
What happened was that today, as usual, I took a look at several open source technology exchange QQ groups I built after work, trying to find valuable construction information. Because I am too busy to read these messages, and I can seldom get some valuable construction advice, SO I don’t have much expectation.

But today, I actually found a XUI in the QQ group to do a complete open source project, but also the recent hot smart home project, with management background, front-end, mobile terminal and hardware terminal, can be commercialized project!

You may ask me, what is XUI?

XUI is the Android native UI framework that I opened source at the beginning of 2019, which allows a developer who has never touched Android to write a simple and elegant APP easily.

The following is the Star trend chart of XUI project on Github:

Without further ado, let’s take a look at what this project really looks like.


Project name: Wumart Intelligent

Project address:…

Project introduction

  1. Wumei-smart is an open source software and hardware system that can be used for secondary development and learning to quickly build your own smart home system. Hardware engineers can integrate their own devices into the system; Software engineers can familiarize themselves with software/hardware interactions using the equipment in the project.

  1. The server uses Spring Boot, database mysql and Redis, front-end VUE, mobile Android, hardware ESP-IDF and Arduino, etc. The software and hardware interaction is based on Mqtt protocol and uses EMQ proxy server. The system architecture diagram is as follows:

  1. The hardware side provides access documents, which require the device to support network functions. The project contains hardware codes and access examples of ESP-IDF and Arduino. At the same time, the intelligent switch (wifi connector) board is made, which can be used for study and life, to control the electric equipment below 2500W.

  • Mobile phone, computer remote control
  • Remote pairing, coding and control
  • Air temperature and humidity monitoring
  • Radar sensing and alarm
  • 220V and 5V voltage supply, resistive load 2500W, inductive load 250W

Refer to the case

  1. NodeMCU development board to make a smart switch

2. Wifi controller and LED lamp board to make colorful intelligent lamp

3. Raspberry PI installs Wumei-Smart as a server to save costs

Technology stack

  • The back-end
    • Related technologies: Spring Boot, MyBatis, Spring Security, Jwt, Mysql, Redis, Mongodb, Mqtt, etc
    • Development tool: IDEA
  • The front end
    • Related technologies: ES6, Vue, Vuex, VUE-Router, VUE-CLI, Axios, Elemen-UI, etc
    • Development tools: Visual Studio Code
  • The android
    • Related technologies: XUI, XPage, XAOP, XHttp2, etc.
    • Development tool: Android Studio
  • Hardware side
    • Related technologies: ESP-IDF, Arduino, FreeRTOS, etc
    • Development tools: Visual Studio Code

Rapid deployment system

  1. Install the docker
  2. Run the following commands in the command window to complete back-end, front-end, database, and EMQX deployment:
docker run \ --name wumei-smart \ --publish 80:80 \ --publish 18083:18083 \ --publish 1883:1883 \ --publish 3306:3306 \ --publish 6379:6379 \ --restart always \ --detach \ kerwinCUI /wumei-smart:1.0Copy the code
  1. Scan code to download APP installation, open APP, skip login, and configure the server address

Test account: wumei admin123; The default account is admin admin123

  1. The hardware code is burned to the device

Some pictures of the system

The tutorials

  • Project documentation
  • Hardware Access Document
  • Demo video, in production…..
  • Wumart intelligent official website
  • According to the documentation, the front and back ends are based on the front and back end separation framework
  • XUI, Android UI uses XUI!
  • Esp-idf Programming Guide

The last

I hope you can not only develop your own APP through self-learning XUI like this student, but also share your interesting projects, so that more people can see your achievements and enrich the cases of XUI!

If you have an interesting project developed using XUI, please leave your project information on the official Github homepage of XUI to let more people see your results!

Click here to share your project now!

I am Xuexiangjys, a technical leader who loves learning and programming, and is committed to Android architecture research and experience sharing of open source projects. For more information, welcome to wechat search public number: [My Android open Source journey]