The first public account: Bigsai


Hello, I ambigsaiLong time no see, very miss, the article included at the same timeEnter the classroom. This article on self-learning Java n problems and N methods to make some suggestions, and recommended a self-learning Java route, more suitable for some new entry of small white.

Whether you’re a college student or a professional, when you want to learn Java, you have two choices: teach yourself or take a class. Signing up for classes is often too expensive and time is not free; Self-study and do not know how to start, worried that they can not stick to it. What to do?

This article will answer N kinds of questions about self-learning Java:

Are you suitable for self-learning Java?

How to teach yourself Java?

Is there any reliable Java self-study material recommended?

How do you let yourself see progress and stick to it?

Above questions, in the course I will comb out the answer to you, hurry up and start learning.

Who is suitable for self-learning Java

Before self-learning, you may have a lot of confusion and doubts because of your own conditions, and do not know whether you are suitable for self-learning Java. Let’s take a quiz to see if you’re ready to teach yourself Java.

First question: How strongly do you believe in learning Java?

The lowest score is 0, the highest score is 5. How would you rate yourself?

A strong commitment to Java is a prerequisite for learning Java, and if you have a score of 2.5 or less, you are advised not to learn Java. If you give yourself a score of more than 2.5 (the higher the better), congratulations, you passed the first test!

Second question: do you learn Java for the purpose of interest promotion or employment?

If you’re just learning Java for the fun of it, then either you’re teaching yourself or you’re signing up for a class, because you have the right time. So you can skip the rest of the test and look at the dry stuff.

But if you are to learn Java for employment, it has certain requirements for learning Java effect and time, but also to meet the social post requirements. I suggest you consider signing up for the class or self-study.

If you are older than 30, I don’t recommend learning Java anymore. On the one hand, the learning ability and energy after 30 years old are very low, and on the other hand, it is almost impossible for a 30-year-old Java beginner to find a job.

But if you’re under 30, you’re still objectively qualified to learn Java. The rest is a test of your self-control and perseverance.

The third question: the lowest score is 0, the highest score is 5, how do you rate your self-control and perseverance?

If your score is less than 3, I suggest you take a class in Java, self-study is not for you. (If you’re not sure about your self-control level, you can also check out some self-control tests online.)

But if you have a lot of self-control, a lot of time to yourself, and love to think and study independently, then congratulations, I think you are perfect for self-study. If you choose to study by yourself, then you can learn from this course, and I believe you can find a suitable path for yourself!

Finally, you might ask whether gender, English level, math level, or whether you are in a class, etc., affect self-learning Java. If you pass all the above tests, these are actually non-critical factors.

Let’s summarize all of the above with a picture:

Although gender, English, mathematics, and whether the key factors for the computer professional is not, but when you’re a girl, English, maths is bad, not the computer professional than boys, good computer professional English, math, or there will be some impact, in order to achieve the same result may require more effort.

Let’s compare computer majors with non-computer majors.

The distinction between computer major and non-computer major self-study Java?

Although computer is mainly self-taught, computer majors still have great advantages over non-computer majors. Most computer majors offer Java as a course, which allows these students to quickly pass the “cold start” on the way to learning Java. There are also some important basic courses, such as data structure, operating system, database, computer network and so on, which can help students to have a deeper understanding of computer, learning the Java language can also have a deeper understanding.

Rather than the computer professional in self-study Java, because of the limitation of the original professional course, homework, learning time than computer professional students a lot less, but these problems can be overcome, can spend some spare time, weekend time, learn and practice the Java, can also rub a rub computer professional courses in Java, More exchanges and collisions with computer related students. Self-learning Java mentality is also very important, do not complain about being dragged down by the professional courses, to be optimistic to face the difficulties in learning, have a long-term vision, the sun always after the storm!

In general, computer majors have more resources and time for self-study of Java, so they need to pay more attention to the methods and content of self-study. In addition to focusing on methods and content, it is important to insist on squeezing out a lot of time for Java in a busy schedule, which is a very big test of perseverance.

When it’s time for you to learn by yourself, you need to look for ways to increase the efficiency of self-learning Java. How? Take a look below

Three keys to effective Self-learning Java

Here I summed up three points, respectively from the perspective of understanding, method, feedback to write, which must be suitable for you!

