In the golden Three silver four job-hopping season, many friends are in the interview, and occasionally some friends in the backstage will ask me some questions about the interview, or some thoughts about leaving. Of course, the interview is the interview question, more boring, leaving the job is not the same, a lot of various.

One of the most asked is the reason for leaving, summed up is: the interview is difficult, more difficult to leave, so how to have the level, skilled to leave? Maybe even mention N+1 before you leave?

In this aspect, Dana Wang is very experienced, summed up a few points for us, let’s have a look

The plot of this cartoon is pure fiction. If there is any similarity, it is pure coincidence.

This is sunan’s 18th original comic post, please give it a thumbs up


This comic is a joke, never take it seriously… It’s none of my business if anyone loses their job after watching the copycat movie.

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This article was originally written by programmers who draw comics

Please contact Su-South on wechat for authorization and indicate the source.

Written by: Su Nan Illustrator/layout: Su Nan

More wonderful programmer comics, all in the cartoon programmer

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  • Comic | oh my god, I put the interviewer the whole collapse ~
  • Comics in a silly X | work leadership is what experience??
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  • Cartoons | middle-aged, a chicken feather
  • Comic | take you enjoy the front-end development history of enmity

More wonderful, welcome to pay attention to us -> cartoon programmers

This article was first published on our official account: Programmer who draws comics


For reprint, please contact wechat: su-South authorized

Interpret front-end technology with cartoon, deduce program life with pen, wish my pen, can bo jun (qing) smile

Github address: More interesting programmer comics… Welcome Star and Watch

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