Basic selector
Universal selector (*)
* is that all of the following HTML tags change their effect uniformly
Label selector
Eg: p{background:}
Id selector (#)
Select the tag and give the element a unique id #p{
Class selector (.)
Select one or more tags and add a class attribute to the tag. main{ background: }
Combinatorial selector
Descendant selector (space)
Select all tags under a tag, regardless of how many layers are nested the tag will be selected
Child selector (>)
Only the first layer of nested tags can be selected. The second layer does not work
Parallel selector (,)
Render multiple elements simultaneously, separated by commas
Adjacent selector (+)
This is only used for sibling Html, and only for the element immediately following it, not for non-adjacent or preceding elements
Sibling selector (~)
Renders all elements following an element
Pseudo class selector
- 1) a: Link normal hyperlink style (color, background color)
- 2) A: Visited CLICK the hyperlink style after the visit
- 3) A: Hover a hyperlink style
- 4) a:active Mouse click on unreleased hyperlink style,
When used together, the order cannot be changed
Eg: li:first-child is not used when other elements are spaced in the first child
6) First-of-type Select the first element of the specified type in the child element eg: a:first-of-type
7) Last-child must be the last element separated by other elements
8) Last-of-type Select the last specified element. Other elements can also be selected if they are separated
9) nth-child select the number of elements in the specified position,
10) nTH-of-type Select the number of elements in the specified position, there are other elements in the middle will not be disturbed (NTH can be used to set interline color)
Pseudo-element selector (double colon: 
- 1) first-letter selects the first letter of the element
- 2) first-line Selects the first line of the element
- 3) Selection of text selected by the user box (usually with color change)