This is the 11th day of my participation in the genwen Challenge

As front-end developers, we often communicate with colleagues in multiple fields. Sometimes, the other party tells the noun of their own professional field, although I don’t know what the meaning is, but also embarrassed to interrupt others to ask questions.

In order to avoid some embarrassing situations, it is necessary to know some professional terms related to daily work in advance. Here is a list of some basic terms in a variety of fields that I hope will help you. Suggestions for reserve collection! Welcome to supplement

Note: all explanations are collected and collated in the network, only for reference, if there is wrong, welcome to correct!

Product class


The Product Requirement Document answers the question of what our Product plan is, that is, the specific details of this Product. Emphasis is on requirements description, requirements logic, requirements prototype. 【 development 】


The Business Requirement Document, which answers the question, what is the value of the product? That is, what problem the product solves. Focus on demand description, profit model. 【 The boss sees 】


The Market Requirements Document answers questions such as what kind of competitors are there in the Market (competitive landscape), why our company is suitable for this product (competitive advantage), and what is the chance of success of our product? (Market opportunity). Focus on competitive products and what convenience can be brought to users. 【 operation, sales 】


Function Description


Help guide


Product life cycle


Business-to-business, both sides of a platform transaction are merchants, such as Alibaba


Enterprise-to-individual, one end of the platform is for merchants and the other is for ordinary users, such as and Tmall


Personal to personal, both sides of the platform transaction are ordinary users, such as Taobao, Xianyu, Zaozao


Combination of offline business and online business


The peer-to-peer lending model through the Internet is very risky

Blue ocean

It refers to the unknown market space

The red sea

It refers to a mature, highly competitive market that has developed

The back-end class


Application Programming Interface (API), also known as Application Programming Interface, is a convention for connecting different components of a software system.


In computer science, Garbage Collection (ABBREVIATED GC) is an automatic memory management mechanism. When dynamic memory on a computer is no longer needed, it should be released to free up memory. This management of memory resources is called garbage collection. Garbage collection has its roots in LISP. Many languages currently support garbage collectors, such as Smalltalk, Java, C#, and D.

The deployment of

“The code is deployed to the server as it runs online on the programmer’s computer during development.”


Data is reported to the server from the client


The number of users who simultaneously access the product and request data

Packet loss

Data is lost due to a network exception during data uploading

A deadlock

Refers to two or more than two threads in the process of execution, due to competition for resources or communication between each other caused by a blocking phenomenon, if there is no external force, they are inhibited in the blocking state and can not proceed, then called the system is in a deadlock state or system produced deadlock

Different live

Long-distance live generally refers to the different cities to establish independent data centers, “live” is relative to the cold standby, cold backup is the backup of all data, usually don’t support business needs, only when the mainframe failure will switch to the spare room, and live, refers to the computer room in daily business flow also need to go, do business support.


Generally refers to the computer host accident failure and crash. Second, some servers, such as database deadlocks, can also be called down. Some servers have some services that are down.


Domain Name System is a service of the Internet. As a distributed database that maps domain names and IP addresses to each other, it makes it easier for people to access the Internet.


JSON Web Token (JWT) is a very lightweight specification. This specification allows us to use JWT to deliver secure and reliable information between users and servers, especially in the single sign-on (SSO) scenario of distributed sites.

Front end class


Responsive Design aims to achieve different display methods for browsing web pages on terminals with different screen resolutions.


Short for model-view-viewmodel. It’s essentially an improved version of MVC (Model-View-Controller). Model-view-viewmodel. 【 Model 】 data [view] page [View model] The core of MVVM pattern, it is the bridge between view and model.


Single page application, when entering the page for the first time, request an HTML file, refresh and clear, switch to another component, at this time the path also changes correspondingly, but there is no new HTML file request, the page content changes.


Multi-page application, every time the page jumps, the background server will return a new HTML document, this type of website is multi-page site, also known as multi-page application.


