Necessary shortcut keys

To find the relevant

Ctrl + F Searches for text in the current file Ctrl + R Searches for text in the current file Ctrl + N Searches for class files based on the entered name/class name Ctrl + Shift + F Searches for the entire project or files in the specified directory based on the entered content Ctrl + Shift + R Replaces the input content with the corresponding content, ranging from the entire project or files in the specified directory. Press Shift twice to pop up the Search Everywhere pop-up layerCopy the code

Display relevant information

Ctrl + P method parameter prompt Display Ctrl + U Method/interface definition to go to the parent class of the method where the cursor is currently located Ctrl + Shift + B Jump to the type declaration Ctrl + cursor Position Press Ctrl do not release, Alt + Enter IntelliJ IDEA Provides quick repair options based on the problem where the cursor is located. The result of the prompt varies depending on where the cursor is placedCopy the code

Common shortcut keys

Ctrl + / Comment The code on the line where the cursor is located, which uses different comment symbols depending on the current file type Ctrl + Z Cancel Ctrl + Shift + Z Cancel (mandatory) Alt + Insert Code is automatically generated, such as the set/get method for generating objects, Constructor, toString() Ctrl + Y Deletes the line where the cursor is or deletes the selected line Shift + Tab unindent Ctrl + C Copy Ctrl + V PasteCopy the code

All of the shortcuts are described in this blog post

Set the font and style

Set the interface font and style

Go to File-> Setting ->Appearance & Behavior >Appearance

Choose the size and style you like. Finally, click Apply and OK to save the Settings

Set the font and style of the code

Click File – > setting – > Editor – > the font

Choose the size and style you like. Finally, click Apply and OK to save the Settings

Console fonts and styles

Go to File-> Setting ->Editor->Color Scheme->Console Font

Choose the size and style you like. Finally, click Apply and OK to save the Settings

Set the theme

Go to File-> Setting ->Appearance & Behavior >Appearance

There are three themes Darcula, IntelliJ and High Contrast. Choose the one you like and click Apply and OK to save the Settings

The abbreviation of the idea

Commonly used abbreviations

psvm = public static void main(String[] args) {}
sout   = System.out.println();
soutm  = System.out.println("Current class name. Current method");
soutp  = System.out.println("");
soutv  = System.out.println("Variable name ="+ variables); psf =public static final
psfi = public static final int
psfs = public static final String
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Custom abbreviations

Click File – > setting – > Editor – > Live Template

Create a Template Group called test

Then create a Live Template in test

Note 1 refers to abbreviations; Note 2 refers to the specific code represented by the abbreviation; Note 3 refers to the scope of the abbreviation, click to select the scope

Finally, click Apply and OK to save the Settings. Then you can use the abbreviation.

Modify the abbreviation of IDEA

Go to File-> Setting ->Editor->Live Template-> Other and modify it as you like

Custom class templates

Click File-> Setting ->Editor->File and Code Templates -> Includes to add class template comments

/ * * *@Classname ${NAME}
 * @Description TODO
 * @Date ${DATE} ${TIME}
 * @Created by ${USER}
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Common plug-in

Background Image Plus

Idea background modification plug-in, you can set your favorite picture as the code background. Install the tutorial

Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines

Alibaba code specification check plug-in, specification can refer to the “Alibaba Java development manual”. Install the tutorial


Java entity classes can be quickly generated from JSON data. Install the tutorial


Translate plug-in. Install tutorial

More and more

See here for more information about plug-ins

For more idea tutorials see JaJian’s blog and the easiest IntelliJ IDEA tutorial ever