1 Understand the Java knowledge system

Before self-learning Java, we should have a certain understanding of Java and Java system knowledge, and have a general outline in mind to learn, so as to be more practical. Learn about Java through a few questions.

What is Java?

Java is an object-oriented programming language for writing cross-platform applications. In short, Java is a language, but a language that runs on the JVM, which compiles bytecode, which the JVM interprets as machine code, and acts accordingly.

What can Java do?

Currently, Java is mostly used to do back-end development, big data development and Android development, which are three popular positions in the Current Java technology stack, among which the Market demand for Java back-end is the largest. Java can also do desktop application development, game development, but the demand is relatively less.

Major domestic companies, such as Alibaba, Meituan, JINGdong and Pinduoduo, use Java as the main language. Most small and medium-sized enterprises also choose Java as the back-end development language for maturity and stability. In addition, many well-known middleware are written in Java, such as Elasticsearch, RocketMQ, Hadoop, etc.

What does Java know?

First, Java foundation

Getting started with Java:

  • Install JDK, IDEA, the first HelloWorld
  • Basic contents: input and output, naming conventions, comments
  • Data type: base data type (and its wrapper class), reference type
  • Modifiers: Access modifiers, non-access modifiers
  • Operators: assignment, arithmetic, autoincrement and subtraction, comparison, logic, bitwise, ternary operators and their priorities
  • Control process: condition judgment, circular statement
  • Array, character type
  • Classes and objects
  • Object – oriented three characteristics: inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism
  • Date, re, large number operations (easy to understand)

Java Advanced Section:

  • IO Common file operations
  • Collection framework: ArrayList, LinkedList, HashMap, HashSet, ArrayDeque, etc
  • Exception handling
  • The generic
  • JDBC
  • Network programming
  • New Java8 features (Lambda)
  • Reflection, annotations (a bit difficult)
Java Advanced
  • Multithreading, high concurrency
  • 23 design patterns
  • Trees, red-black trees, B-trees, hashes, heaps, graphs, etc
  • Algorithms: ten sorting, binary search, divide and conquer, greedy algorithm, bit operation, backtracking, dynamic programming, search algorithm (BFS, DFS), shortest path (Dijkstra, Floyd), minimum spanning tree (Prim, Kruskal), and search set, KMP and other algorithms
Three, JavaWeb:
  • HTML, JavaScript, CSS
  • XML, JSON,
  • Tomcat
  • Servlet/JSP (mostly servlets)
  • JQuery, Ajax
  • MVC
  • Cookies, Session
  • Filters, listeners
  • File upload and download (Servlet3.0)
  • Linux
Four, common framework:
  • ORM framework: Mybatis

  • Spring family buckets: Spring, SpringMVC, SpringBoot

  • Security framework: Shiro, Spring Security (optional)

  • Other frameworks: Swagger (online interface), Log4j2 (log), Quartz (timing), etc

  • Microservices: SpringCloud, Dubbo, etc

5. Common Middleware and tools:
  • Version control: Git and SVN
  • Package management: Maven, Gradle
  • Relational databases: MySQL, Oracle, etc
  • Non-relational databases: Redis (cache), Memcached (cache), MongoDB (document), etc
  • Search engines: Elasticsearch, Solr, etc
  • Message queues: RocketMQ, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, Kafka, etc
  • Web server: Apache, Nginx
  • Containers: Docker, K8S
  • Big data: Hadoop, Spark, Strom, Flink, etc

Of course, the above is just a list of most knowledge points, there are many knowledge such as log analysis monitoring (ELK), continuous integration, sub-database sub-table, etc., are also popular technologies, Java backend technology system is huge. These can be chosen for further study, depending on your job or interest.

Three ways to learn Java by yourself – books, videos and blogs

Self-study Java generally has books, videos, blogs and other learning materials, here mainly explains the three differences and similarities in self-study Java.

Read books and learn Java by yourself

Reading is the most traditional way of learning, most of our self-study knowledge from childhood to the big is through reading, so maybe many people like and adapt to this way. Books are rigorous, systematic and other characteristics, and paper content back and forth is easier to review.

