Today’s cartoon is inspired by Zhihu’s Wanzan answer, and partly because of the true portrayal of the recent work situation. It tells how bugs arise in the programmer’s work, and how to control the time when you run away as an excellent programmer. Take a look at what happened…

The plot is purely fictional, and any similarity is purely coincidental.


As the saying goes: a thousand miles of dam, collapse of the nest, as a programmer, more or less have similar experience, a small bug, that is, can make the whole system hang.

And bugs, stems from met don’t understand the technology leadership or the boss, such as boast forces around with business department and customers, how fast can guarantee the project development, better, more stable, but when really needs to come out, after developers assessment, time is far beyond the scope of his braggart, then opens the compression mode, programmers work overtime, Shorten the project cycle to the completion of his face, lead to project infrastructure does not reach the designated position, the test case range is not wide, like the plot in the cartoon, the foundation is not firm, the unsteady force launched, later can’t maintain, change one place has ten will be affected, the user’s behavior is beyond the scope test cases, system collapse immediately ~, then after the boss know, Lose face and then blame the programmer.

In the end, the programmer can’t take it anymore and has to jump ship. The new guy knows nothing about the project, struggles through a maze of systems, fixes one bug and causes another 100, and so on and so on. And the boss/leader is completely self-satisfied and doesn’t recognize his own problems…

Programmers are really hard…

The resources

  • How do bugs arise

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Now where did King Dana go after he ran away? What unexpected things have happened? Stay tuned for the next post…

This article is “front-end evangelist” original reprint please contact Su-South on wechat for authorization, and indicate the source!

Written by Su Nan and Da Bai Illustration/typesetting by Su Nan

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This article was first published on the public account: Front-end Evangelist


For reprint, please contact wechat: su-South authorized

Interpret front-end technology with cartoon, deduce program life with pen, wish my pen, can bo jun (qing) smile

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