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I believe that all programmers are beginning to contact with the algorithm will be sorting algorithm, because sorting in the data processing and calculation has this important position, sorting algorithm is often the basis of other algorithms; In this article, we’ll start with the primary sorting algorithm.
A template for sorting algorithms
To begin, we define a template that will be implemented by all sorting algorithms
public interface SortTemplate { void sort(Comparable[] array); default void print(Comparable[] array) { for (Comparable a : array) { System.out.print(a + " "); } } default boolean less(Comparable a, Comparable b) { return a.compareTo(b) < 0; } default void exch(Comparable[] array, int i, int j) { Comparable tmp = array[i]; array[i] = array[j]; array[j] = tmp; }}Copy the code
- Comparable: To make the sorting algorithm we’ve implemented generic, we can sort any object, so we’ve used the Comparable array
- Sort: Different sort algorithms are implemented in different ways
- Less: Defined public method that returns true if a < b
- Exch: a public method defined to swap two objects in an array
- Print: Prints out each element in the data
Selection sort
The idea of algorithm implementation:
- First find the smallest element in the array,
- You swap it with the first element in the array, so you’ve got an element;
- Again, find the smallest remaining element and swap it with the second element in the array until all elements are in order
Code implementation:
public class SelectionSort implements SortTemplate { @Override public void sort(Comparable[] array) { int length = array.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int min = i; for (int j = i + 1; j < length; j++) { if (less(array[j], array[min])) { min = j; } } exch(array, i, min); }}}Copy the code
If the input array is ordered, we’ll see that the selection sort runs as long as the unsorted one!
For an array of N elements, the time to use selection sort is O(N ²).
The number of swaps is linear with the size of the array. An array of N elements requires N swaps
Bubble sort
The idea of algorithm implementation:
- Compare two adjacent elements, and if the former is larger than the latter, swap the positions of the two elements
- Do the same for each set of adjacent elements up to the last one, and when you’re done, you can order the largest element
- And so on until all the elements in the array are ordered
Code implementation:
public class BubbleSort implements SortTemplate {
public void sort(Comparable[] array) {
int length = array.length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < length - i; j++) {
if (less(array[j + 1], array[j])) {
exch(array, j, j + 1);
Copy the code
For an array of N elements, the time to use bubble sort is order N ².
Insertion sort
Imagine we are playing poker and arranging the cards is all about inserting each card into its proper place in the sorted cards on the left. The idea of insertion sort is similar
The idea of algorithm implementation:
- By default, the first element is ordered, and the current index position starts at 0
- Move the current index position successively, the elements to the left of the current index position are in order, scan from back to front to compare with the elements at the current index position
- After determining that the elements at the current index position fit in order on the left, insert into that position
- If it is determined that the current index position is greater than the last sorted element, the current index position is moved directly back
- And so on until everything is in order
Code implementation:
public class InsertionSort implements SortTemplate { @Override public void sort(Comparable[] array) { int length = array.length; for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) { for (int j = i; j > 0 && less(array[j], array[j - 1]); j--) { exch(array, j, j - 1); }}}}Copy the code
We can see from the implementation of the code, when the current index element is greater than the last element of the left ordered array, the inner loop is directly ended, so we sorted the array there is a partial order, then the insertion sort algorithm will be very fast.
In the worst case, if the input array is inverted, then insertion sort is as efficient as selection sort, order n squared.
Hill sorting
Insertion sort is slow for large arrays of random numbers because it swaps only adjacent elements, and elements can only be moved from the array to the correct position bit by bit. Insert sort is efficient for partially ordered arrays;
Hill sort improves insertion sort based on these two characteristics.
The idea of algorithm realization
- First set a step size h to separate out the subarray
- Sort h subarray independently by insertion sort
- Reduce h step size and continue sorting the subarray until h step size is 1
- When the step size is 1 it’s normal insert sort, so the array must be sorted
And the reason why Hill sort is so efficient, is that at the beginning of the sort, each subarray is very short, and then the subarray is partially ordered, both of which are good for insertion sort.
Code implementation:
public class ShellSort implements SortTemplate { @Override public void sort(Comparable[] array) { int gap = 1; int length = array.length; while (gap < length / 3) { gap = 3 * gap + 1; } while (gap >= 1) { for (int i = gap; i < length; i++) { for (int j = i; j >= gap && less(array[j], array[j - gap]); j -= gap) { exch(array, j, j - gap); } } gap = gap / 3; }}}Copy the code
Finally (pay attention, don’t get lost)
There may be more or less deficiencies and mistakes in the article, suggestions or opinions are welcome to comment and exchange.
Finally, writing is not easy, please do not white whoring I yo, I hope friends can point comment attention to three even, because these are all the power source I share
All source code has been put into github repository…
The image is from the Internet reference book: Algorithms 4th Edition