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Hello, everyone, I am Wang Lao shi, your support is the power of my creation, you can like if you feel good. Today, I would like to recommend a code review artifact Upsource, how strong is it? Let’s take a look at what he’s capable of.

A. Upsource profile

Upsource is a Code Review tool from Jetbrains that combines with version management software (Git, Mercurial, Subversion, and Perforce) to share and discuss Code with team members and others in a social way. In general, our code review is to highlight the problem areas of the code, as is Upsource, but it can communicate based on the code in a mode like chat or community interaction. In addition, it can associate with IDEA. When someone reviews your code, a chat box will pop up in the lower right corner of your IDEA, telling you in time, and you can reply in real time. Discuss this piece of code.

What? You have a problem with the code I wrote. Let’s go to war! Ha ha ~

Next, we will introduce the specific functions and usage process of Upsource. I hope I can help you.

Ii.Upsource usage process

2.1. Basic skills

2.1.1. Login

1. Use the administrator account to log in. To create projects and manage users and groups, use the administrator account first

2.1.2. Create a project

2. Create projects, fill in the information in accordance with labels, empty the information in Branches, otherwise the following exceptions will be reported

**VCS connection test failed:**
Failed to get current state for repository. Directory 'branches' not found in revision 309678
Copy the code

Click Create, and the repository you just created will be grayed out because synchronization is not complete. Once the synchronization is complete, you can click on the project

2.2. Code review process

2.2.1. View items

After we have created the project and the code is synchronized, we can click on the created project and see the following information

2.2.2. Code review

Click review on the right and create Review will pop up. Click Create Review to conduct code review

The following information is displayed in code review mode:Check for code submission information, reviewers, authors, and historical version discrepancies.

2.2.3. Code problem annotation

Annotations can be used to record information when there is a problem with the code. If the mailbox is bound, the author will be notified by mailbox

If the IDea UpSource is installed, you can view the code review record through the Reviews mode at the bottom of the IDea, and then select the relevant code to view the review.

And annotate the code to be modified in IDEA

Annotation right click can be restored and annotation is resolved.

After the review, click Close to complete the code review, but several can also be reopened

2.3. Code audit

2.3.1. Code submission

This column shows the code’s commit information for a year, as well as each person’s commit history

2.3.2. Project tree

Review audit, if the review has been shown in dark color, can be more obvious to see which review and which is not.

2.3.3. Review the market

Overall, how about the code review within the project team?

2.4. Permission management

In order to facilitate the management of team members, Upsource has strong user management capabilities

2.4.1. Creating a User

You can create a user by an administrator or register a user. This section uses a new user as an example to describe how to create a new user

2.4.2. Viewing Users

The user has the following information:

2.4.3. Permission Management

Upsource supports roles and project teams. You can assign permissions to a group of users by adding them to a project lease. The main permission control is still on roles. Roles have the following ability granularity:After the role is added, the corresponding member can see the related project, review the code or manage the code.

3. Upsorce installation

The Upsource capabilities and usage process have been introduced to you. Next, the installation process will be introduced to you

3.1. Service installation

1, download UpSource installation package www.jetbrains.com/upsource/do…

2. Decompression package

3. Go to the installation directory /bin, for example, /opt/upsource-2020.1.1802/bin

4. Run./upsource.sh start

If the following figure is displayed, the startup is successful. 5. Open it in a browserhttp://IP:8080(Installation server domain name), the following page is displayed

6. Click Set Up to install

7. Configure the domain name and port number

Create an administrator account

9. Enter the purchased license Kye. The free license supports 10 users by default

10. Wait until the installation is complete

3.2. Plug-in installation

UpSource installation supports IDEA, and you can receive relevant Revicew information on IDEA for code processing

1. Open plugins and type upSource

2. Click Install and restart IDEA after the installation is complete

3. After the restart, there will be an Up icon in the lower right corner

4. Open Settings. The service address is the installation address of the Upsource service

5. Click the small icon in the lower right to pop up the authorization page. Enter your account password for authorization

6. After success, you can see the project with permissions

7. Submit code to review and archive via the reviews bar at the bottom left

Well, the installation is complete. Today is introduced here, we think good words can close a note, next update not lost.