The opening

There are many different styles of git commit on the team, and some people don’t even have the concept of a commit specification, so it can be awkward to go back and find out which version of the code went wrong 😅, and it can be difficult to quickly locate the problem. In order to standardize the project, the code submission specification is very important! Here is my vUE – CLI-plugin-commitlint (modified/packaged from Xconventional – Changelog-Angular) code submission specification. Out of the box!

Vue – cli – plugin – commitlint is introduced

Vue-cli-plugin-commitlint is written as a VUE plug-in. You can run the vue add commitlint command to use it directly. If it is not a VUE project, you can also configure it according to the following configuration.

Commitizen Commitlint Xconvention-Changelog-CLI Husky Xconvention-Changelog-Angular package, one-click installation, out-of-the-box code submission specification.


  1. Automatically checks whether a COMMIT is normal. If it is not, the commit is not allowed
  2. The commit format is automatically prompted. How to write it without forgetting the specification
  3. Git add. && Git commit does not require two commands to be executed
  4. Changelog is automatically generated


  1. If you are vuE-CLI3 project can be used directly
vue add commitlint
Copy the code
  1. If you are not a vuE-CLI3 project
npm i vue-cli-plugin-commitlint commitizen commitlint conventional-changelog-cli husky -D
Copy the code
  • Add it in package.json
  "scripts": {
    "log": "conventional-changelog --config ./node_modules/vue-cli-plugin-commitlint/lib/log -i -s -r 0"."cz": "npm run log && git add . && git cz"
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "commit-msg": "commitlint -E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS"}},"config": {
    "commitizen": {
      "path": "./node_modules/vue-cli-plugin-commitlint/lib/cz"}}}Copy the code

Add the commitlint.config.js file

module.exports = {
  extends: ['./node_modules/vue-cli-plugin-commitlint/lib/lint']};Copy the code


npm run cz  # git add . && git commit -m 'feat:(xxx): xxx'
npm run log # generate CHANGELOG
Copy the code
  1. The code is submitted NPM run Cz

  1. Selecting a type is automatically asked

    1. (Optional) Scope of impact of this submitted change
    2. (Required) Write a short description of the change
    3. (Optional) Provide a more detailed change description
    4. (Optional) Is there an incompatible change?
    5. (Optional) Whether this change affects some open issues

Changelog demo

The rules

The specification of describe
docs Only modified documents, such as README, CHANGELOG, CONTRIBUTE, etc
chore Change the build process, or add dependent libraries, tools, etc
feat The new feature
fix Fix the bug
merge Merging branches
perf Optimization related, such as improved performance, experience
refactor Code refactoring, no new features or bug fixes
revert Roll back to the previous version
style Only whitespace, formatting indentation, all good, etc., not changing the code logic
test Test cases, including unit tests, integration tests, and so on


I’m currently using this specification for several projects, and it’s not too fun to use!

Project address:…

Welcome to PR, Star