However, reading also has some disadvantages: it may not be clear about the priorities, in fact, there is a focus on learning Java, and the book may not have too much introduction and annotation in this aspect, and some unpopular knowledge can not be learned (such as Java Swing part); Some content, even if the author has written well, may not be fully understood due to the lack of cases and explanations (especially xiaobai).

Watch the video to teach yourself Java

More people are willing to teach themselves Java by watching videos than by reading books, which most people find boring. However, the video is different. In the video, teachers usually explain while knocking, which makes it easier to understand the knowledge point. Besides, people are emotional animals, and watching the video is just like communicating with the teacher.

Of course, watching videos will also have some disadvantages. It is very long and difficult to quickly review the knowledge learned or skim the content of chapters, so it may waste a little learning time.

Read blogs to teach yourself Java

Blog is an indispensable learning resource for programmers. In recent years, there are more and more high-quality blogs and articles. This kind of blog article is easier to read, the content choice is also more rich, good blog graphic and vivid image is very helpful to understand memory, and blog is more advantageous in code copy learning.

Reading blogs also has some disadvantages: for example, blogs are fragmented and the system is not complete. The quality of blogs is uneven and the gap is large, and even some blogs have big mistakes, so choosing a good blog is a big challenge.

In general, the main force of system self-study Java is watching videos and reading books. You can watch videos and read books as a supplement. If you do not understand difficult points, you can learn and absorb them by searching related blogs and reading more articles.

To help you with your learning, I’ve compiled a list of great videos, books, podcasts, and lists of quiz sites and communities that you can enjoy.

Graphic tutorial website:

Rookie tutorial:… The tutorial is free and suitable for beginners

W3Cschool: tutorials are free and suitable for basic introduction

Easy hundred tutorial: tutorial free, suitable for basic entry

How2j: Java basic to advanced, and a variety of frameworks, middleware tutorials teaching in the form of levels, from basic to advanced, the content of the article quality is relatively high

Bookstack: is a free online website for ebooks, notes and documents

There are also other free tutorials, personal sites like importNew and Myself-study.

Video online course website:

Dynamic node:… There are lots of good free courses

Moocs: is free or paid

B station: has the good name of “B station university”

For video tutorial websites, site B is the first. Many training institutions will put part of high-quality videos on site B to attract users. These free resources can be used well, and site B is an open platform. There are also some training institutions such as Chuanzhi podcast, Silicon Valley, Danai and so on can go to the official website to get some free knowledge, and some course websites such as Tencent classroom, Tanzhou Education, pull hook, geek time, Blue bridge cloud class, kaikai Bar and many other courses in the beginning of the promotion period is particularly cheap to start a wave of learning.

Of course, there is a way to get video tutorial is to others, a lot of public number will share resources in the public number backstage can be free, there are some resources can be obtained through Taobao and xianyu low-cost network disk resources, or very worthwhile.

Brush the topic website

Power button:…


Some websites applicable to ACM players: Hangzhou DianoJ, Codeforce, Vjudge, Atcoder

Java development should also brush the question? That is for sure, looking for a job no matter big factory small factory (especially big factory) can not avoid the pen test, force buckle and niuke have sword point offer, suggest brush 2-3 times, force buckle hot100 must brush, if the impact of big factory that must brush more than 200 lines.

Other Learning Sites

CSDN: the largest Chinese blog site, combined with search

Blog park: old community, there are still many users

Zhihu: has many high quality q&a, articles and columns

Nuggets of gold: Juejin. Cn/community is new, front-end users are more, content quality is relatively high

Q&a: good content and q&A quality the largest open source community in the world, there are a lot of open source projects

Stack Overflow: Is the world’s largest technology consulting platform

V2EX High-quality communication community

As for 51CTO, Infoq and Open Source China, the quality of their content is also high, but there are relatively few users. These learning websites and resources are not systematized with the knowledge introduced in the previous two items. These platforms are relatively fluid and interactive, so you need to find resources suitable for yourself and make good use of the search function. In addition, you can also pay attention to bloggers who feel good about reading their columns on each platform, and the benefits are also great.

Recommended books

I recommend the book “Java from the beginning to master”, there are cases, code to follow it is easy to understand.

Of course, the industry is known as the four great books of good quality:

JAVA Language programming —- beginner

JAVA Core Technology Volume I—- Elementary, JAVA Core Technology volume II—- Intermediate

JAVA Programming ideas —- Elementary to Intermediate

Effective Java —- Intermediate

When learning from books, you can put aside the difficult content and skip the window application parts such as Java Swing. You don’t need to buy all these books, just one reference book is enough.

Review and communicate, firmly lock knowledge points

Learning is easily forgotten, so always review it. I don’t recommend video as a long-term review method, but rather blogs and paper book reviews, because they can be quickly located and a lot of content comes back to mind in a single look.

In addition to reviewing, communication can be another great way to lock in knowledge. It allows you to listen to others, think deeply, and understand more. There are many ways and means of communication

Communicate with people around: the most convenient and efficient way of communication is to communicate with classmates, roommates and people who study together to learn and progress together and share learning experience;

Community forum communication: the most popular is to add some QQ, wechat technical exchange group or in some question and answer forum communication, there will be many gods or like-minded people can help you. As a technical person to add a few technical communities, more stroll technical forum is still very necessary.

Of course, there is another way, which may not be suitable for everyone, is to communicate with “yourself” and output the important and difficult points of your own learning content in the form of notes and articles. Although it takes a lot of energy and time, the process of constant thinking, optimization and writing will make you more impressed with the knowledge.

The most practical Java learning path ever

Having covered the key points for effective Java self-learning, here are some practical Java self-learning paths.

This path is made by me for you. It combines my self-study experience with Daniel’s learning advice to avoid learning pitfalls. The path is divided into four parts:

  1. Java basic learning stage
  2. JavaWeb learning phase
  3. Frame learning stage
  4. Self improvement stage

When you learn the third stage, you reach the level of an entry-level programmer and can find a job. The fourth phase — the Self Improvement phase — is the advanced Java and Framework sections that you can learn more about as you go along, and the rest.

Here I recommend the self-study path, mainly video. Because each stage in the Java path is relatively independent, it is not necessary to pursue one video, but it is recommended to watch one video for the same stage.

Java basic learning stage

This stage corresponds to the Java foundation in the Java knowledge system. The method is study + brush questions. Study for 8 hours a day, and the total time is recommended to be controlled within 60 days.

The recommended video for this stage is “Introduction to Java” in Carriage Return class (about 30 hours in total). Watch the video 1.5 times to see (can not understand can be rewind to watch a few times, it is best not to watch the original speed), encountered a case to pause, follow the knock (underline the key, follow the knock is very important, understand is not equal to really understand).

After watching the video, read the book. I recommend “Java from Beginner to Master” or “Java Core Volume I”. If the corresponding content is easy to understand then it shows that the learning effect is good, if not, read more books or find some blog articles to learn. The case in the book should also be typed.

After studying, you also need to check how well you have learned, by brushing some simple questions to reinforce. I suggest toHangzhou telegraph page 11orC language networkTo brush some simple questions to test themselves, successfully complete a series of questions will let themselves get a sense of achievement, have the motivation to continue learning.

At this stage, you may have learned a lot about the use of collection frameworks, but you don’t understand why, for example, it’s hard to understand why ArrayList queries are faster and LinkedList inserts are faster, because you don’t have a store of data structures and algorithms, so at the end of this stage, Do you want to mend the content of the data structure and algorithm (first pass study is given priority to with watching and understanding, do not need to own implementation), here I recommend the way one’s deceased father grind Wang Zhuo video data structure and B station of Qingdao university teacher data structure and algorithm of column, although the two are in the C language point of view, but doesn’t interfere with you understand, if you have interest to implement various data structures and algorithms, You can find the implementation on the blog.

During this period, of course, it is also necessary to brush the questions, but it is not recommended to brush the questions on hangdian and C language network. At this time, it is suggested to brush the questions on “sword point offer”. A total of 67 questions on sword point offer are high-frequency written interview questions, and many of them are related to data structure. Maybe at the beginning of the brush will be more difficult, force buckle and niuguan network corresponding topic discussion area has a lot of quality to learn.

