01. Get straight to the point

Because I like to share, I got to know a lot of college students. Among them, there are many outstanding students, such as Lulu, who reads 50 books a year, Xiaofeng, who won the Offer from a first-tier factory in the school recruitment, and Shuai Tu, who has achieved economic independence by running an official account.

Of course, there are some young people who are at a loss, wondering about the future. Some leave comments at the bottom of the article, some ask questions on wechat, and some ask questions on the planet. Each time I answered seriously, and they thanked me for my enthusiasm.

I thought it would be better to share my experience in the form of articles, so as to provide reference for more college students. If you read this article and learn something, share it with more people.

02, the past can not be chased

There is such a wise saying in the novel “How the Steel was Tempered” written by Soviet writer Nikolai Ostrovsky — the most precious thing in life is life, and life belongs to man only once. A man should live it so that when he looks back on past days he shall feel no burning regrets for wasted years, no burning shame for a mean and petty past.

I am ashamed to say that when I recall my college days, I am filled with remorse and shame.

I took the college entrance examination twice. My first performance was a true reflection of my normal level, and I felt like a mirror in my own mind. There can be no over-performance without hard work. This also gives me the courage to repeat the study: as long as the effort, maybe there will be a surprise.

So I moved from a second-rate high school in Luoning County to a high school in Pingdingshan City with great determination. As it turned out, the second score was a true reflection of my usual level — unexpected but understandable, with the exact same score as the first year.

I had almost given up on going to college and moved bricks for a month. Check out my previous post, “Moving bricks is really my First moneymaking experience!”

Later, I was forced to (my body was not strong enough to carry a few bricks), so I followed the advice of my classmates and volunteered to enroll in a junior college in Zhengzhou. Fortunately, the professional obeys the adjustment, otherwise junior college also can’t go up. The mark that our school admits at that time quite tall, the highest mark wants taller than a line one big cut. The reason people are clamoring to go is because the university’s best majors can lead directly to a job at the State Grid, a job most people dream of.

I, on the other hand, was just zero points above my lowest score. As you can imagine, my new major “computer networking” was not liked at school. Teachers of professional courses uphold the concept of growing together with us, and we uphold the confidence of sinking together with teachers.

I take my laptop to play games in the classroom during class and in the dormitory after class. Apart from going to Zhengzhou University to find a girlfriend for the weekend, my college life was a mess, as bad as it could be.

It can be said that, compared with Lulu, Xiaofeng and Shuai Tu, I am an absolutely negative textbook. But for that reason, the advice I’m about to give is incredibly valuable. What a painful realization!

03. Accumulate project experience

Many college students believe that they should study theoretical knowledge in depth during college, and practical experience is not important. It is not too late to practice after work. But this is really a misunderstanding. Theoretical knowledge is really very important, but remember one thing: apply what you learn.

If the theoretical knowledge learned can not be applied to the actual combat, we have a handful of pumpkin seeds in hand, but not sprinkled on the fertile soil. That way, those pumpkin seeds will always be pumpkin seeds, never able to take root and sprout into a new pumpkin. What’s more, these pumpkin seeds will be eaten by us.

I conveniently consulted the school enrollment requirements of some enterprises, which clearly required to have certain project experience. This means you can’t get a job without project experience; If you don’t get a job, you don’t get project experience. It seems to be a knot.

Perhaps they are too demanding. To be honest, I can’t handle it either. But we should know, “there are people outside, there are sky outside”, there are many excellent college students, we can not cope with, they will be competent.

Then some students may complain, I am just an ordinary college student, I am not as good as them, what should I do? Besides, who would want to give a project to me?

Don’t panic. Don’t rush to put limits on yourself. I used to know a classmate named Xiao Zeng. He said that his school has a group, which will release some projects (enterprise website, small mall, etc.) from time to time, and the cost is generally about 7K. When he is short of money, he finds some roommates to do it with. After two or three years, I have led three projects without any assistance.

It’s cheap labor, but it’s better than doing nothing. When he graduated, he felt like a football player coming back from Europe. Also successfully got an Offer from netease.

As for project experience, it does not have to be a big project, as long as you understand the process of the project, have thought and summary, have entered and climbed the pit, it is a rare project experience.

To add to that, Xiao Zeng sometimes outsources some unmanageable projects to make a profit. You’re gonna think I’m bluffing, but my point is, this is how we meet. The gap between people has nothing to do with age, only with cognition.

