A collection of common methods for executing scripts before (after)
This article focuses on the set of common response parameter variables and common methods in the pre-execution and post-execution scripts of the interface management tool APIPOST.
Request: request parameter object
We can obtain the request parameter data from the request object in the pre-execution script or post-execution script. The object structure is as follows:
{" url ":" https://console.apipost.cn/need_token.php ", / / a string, the request url "method" : "POST", / / string, request way "timeout" : "Application /x-www-form-urlencoded", // string, request contentType" request_bodys": application/x-www-form-urlencoded", // string, request contentType" request_bodys": {// object, predefined request Body parameter "user_id": "1", "nick_name": "Jim green"}, "request_headers": {// Object, predefined request Header parameter "Authorization": "Basic amltOnB3ZDEyMw=="}}Copy the code
Response. raw: raw response data
What it means: Raw response data for the current request.
Response. Raw. The status / / response status code (200, 301, 404, etc.) the response. Raw. The responseTime / / response time (milliseconds) response. Raw. Type / / response types (json, etc.) The response. Raw. The responseText / / response textCopy the code
Response. json: Response data in JSON format
Description: The current request response data is in JSON format
Call example as above:
Response.json.data. token // Response.json.data ["token"]Copy the code
Response. headers: indicates the response head
Description: The response header of the current request
Call example:
Response.headers. Server // Response.headers ["server"]Copy the code
Response. cookies: Indicates a response cookie
Description: The response COOKIE of the current request applies to: after the script is executed
Call example:
The response. Cookies. PHPSESSION / / also can response. Cookies [" PHPSESSION "]Copy the code
ApiPost Collection of common methods
1. Set environment variables
apt.variables.set("key", "value"); // Set an environment variable key to value apt.variables.get("key"); // Get the value of the environment variable apt.variables.delete("key"); // Delete the environment variable key apt.variables.clear(); // Empty the environment variablesCopy the code
2. Set global variables
apt.globals.set("key", "value"); // Set a global variable key to value apt.globals.get("key"); // Get the value of the global variable key apt.globals.delete("key"); // Delete the global variable key apt.globals.clear(); // Clear global variablesCopy the code
Check if the Response Body contains a string
apt.assert('response.raw.responseText=="test"'); / / check whether the response text is equal to the test string apt. Assert (' response. Raw. The responseText. IndexOf (" test ") > - 1 '); // Check whether the response text contains the test stringCopy the code
Check whether a value in the returned JSON is equal to the expected value
apt.assert('response.json.hasOwnProperty("errcode")'); // Check whether the returned JSON object contains the errcode field apt.assert(' Response.json. errcode=="success"'); / / testing errcode column is equal to the success of a json object string apt. Assert (' response. Json. Errcode. IndexOf (" success ") > - 1 '); // Check whether the errcode field of the returned JSON object contains the success string apt.assert('response.json.errcode! ="success"'); // Check if the errcode field of the returned JSON object is not equal to the success string apt.assert('response.json.errcode>=1'); // Check whether the errcode field of the returned JSON object is greater than 1 apt.assert(' Response.json. errcode==null'); // Check whether the errcode field of the returned JSON object is nullCopy the code
Test whether an element of response Headers exists (e.g. Content-type)
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6. Verify that the value of the Status code is 200
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7. Verify that Response time is greater than a certain value
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