Editor correlation
1. Search for files and folders
Command + P
2. Search for the text of all files
Command + Shift + F
3. Switch workspace (project)
4. Switch TAB (file)
5. Split screen
Command + \
6. Quickly open and close the sidebar
Command + B
7. Open the integration Terminal “Open New Terminal”.
Control + `
Coding related
8. Select the current row
⌘ + L
9. Delete the current row
Command + X
10. Delete code before cursor (current line)
Command + Delete
11. Fast to the beginning/end of the line
Command + ← / →
12. Local selection
First select the word you want and then press the shortcut key below:
Command + D
13. Global selection
First select the word you want and then press the shortcut key below:
Command + Shift + L
14. Select part of a line
Command + Shift + ← / →
15. Add cursor up/down
Command + Option + ↑ / ↓
16. Select multiple rows
Use the mouse together. Hold down the shortcut key and click the desired line with the mouse
Shift + Option
17. Copy rows up/down
Shift + Option + /
18. Code collapse and expand
Fold: Command + Option + [expand: Command + Option +]
19. Jump to the specified number of rows
Command + P opens the editor Command, then type:, then enter the number of lines.
20. Jump specific symbols in files
Command + Shift + O
In larger code files, it allows you to quickly find the method, property, or class you want to edit.
Plus at sign, you can categorize all the symbols
21. Rename symbols
Select one and press: