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This article selects some of the most popular developer tools in Alibaba economy, and selects some universal tools that are also suitable for external developers, hoping to help developers improve their development efficiency.

1. Java engineering scaffolding Java Initializr…

Introduction: A customized version of Java engineering scaffolding released by Alibaba middleware team in 2020 to quickly build engineering applications.

Tool usage scenarios:

  • Does every time you create a project, you need to tailor an existing project?
  • Introducing a new component requires searching around and the coordinates of the component are really hard to remember!
  • The online case works, why can’t I follow it?
  • Component use also need to build a complete project and running environment on my own computer, really very troublesome!

Full support for Spring official scaffolding, with rich typical configurations and use cases. A variety of standard application architectures to choose from, allowing you to write code as soon as you generate the project. Browser-based runtime environment to further reduce the complexity of functional experience and trial.

2. Arthas, a Java online diagnostic tool

Arthas is a Java online diagnostic tool that Alibaba opened source in September 2018.

Tool usage scenarios:

  • From which JAR is this class loaded? Why are all kinds of class-related exceptions reported?
  • Why didn’t the code I changed execute? Did I not commit? Got the branch wrong?
  • If you encounter a problem, you cannot debug it online. Can you only re-publish it by logging?
  • There is a problem with a user’s data processing online, but it cannot be debugged online, and it cannot be reproduced offline!
  • Is there a global view of the health of the system?
  • Is there any way to monitor the real-time health of the JVM?

Arthas supports JDK 6+, Linux/Mac/Windows, command line interaction, and rich Tab auto-completion to further locate and diagnose problems.

3. Java toolkit Dragonwell


Alibaba Dragonwell is a free, production-ready Open JDK release that provides long-term support, including performance enhancements and security fixes. Alibaba has the richest Java application scenarios, covering e-commerce, finance, logistics and many other fields, and is one of the largest Java users in the world. As the cornerstone of Java application, Alibaba Dragonwell supports all Java businesses in Alibaba economy. Alibaba Dragonwell is fully compliant with the Java SE standard, and you can develop Java applications on any common operating system, including Linux, Windows, and macOS, with Alibaba Dragonwell as your run-time production environment.

4. Java code protocol scan plug-in

Summary: This plug-in is used to detect irregularities in Java code and provide hints. The protocol plug-in is developed in Kotlin language.

5. Use the real-time monitoring tool ARMS


Description: ARMS is an APM monitoring tool. It provides front-end monitoring, application monitoring, and custom monitoring options to quickly build real-time application performance and service monitoring capabilities.

Tool usage scenarios:

  • 37 alerts at 10:00 p.m., and you don’t know what to do?
  • By the time we find the problem, the customer/business has filed a complaint?
  • Spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on servers every month, but you can’t guarantee the user experience?

6. Performance test tool PTS


Description: PTS can simulate a scenario where a large number of users access services and initiate tasks at any time, eliminating the cost of set-up and maintenance. It supports the conversion of JMeter scripts to PTS pressure test and the native JMeter engine for pressure test.

Usage Scenarios:

  • Do you want to simulate a real multi-user scenario with high concurrent access?
  • Product version iteration, want to observe product performance during peak traffic?
  • Product delivery

7. MSE


Brief introduction: Relying on ZK/Nacos/Eureka and other open source registration and configuration schemes for self-construction will cause problems of complex dependency and high construction and operation and maintenance costs. Meanwhile, it will also encounter problems of distributed system coordination in the environment of big data such as Hbase, Spark or Kafka. MSE provides the hosting function of registration and configuration center, and provides high availability, oOPERation-free clusters such as ZooKeeper, Nacos, and Eureka. It is fully compatible with standard interfaces of open source products, and also provides the functions of outliers removal, lossless offline, service authentication, application list, and label routing.

Usage Scenarios:

  • Microservice registry discovery: In the era of rapid development of Cloud computing, microservices are becoming more and more widely used. MSE provides a highly available, operation-free and stable service registry for microservices developed using Dubbo and Spring Cloud frameworks.
  • Distributed configuration Management: Hosted Nacos provides configuration management capabilities while doing microservice registration.
  • Distributed scheduling (non-microservice scenarios) : If an enterprise uses open-source software such as HBase, Spark, or Kafka, the ZooKeeper, Eureka, and Nacos provided by MSE can coordinate distributed systems to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

8. Architecture visualization tool AHAS


Overview: AHAS provides architecture visualization for container environments such as K8s, and features such as fault injection high availability evaluation and one-click flow degradation to quickly improve application availability at low cost.

Usage Scenarios:

  • In the process of service transformation, want to accurately understand the composition and interaction of resource instances, and realize the visualization of architecture?
  • Want to introduce real fault scenarios and walk-through models?
  • Low barrier to access to flow control, degradation features?

9. Container image service ACR


Brief introduction: The default instance version of Alibaba Cloud Container Registry (ACR) provides basic Container image services, including secure application image hosting capability, accurate image security scanning function, stable image construction service at home and abroad, and convenient image authorization function. This facilitates mirror lifecycle management.

Container image service simplifies the establishment, operation and maintenance of Registry, supports multi-regional image hosting, and combines container services and other cloud products to create an integrated experience of using Docker on the cloud.

Serverless Devs


Serverless Devs is an open source Serverless developer platform dedicated to providing powerful toolchain system for developers. Through this platform, developers can experience multi-cloud Serverless products with one click and deploy Serverless projects at a fast speed. Serverless Devs Contains the Serverless Devs Tool (Serverless Developer Tool) and Serverless Devs App Store (Serverless Application Center) :

  • Serverless Devs Tool makes it easier and faster for developers to create applications, develop projects, test them, release and deploy them, and achieve project lifecycle management.
  • Serverless Devs App Store is an application center that integrates Serverless online application search, one-click deployment and visual resource editing. Application Center has a large number of production-level project templates, case templates, developers can freely choose, and one-click deployment of the project to the specified cloud platform.

11. Freeline second-level compilation scheme on Android platform…

Summary: Freeline takes full advantage of cached files to quickly compile and deploy code changes to the device in a matter of seconds, effectively reducing the amount of recompilation and installation time required for daily development. The quickest way to use Freeline is to install the Android Studio plugin directly.

12. Cloud developer tool KT…

Introduction: KT can simplify the complexity of kubernetes-based joint testing and improve the efficiency of kubernetes-based research and development.

13. Data processing tool EasyExcel…

Brief introduction: EasyExcel is a framework used to parse Java and generate Excel. It rewrites poI’s parsing of 07 version Excel. Originally, a 3M Excel with POI SAX needs about 100M memory. EasyExcel can be reduced to the KB level, and no large Excel will run out of memory. Version 03 relies on POI’s SAX schema. The model transformation is encapsulated in the upper layer to make the user more simple and convenient.

14. IOS HandyJSON…

HandyJSON is a JSON serialization/deserialization library for the Swift language.

Compared to other popular Swift JSON libraries, HandyJSON supports pure Swift classes and is simple to use. Its deserialization (converting JSON to Model) does not require Model to inherit from NSObject (because it is not based on KVC), nor does it require you to define a Mapping function for Model. As long as you define the Model class and declare that it is subject to the HandyJSON protocol, HandyJSON can parse the values from the JSON string itself with the property name Key of each property.

Druid database implementation…

Druid is a Java database connection pool that provides powerful monitoring and extension capabilities.