Today’s article is calledHow is comic | Bug?“The second half, has not seen the friends can take a look at oh, about the last article in the wang Dana can not stand the leadership of the technology, all kinds of unreasonable demand and volume, with the idea of running away, in the interview a series of stories…


At the end of a lot of classmates would surely see opportunity, many years ago, interview years later took his old club award entry again, jumped ship is perfect, but in the interview process, after the layers of customs clearance to enter at the end of the interview, the interviewer/HR, etc. Usually before the end of the interview, throws a question: “what do you want to ask?” So how do you usually answer, what kind of questions do you ask? Here are a few suggestions I’ve collected that people seem to agree with:

Can you talk about the team I’ll be working with? What do you like best about working here? Can you tell me the routine and arrangement of this position? … The interview is a two-way choice, do not go to the company with doubts and concerns, otherwise it may be like the wang Dana in the cartoon oh, fell into another pit from this pit……

By all means, comic plot can not imitate oh, learn wang Dana asked “can run away…” You’re really screwed…

This article is “front-end evangelist” original reprint please contact Su-South on wechat for authorization, and indicate the source!

Written by: Su Nan Illustrator/layout: Su Nan

Review past

  • Comics in a silly X | work leadership is what experience??
  • Comic | product managers frequently changing requirements, I didn’t resist him cut down!
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This article was first published on the public account: Front-end Evangelist


For reprint, please contact wechat: su-South authorized

Interpret front-end technology with cartoon, deduce program life with pen, wish my pen, can bo jun (qing) smile

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