Li Xueqin gave us a very easy to understand explanation of what pareto optimality is.

In answer to the question “Have a job, choose high salary or happy?” And she said, “The most happy is the most you’d be hard pressed to find a work to earn money, but you will be able to find than I make money not me happy ‘ ‘ ‘happy than I am not I’ work to make money, this job is called” pareto optimality “, that is to say, you can’t be without reducing an index under the premise of improving another index, this choice is good choice.”

Regarding the matter of applying for college entrance examination, the pareto optimal formula also holds true. It may be difficult for us to find a major we love the most and the most popular, but we can certainly find a major we love but not so popular, which is the Pareto optimal major.

Throughout life, we have to face too many choices, trivial to wear today’s clothes, what lunch for lunch, complex to go far away or back home, hard to pursue a dream or do not have to turn over the salt fish……

How many places, landscapes, books, songs and encounters a person has to go to before he or she knows what he or she really likes and really wants?

Choice may be the most important thing in life, but once you have made a choice, it becomes the least important thing. Since the choice is made, there is no need to struggle with the right or wrong, after all, there is no right or wrong in life. Besides, tomorrow we will face new choices… .

We always fail to pick the biggest apple in the orchard, but the ones we end up picking are all right!


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