr[j];
27                 bucketElementCounts[digitOfElement]++;
28             }
29             //In the order of the bucket (the indices of the one-dimensional array are retrieved and placed in the original array)
30             int index =0;
31             //Iterate over each bucket and place the data in the bucket into the original array
32             for (int k = 0; k < bucketElementCounts.length; k++) {
33                 //If there's data in the bucket, we put it in the original array
34                 if(bucketElementCounts[k]! = 0) {35                     //Loop through the bucket, the KTH bucket (the KTH one-dimensional array), and put it into
36                     for (int l = 0; l < bucketElementCounts[k]; l++) {
37                         arr[index++]=bucket[k][l];
38                     }
39                 }
40                 //After round I +1, each bucketElementCounts[k] = 0 !!!!
41                 bucketElementCounts[k]=0;
42             }
43            // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr));
44         }
46     }
47 }






9. Bucket sorting

1. Basic introduction


2. Code implementation

10. Counting sort

1. Basic introduction


2. Code implementation