The World Wide Web Consortium. It is a membership organization whose job is to standardize the Web. The main specifications promoted by the W3C are HTML, CSS, XML, XHTML, and DOM

UI framework

elementUI/ant design….. , partial CSS encapsulation implementation, pay attention to the appearance level

The front frame

vue/react/angural… Partial JS packaging implementation, pay attention to logic


Package management tool

Big front end

The big front end is a general term for all the front ends, such as Android, iOS, Web, Watch, etc. The layer closest to the user is the UI layer, and then unified, it is the big front end

The test class

To measure

After the development engineer has finished, the package is submitted to the tester to start testing


Bugs found in previous tests reappear

The test case

Test procedures and items written by the tester according to the PRODUCT manager’s PRD

A functional test

Single function test, that is, test whether the function meets the product requirements

Regression testing

“Modification of old code and re-testing to ensure that the modification does not introduce new errors or cause errors in other code.”

The test report

After the completion of the test, all the documents written by the testers to explain the bugs have been fixed, and meet the requirements of online

AB test

Two or more versions will be accessed by two or more groups of visitors with the same AB test (similar) in the same dimension at the same time, and user experience data and business data of each group will be collected. Finally, the best version will be analyzed and evaluated and formally adopted

Gray released

Grayscale publishing can ensure the stability of the whole system, and problems can be found and adjusted at the beginning of the grayscale to ensure its impact

Design class


User interface, including visual design, interaction design and user experience. (User Interface)


User experience. (User Experience)


Interaction design is the field of design that defines and designs the behavior of man-made systems. (Interaction Design)


User Experience Design


“User Centered Design”


Main vision, visual posters and other graphic design related. (Key Vision)


Web style user interface. (Web User Interface)


Conversational/phonetic user interface design. (Voice User Interface)

Content of the class


Software-as-a-service refers to the provision of software-as-a-service over the network.


Backend as a Service: The company provides mobile application developers with integrated cloud backend edge services. Backend as a Service


Infrastructure-as-a-service: Consumers can access services over the Internet from well-established computer infrastructure, such as Microsoft Azure cloud platform. (Infrastructure as a Service)


Platform as a Service: The platform of software development is presented to users as a service in an SaaS model. (platform – as – a – service)


Social network services, that is, networks of relationships between individuals and the kind of sites that are based on the idea of social network relationships are social network sites.


Instant messaging social networking services. QQ belongs to M,QQ space belongs to SNS


Office automation system


Customer relationship management refers to the use of CRM technology to manage the relationship between enterprises and customers


Business process management


Enterprise Resource Planning


“TMT is the convergence of technology, media content and telephony, both of which are moving more towards applications, information, services and entertainment.”


Material transportation management system


User-generated content, where users present their original content to others online


“Content provider, offering web content services, including text, image, audio and video media content.”


Intellectual property rights


Internet celebrity incubation, is a multi-channel network product form, from foreign mature Internet celebrity economic operation


Second metaculture

Post class




Team Leader


Project Leader


Product Designer


Product Manager


Product Director


Chief Technology Officer


Job Description:


Staffing (Headcount)


The agent


Small Office Home Office


General Manager



Maximum number of concurrent online users


Average number of concurrent online users


Page views, which can be interpreted as the total number of times a page has been viewed


Page dwell time refers to the dwell time of a user on each page


Search engine optimization, using search engine search rules to improve display rankings


Search engine marketing, is a form of network marketing, is a comprehensive and effective use of search engines to carry out network marketing and promotion


Application market Optimization

Hunger marketing

The commodity supplier intends to lower the output in order to regulate the supply and demand relationship, create the “illusion” that demand is in short supply, maintain the higher price and profit margin of the commodity, and maintain the brand image and improve the added value of the product

Rule eight seconds

The main principle is as follows: opening speed has great influence on access intention

Optimus Prime

A tall, narrow web AD format, usually located in a narrow space on the left and right sides of a web page

PR promotion

Advertorial promotion, including traditional media, we media and other articles.


(Quarter1) Q1 / (Quarter2) Q2; (Q3 and Q4 and so on)


Venture capital for short; Venture Capital.


Business Intelligence.

Xiao Ke love to finish click a “like” and then go! 🤞 🤞 🤞