Alert and Loading boxes are essential components in mobile terminal development. Each platform provides corresponding APIS. Of course, UI styles and response modes vary from platform to platform. In the recent project, I have done some work on related aspects. I have deliberately removed the related code logic from the project and packaged it into independent components. Here is a brief introduction.
The react-Native project provides a common float component:…
- Universal RRCAlert component
- Generic RRCLoading component
npm i react-native-overlayer --save
Copy the code
import { RRCAlert } from 'react-native-overlayer'; . RRCAlert.alert(title, content, buttons, callback, options);Copy the code
key default value desc contentTextStyle null The text style of the popbox content -
When buttons.length > 2, the buttons in the popover are arranged vertically
import { RRCLoading } from 'react-native-overlayer'; import LoadingImage from './src/loading.gif'; . const options = { loadingImage: LoadingImage, text: 'gogogo' }; RRCLoading.setLoadingOptions(options);; RRCLoading.hide();Copy the code
key default value desc loadingImage null Image (GIF) text Loading in… Loading Text displayed in the loading box -
Using giFs on Android requires additional configuration. Add the following code to Android /app/build.gradle
Dependencies {/ / if you need to support the GIF diagram the compile 'com. Facebook. Fresco ": animated - GIF: 1.3.0'}Copy the code
Alert and Loading occur simultaneously
scenario | The effect |
Many timesRRCAlert.alert() |
Show the last one first (in reverse order) |
Many |
Just to show you the last one,RRCLoading.hide() When removing the |
Triggered when loading does not disappearRRCAlert.alert() |
Loading is displayed first, and alert is displayed after loading disappears |
Triggered when alert does not |
Loading is displayed first, and alert is displayed after loading disappears |
The effect
The core to realize
Overlay RRCTopView (overlay) RRCTopView (overlay) RRCTopView (overlay) RRCTopView (overlay) RRCTopView (overlay) RRCTopView ‘absolute’), whose core code is as follows:
if (! AppRegistry.registerComponentOld) { AppRegistry.registerComponentOld = AppRegistry.registerComponent; } AppRegistry.registerComponent = function (appKey, componentProvider) { class RootElement extends Component { render() { let Component = componentProvider(); return ( <RRCTopView> <Component {... this.props} /> </RRCTopView> ); } } return AppRegistry.registerComponentOld(appKey, () => RootElement); }Copy the code