Does it include

Includes (includes or not)

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StartsWith (whether included at the beginning)

// start with XXX
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EndsWith (whether the end contains)

// Whether the end is.txt
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Search index

Indexof (Start from scratch)

/* character/string position in STR (index value), if not found returns -1 argument 2: search right from index 4 (default 0 if not written) */Str.indexof (character/string,4)
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LastIndexof (find from the end)

// Work from the back to the frontStr.lastindexof (character/string)Copy the code


Replace (Replace some characters)

// Replace some of the original characters with the replacement content, the original string remains unchanged
letStr1 = str.replace(part of the original character, what to replace)// Return the replaced string (replace only the first matched string)
let str1 = str.replace(/ Regular expression /, the content of the replacement);// Return the replaced string (replace all matches)
let str1 = str.replace(/ regular expression /g, the content of the replacement);// Return the replaced string (m: for each match)
let str1 = str.replace(/ regular expression /g.m= > m.toLowerCase());
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Split (split into arrays)

// Delimit the string into the array arr by a space,4 means take the first four.
let arr = str.split("".4)
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Regular match

Match (regular match)

// Match a single, return the first matched
str.match(/ Regular expression /);
// add g to indicate all matches and return an array
// String matchAll(/ regular expression /);
str.match(/ regular expression /g);
// I: ignores case and returns the first matched
str.match(/ regular expression/I);
// gi: ignore case and match all
str.match(/ regular expression /gi);
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// Return an array
str.matchAll(/ Regular expression /);
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Case conversion

ToLowerCase (all lowercase)

let str1 = str.toLowerCase()
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ToUpperCase (all uppercase)

let str1 = str.toUpperCase()
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Go to the space

TrimStart (go ahead space)

let str1 = str.trimStart()
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TrimEnd (go after space)

let str1 = str.trimEnd()
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Trim (remove the Spaces)

let str1 = str.trim()
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PadStart (beginning completion)

'xxx'.padStart(7.'ab') // 'ababxxx'
'xxx'.padStart(6.'ab') // 'abaxxx'
'xxx'.padStart(2.'ab') // 'xxx'
'x'.padStart(4) // 'x'(no argument two, use space to complete)
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PadEnd (end completion)

'xxx'.padEnd(7.'ab') // 'xxxabab'
'xxx'.padEnd(6.'ab') // 'xxxaba'
'xxx'.padEnd(2.'ab') // 'xxx'
'x'.padEnd(4) // 'x '(no argument two, use space to complete)
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The interception


// Intercepts a string in positions 3 to 5
let str1 = str.slice(3.6)
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Substr (truncated characters)

// Cut the string from position 3 to 8,6 means 6 (if 6 is not written, cut to the last)
let str1 = str.substr(3.6)
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