👨💻 Support updates…

  • CSV transcoding

iconv -c -f GBK -t UTF-8 xxx.csv > 1.csv
iconv -f UTF8 -t GB18030 a.csv >b.csv
Copy the code
  • The system language changes to English

sudo languagesetup
Copy the code
  • Show/hide. Start file/folder

Display defaults Write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles - Boolean true; Killall Finder Hidden defaults Write com.apple. Finder AppleShowAllFiles - Boolean false; killall FinderCopy the code
  • The dashboard is disabled or enabled

Disable Defaults Write com.apple.dashboard MCX -disabled - Boolean YES && killall Dock Enables defaults Write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean NO && killall DockCopy the code
  • Disable or enable the build function. DS_store

Disable the defaults write com. Apple. Desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores - bool TRUE open defaults delete Com. Apple. Desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores delete command sudo find / -name ". DS_Store "- the depth - exec rm {} \;Copy the code
  • View the default JDK installation path

The terminal runs /usr/libexec/javA_home -vCopy the code
  • Security and Privacy: any source

sudo spctl --master-disable
Copy the code
  • XXX. The app has been damaged

sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Applications/xxxxxx.app
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