JavaWeb learning phase

For JavaWeb, learn 8 hours a day, and it is recommended to control the time to about 30 days. It is recommended to learn mainly by video, supplemented by tutorial websites. This part is relatively simple, but it involves many new technologies and concepts that take time to absorb (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JQuery, MVC, Ajax, etc.). Learning JavaWeb recommended B station crazy god JavaWeb entry to the actual combat video, about 25 hours, also want to double speed. When learning JavaWeb, you will be involved in some other fields, such as Html, JavaScript, CSS, MySQL and so on. You don’t need to learn deeply, but you can learn some basic things first. In addition, when watching the video, THE JSP part can be briefly looked at, especially the tag, EL expression that piece of application has been very few, quickly browse.

JavaWeb part, if you encounter some errors that are difficult to resolve and skip, you can go to Github to find some running projects to run. Some things do not have to be locked, a lot of resource tutorials can run out for the initial is the most critical.

Learning JavaWeb in addition to following the video, you can also follow the tutorial site or blog column to learn (such as the rookie tutorial Servlet), because follow the tutorial site in the code learning efficiency is higher, of course, in learning other people’s code to have their own innovation.

Learning JavaWeb Servlet/Jsp in this part of the content, in addition to follow the tutorial case one by one to knock on the code, the last must start to knock on a small website, website content includes Servlet, Jsp, Session, Cookie, JDBC, Ajax and other related technologies, You can obtain front-end page templates or UI frameworks (Layui or EasyUI is recommended) from the network to modify the functions, such as login and registration, file upload and download, and page access count.

Frame learning stage

Frame learning + actual project learning 8 hours a day, it is recommended to control the time in 60 days, the recommended learning method is video + document learning.

JavaWeb Servlet/Jsp is rarely used directly in the enterprise, learning enterprise development framework is the most important, if the framework class simply to learn the application of words do not buy books, because the mainstream framework technology update iteration faster, most of the books can not keep up with the development of technology; If in order to deeply understand the framework design, principle can buy the corresponding framework of the source analysis class books (to pay attention to the framework version). When looking for videos or blog tutorials, keep an eye out for the release date of the article or video.

In the framework, the most important is Spring, SpringMVC, Mybatis, SSM, SpringBoot and so on. In terms of learning sequence, it is suggested to integrate SSM framework after learning the three frameworks independently, from Mybatis to Spring to SpringMVC, and write some small cases using SSM. After learning SpringBoot, use SpringBoot to complete the actual combat project to consolidate learning.

Recommend crazy god series video:

  • Crazy god Mybatis tutorial:… The video is about 11 hours long
  • Crazy god Spring tutorial:… The video is about 8 hours long
  • Crazy god for SpringMVC tutorial:… The video is about 10 hours long
  • Crazy god SSM integration tutorial:… The video is about three hours long
  • Crazy god SpringBoot tutorial:… The video is about 19 hours long
  • Crazy god SpringBoot development website (… The video is about five hours long

Starting with frameworks, you should learn to read the official documentation, because the popularity and success of an open source framework is closely related to its documentation, which is the first source of high quality information. Some official documents may not be in Chinese, so you need to have a certain Level of English or use a translator. Here are some excellent columns and blogs to share with you:

  • IO /projects/sp…
  • Mybatis official website document…
  • Mybatis-Spring documentation…
  • Mybatis Chinese community
  • SpringBoot Chinese community springboot. IO /
  • Fang zhiming’s personal blog (SpringBoot,SpringCloud tutorials)
  • Programmers DD personal blog (SpringBoot SpringCloud)…
  • Mybatis:…
  • Pure wechat SpringBoot Github repository:…

In addition to the above frameworks, you also need to learn the Java backend Security framework (Shiro or Spring Security, you can learn either); Redis cache, message queue (choose a message queue to learn), later there will be time to learn other middleware.

Framework to study, must begin to master more, if you are a student can according to the task of the classroom or school this gen, big and write program to improve the proficiency and expanding study, if you are a student not project conditions, non computer major, then you can take a project practice teaching video to write a program to consolidate learning content.

Self improvement stage

The previous content is relatively simple to learn, is the core of self-study, but spend the early to learn what also want to have a general understanding, here is a brief introduction and recommend some books.

