
Precipitation, share, grow, let yourself and others can gain something! πŸ˜„

First, how to walk, let you choose

B station video:…

Five years ago, Xianghe Dachang village opened its doors. My brothers and I were so ambitious that we went to the interview by bus, but it took less than half a month for us to find a job. The average number of people hanging on the eight-part rocket every day was 1.3, and six brothers went to outsourcing within a year.

Buddha bless!

The fortune teller said I was “CRUD moving bricks 996”, but I disagree. I think it’s 20K or 40K, it’s up to you.

You have the shortest time with me and the weakest foundation. I leave it to you to choose your own path.

Well, I wish you all good luck in Dachang! Cheers architects!

Second, open source warehouse, bring more people on the road

More than two years, wrote 300+ articles, 100 sets of case code base, open source to the technical community

  • Warehouse:… – Thanks for clicking Star ⭐️ for the warehouse
  • describe: Open source articles, code, drawings, toCodeGuideLet moreWith good technical partnersGet involved in the warehouseOn the contribution of content
  • Objective: to output valuable technical content in a systematic and comprehensive way with scenes and cases, so as to make up for the lack of information in the whole city. Innovation is not about hiding the basics and rolling them in, but building them together in the spirit of Linux open source.
  • content:Guided by the learning and growth direction of code farmer as an architect, we write learning materials on core programming ideas and technology landing experience.
    • Technology: Java, Spring, Mybatis, SpringBoot, Netty, ASM, Javassist, Byte-Buddy, Drools
    • Development: DDD, MVC, middleware, plug-in, engineering framework, design pattern, development specification, deployment operation and maintenance, full link monitoring, technical solution
    • Project: IM-imitation wechat, DDD+ RPC-distributed lottery system
    • Published: Relearning Java Design Patterns
    • Small volume: “SpringBoot Middleware Design core Development”, “Netty+JavaFx Actual IM”
    • PDF: “Face Book Manual”, “Hand Spring”, “Bytecode Programming”
    • Others: Knowledge planet – Code farmers will lock
  • use:
    • πŸ‘‰ If you don’t know where to start, what to learn, and what to expect, please see the reading Guide. This is an experience-based way for agricultural research and development personnel to enhance the breadth and depth of their own technology stack. It is also a summary of xiao Fu ge’s personal learning experience!
    • πŸ‘‰ If you are new to the industry, in outsourcing, cross-language learning, want to job-hopping, lack of learning motivation, etc., you can read little Fu Ge’s growth story. This series includes my personal growth in outsourcing to big factory, job-hopping process, Internet learning experience Go -> about Little Fu Ge
    • πŸ‘‰ Recommended online reading (Github is slow to access and may cause some images cannot be refreshed)

Three, share the source code, 100+ sets of code cases

The road must not be narrow

100+ sets of case warehouse, always give you something for a rainy day
  • – On the home page, you will find all my source code cases
  • Description: πŸ“š This code base is the author of the small Fu Ge years engaged in the frontline Internet Java development learning process technology summary, aims to provide you with a clear and detailed learning tutorial, the focus is more prone to write Java core content. If the warehouse can help you, please give support (attention, like, share)!
  • The core:Here is a list of some of the source libraries that are involved in Xiaofuge’s blogCodeGuideFind it, click “Star” and save it so it won’t be lost
    1. Netty 4 x project itstack-demo-netty
    2. Handwritten RPC framework itstack-demo-rpc
    3. Implement the JVM in Java itstack-demo-jvm
    4. Full link monitoring based on JavaAgent itstack-demo-agent
    5. The iot-gateway gateway example itstack-demo-iot-gatewary
    6. DDD domain driver design landing itstack-demo-ddd
    7. A primer on SpringCloud itstack-demo-springcloud
    8. Development of wechat official account itstack-ark-wx-test
    9. SpringBoot middleware development door-spring-boot-starter
    10. Service Framework building itstack-demo-frame
    11. Source code analysis (Spring, Mybatis, Schedule) itstack-demo-code
    12. Drools rules engine itstack-demo-drools
    13. ASM bytecode programming itstack-demo-asm
    14. A summary of my learning resources and interviews from four years of college to five years of work If the link fails, add wechat: fustack
    15. Netty+JavaFx combat: imitation desktop version of wechat chat NaiveChat
    16. JDK1.8 new features 41 case study itstack-demo-jdk8
    17. Bytecode Programming column by Fuge Jr itstack-demo-bytecode
    18. Relearn Java design patterns itstack-demo-design
    19. Java Face Book manual interview
    20. Spring masturbation column small-spring

4. Contribute, submit Issue and PR

Slow down and make sense. We can do it together

October 24, 2021 – Programmer festival πŸ‘¨πŸ»πŸ’», Xiao Fu Ge will open source all the articles into CodeGuide code library, and make progress together with colleagues, and maintain together.

More and more articles, more and more fans, often need to deal with the questions of fans on the article partners. After all, my energy and strength are limited. There are many articles, many readers and many problems, but I have less and less time to allocate, and the efficiency of maintenance will decline. Therefore, we hope that you can participate in the maintenance of CodeGuide. It makes sense to maintain such a 6.3K star project because your little contribution will be seen by more people

How to participate in the maintenance of the project?

Here I offer three ways:

  1. Put forwardIssue: Point out areas in an Issue that you feel need improvement/improvement (submit the Issue after you have made the Issue if you can solve it on your ownPR).
  2. To deal withIssue: Help with the backlogIssue.
  3. submitPR: Typos/clerical errors can be directly submittedPR, no submission requiredIssueConfirmation.

1. The Issue is put forward

  1. Click in the upper right corner of the projectNew IssueButton to create a new oneIssue.
  2. inIssueYou need to write clearly about your problems, such as what you think needs to be improved, or what you think could be added.

For example, a student found a descriptive problem about HashMap data migration in the manual while learning CodeGuide, so he put forward this Issue.

2. Handling Issue

If you find some issues that need to be dealt with, you can help solve them.

I will mark some issues that need to be dealt with. If you want to help solve this Issue, you can reply directly in the Issue area that you want to help deal with it.

3. Submit the PR

First of all, the CodeGuide repository belongs to the Fuzhengwei account, so we have no right to change it. So first, we need to Fork the original warehouse into our own account name.

For example, when you click on Fork, the repository is automatically generated under your account.

Then, we can be free to modify their own warehouse, write relevant content ~ because the warehouse is the replica of the original warehouse, so no matter what you do to modify it, will not affect the original warehouse!

After making changes to your repository, you can submit a Pull Request, or merge Request, to the original repository.

So how do you do that?

You Fork your project, click Pull Request, and then click New Pull Request

Then, create the Pull Request as prompted. Is it very simple?

In addition, you can click on GitHub to edit the page while reading the article. This way, you can also submit PR without forking the code base.

Next, you just need to wait for the original warehouse manager (Fu Ge) to review it.

After receiving your Pull Request, the original warehouse administrator can decide whether or not to merge your submission, and if so, your contribution can be incorporated into the original project!

For those who submit PR:

  1. By solving an Issue, you can increase your understanding of a specific point.
  2. If you have aPRBe accepted, and your contributions will be preserved foreverCodeGuideGo on, and you will tooCodeGuide ηš„ Contributor.

I really hope that more of us can participate in the maintenance of CodeGuide, so that we can all learn something!