Participate in the 8th day of The November Gwen Challenge, see the details of the event: 2021 Last Gwen Challenge
Write a few that I come across for now, and I’ll add them later. Long-term more text.
L2 loss
Mean square loss, is l (y, y ‘) = 12 (y – y ‘) 2 l \ left (y, y ^ {\ prime} \ right) = \ frac {1} {2} \ left (y – y ^ {\ prime} \ right) ^ {2} l (y, y ‘) = 21 (y – y ‘) 2
The 12\frac 1 221 on the front lets you cancel out the 2^22 when you take the derivative.
Green is l (y, y ‘) = 12 (y – y ‘) 2 l \ left (y, y ^ {\ prime} \ right) = \ frac {1} {2} \ left (y – y ^ {\ prime} \ right) ^ {2} l (y, y ‘) = 21 (y – y ‘) 2
Pink is four functions, namely, e – (l (y, y ‘)) e ^ {- \ left (l \ left (y, y ^ {\ prime} \ right) \ right)} e – (l (y, y ‘)) obey normal distribution (gaussian)
The yellow is the gradient of the loss function, the first order function, going through the origin. Parameters are updated along the direction of negative gradient during gradient descent. So the derivative is determining how gradient descent updates the parameters. When the predicted value is farther from the real value, the gradient is larger and the parameter update amplitude is larger; when the gradient decreases, the parameter update amplitude is smaller and smaller.
That’s not a good thing, maybe we don’t want to drastically update the parameters when we’re far away.
L1 loss
Absolute loss function l (y, y ‘) = ∣ – y y ‘∣ \ l left (y, y ^ {\ prime} \ right) = \ left | y – y ^ {\ prime} \ right | l (y, y’) = ∣ – y y ‘∣
- Purple is l (y, y ‘) = ∣ – y y ‘∣ \ l left (y, y ^ {\ prime} \ right) = \ left | y – y ^ {\ prime} \ right | l (y, y’) = ∣ – y y ‘∣
- Blue is its quaternion function
- Green is the gradient, and the interval is plus or minus one. Weight update is stable, but not differentiable at zero, and may be unstable at the end of optimization.
Huber’s Robust loss
Hubble’s loss
It combines the advantages of the first two.
When the difference between the predicted value and the true value is large, use the absolute value error minus 12\frac 1 221 to connect the images. Square error is used when the predicted value is close to the true value.
In this way, the weight can be updated evenly when the distance is relatively far, and the gradient becomes smaller and smaller at the end of the optimization, making the optimization smoother.