I only went to college for two years, and I was so focused on games that I only got one badge of honor. I flunked three times, and every time I bragged about how stupid I was to my classmates. Compared with Xiao Zeng of the same age, I was really weak. I want you to follow my example.

04. A real internship

See a magic question on zhihu: “Want to be a programmer, must go training?” The magic of this question is like asking a doctor, “I have a cold. Do I have to have an operation to get rid of it?”

I was tricked into a software training institution in my junior year because of such ignorance. When I think about it now, my chest aches. I university two years, learn is Java programming language, although say absurd to live, but somehow had done imitation QQ chat tool, more or less have a little foundation of.

If you check out some job boards, you won’t find anything for yourself. After all, Java engineers were in high demand back then. But the teachers didn’t tell me how to do it, and I didn’t find a trusted guru for advice. So I didn’t even go to the recruitment website. Stupid.

But anyway, I got an internship through training. An internship is a great opportunity to improve yourself and get in touch with society.

First of all, internships are paid. This is especially important because it allows us to get rid of the days of asking our parents for money and feel like we have “toughened our wings.” Although the salary is not much, it proves that we are valuable to the company. If a company advocates “zero pay” internships, that’s shameless and not a real internship.

Secondly, internships involve real work. This is especially important because it allows us to thrive and feel that we have to be strong. Although each task was a small amount of work, it proved that the company valued us. If a company leaves interns in a corner, it’s a waste of life. It’s not a real internship.

Finally, the practice is led by the master. Don’t overlook this as it allows us to make fewer mistakes, improve faster, and be more productive. Although it is not the duty of Master to guide us, it proves that the company is doing its job. If the master we meet is responsible, thank god and thank master.

I performed well in the internship and successfully got the official invitation from the company. After graduation, he worked in this company until he returned to Luoyang three and a half years later. I still have very good memories of that work.

Is there any other way to get an internship besides training?

Of course there are, lots of them!

1) School official website.

Don’t lose sight of this. Although the main page of the school’s official website is usually runny and smacks of leap earth, the information on it is valuable.

The picture below is the recruitment information I found in the recruitment and employment column of Zhengzhou University. The updated date is the last working day, which is quite timely.

Be prepared for a rainy day, don’t wait for graduation time to pay attention to, I’m afraid it will be a little late. It’s best to start paying attention as a freshman. Why is that?

If a company hires from freshman year to graduation year, it’s an indirect indicator that the company is doing well: it’s growing, it’s moving, it’s healthy, it’s trustworthy.

2) Online channels

I will no longer recommend websites, lest I have the suspicion of advertising. Just type “campus recruitment” into a search engine and you will find the answer. To pay attention to some of their interest in the company, especially some large factories, meet the right to follow up in time.

3) Introduction of friends

Whether it is internship job hunting, or formal job hunting, friend introduction is always the most trustworthy. The “friends” here are not lying in wechat friends or QQ friends list of those “occupy pit” friends, but often have technical communication, communication in life friends.

How do you get to know them? Here’s a tip: by all means reach out to the big names in the knowledge sharing community. Those who rank high will have some internal promotion opportunities at hand.

That is, of course, if you have the wherewithal to prove your excellence.

05, new an object

Okay, I admit, one of the best things I did in college was get a girlfriend. Is her, is her, is her, let me boring college life no longer empty lonely cold.

Java students know that nullPointerExceptions occur when there are no objects. If you do, be safe. SHH.

I’m not going to talk too much about this topic, since I’m not a relationship blogger. My only advice to students is: if you meet the right person, have a serious relationship.

06. Final advice

Kaifu teacher: Graduation is coming. Looking back at my so-called college life, I want to cry, not because of parting, but because I have learned nothing. I don’t know how to write a resume. I would have left it blank. Perhaps the biggest takeaway is that… Tolerance and adaptation to nothing…

The above paragraph is a letter written by one of my classmates to Kaifu Li. After reading it, my tears have been rolling in my eyes, because he said my heart after the end of sophomore year.

Professor Kai-fu Lee replied that when you are in college, you should master these seven aspects, such as self-study, basic knowledge, practice, interest cultivation, initiative, time control, and dealing with people.

It seems to me more like advice for a whole life. If you were to ask me, my answer would be what you see above.

Thank you for your reading. It is not easy to create something original. If you like it, please give me a thumbs-up. If you think this article is helpful and interesting, please follow my wechat public account “Silent Wang er”. Thank you.