  • Java Concurrent Programming: “Java Concurrent Programming in Action”
  • JVM: Understanding the JVM Virtual Machine
  • MySQL: Inside MySQL Technology
  • 23 Design Patterns: Big Talk Design Patterns
  • Data Structures and Algorithms: Java Language Description for Data Structures and Algorithms Analysis (Black Book, China Machine Press)
  • Operating system, computer network
  • JDK source code, framework source code
  • Redis, MQ and other mainstream middleware
  • Big data, distributed, microservices, containers and other parts

This part of learning may be more boring than the front, but if you want to become stronger and break through the bottleneck of the primary, you have to calm down and learn.

Java self-learning common troubleshooting

Have you ever wondered before or during your self-study of Java:

Teach yourself Java, how long will it take to get a job?

Is there a difference in the emphasis of learning Java in large factories and small and medium-sized companies?

Why can’t you learn “Hello World” after so long?

When did programming take off?

The above options have nothing to do with right or wrong, let me slowly give you Lao ~

Learn Java by yourself, how long will it take to find a job?

If you are a junior, you should study more than 8 hours a day, and it will take at least 6 months to reach the level of Java junior programmers. The first 5 months of normal Java technology learning, the last month preparing resume and interview. Java interview is very important, to find some interviews to understand the common interview questions. You can also go to Github to find a following by (here recommended JavaGuide (…

2. Is there any difference in the focus of self-learning Java between large factories and small and medium-sized companies?

Dachang is more fundamental, requiring you to have a thorough understanding of the Java content you are studying, as well as learning and understanding data structures and algorithms, operating systems, computer networks, and design patterns. While smaller plants are more focused on the use of items and frames. Therefore, different positioning determines different emphases in study and interview preparation.

Also mention, big factory pay attention to programming ability, will be written algorithm questions, higher requirements for graduating students, so if conditional must be the sword to offer brush 2-3 times, force buckle best can brush more than 100 questions (students brush more than 200 questions).

3. Why can you only learn “Hello World” after so long?

“Hello World” is the result of watching and not practicing or practicing less. A lot of people in learning, not to knock on the code or just copy the implementation, to the later encounter difficult code, they find themselves nothing.

To solve this problem on the one hand is to learn on the way to encounter cases to knock; On the other hand, it is necessary to brush the questions to consolidate, because following the case, there is still a logical dependence, but when brushing the questions, you must fully think about yourself to pass.

Therefore, to learn Java by yourself, one step at a time, each part of the case to start to achieve, and on the basis of the implementation to consolidate and innovation.

Since when did the programming ability take off?

Progress in programming comes through practice, and there are generally two stages of rapid improvement.

The first leap forward was learning the basics of Java. Brush about 100 questions, this time encountered simple logic problems can be easily solved, their logic ability, programming ability has a good improvement, you will feel that learning Java for so long, efforts have not been wasted.

The next big thing I learned was working on a back-end module or two on my own. Going from building a project to layering business logic code into MVC makes what you’ve learned actually apply, and makes you feel a little bit happy: Wow, I can write my own project! This was the second leap in programming power.

Of course, there may be some other reasons to make a leap forward again, but in general, if you want to make a leap forward, you need to study intensively and code intensively in a short period of time.

The article summarizes

Through the above introduction of self-learning Java, I think you have some understanding and mastery of Java learning methods and routes, through a table to review.

Learning path Major work and learning resources Recommended learning style Recommended study time
Java basic learning stage 1. Enter the class Java introduction tutorial (link) 2. Wang Dao Postgraduate entrance Examination data structure video and B station Teacher Wang Zhuo Qingdao UniversityData structures and algorithms column Video based, reference books supplemented + brush questions About 60 days
JavaWeb learning phase B station [crazy God JavaWeb entry to actual combat video] Video based, tutorial site as a supplement About 30 days
Frame learning stage Crazy god series video + official website documents + project video Video + document learning About 60 days
Self improvement stage Concurrent programming +JVM+MySQL+ design patterns and other books books

If you think you’re suited to learning Java on your own, you have to work hard! Before self-study, first understand the Java knowledge system, master some learning resources and methods, the learning process must be more code, more review communication.

There is often a saying in IT circles: “Talk is easy, show me the code”. Self-learning Java means learning how to write code, and practicing it is very, very important. The icing on the cake is to understand the principle, but understanding the principle is a long way to go.

Come on back wave!

Do a wechat search: Bigsai, follow this young man who shares knowledge