(128) Mystery gifts

I took the train back north again, still alone.

Hasty come, hasty go. At parting, I did not persuade Hua Mei to go north with me again. I can’t bear to see her in a dilemma. I can only comfort myself. Maybe I can meet cowherd and Weaver girl once a year. Hard-won warmth, each other will cherish more.

I entered Beijing at dusk, and so did the sunset glow.

Trains were temporarily stopped a few kilometers outside the West railway station to make way for Beijing trains, which were operating at full capacity.

The sky in the west was covered with clouds of fire. The wind is gentle, pushing the clouds, the sunset clouds changing shape. I hold a mobile phone, from the border of a galloping horse to share with Hua Mei.

Hua mei said it was more like a sheep, and used meitu software to trace out the outline of the sheep. After hua Mei so outline, that fire clouds pour more like a dog.

The train restarted and finally stopped at the West station. There’s no rush. There’s no rush. Instead of taking the shorter Subway line 9, I wandered to The North Square to catch a bus.

The heat was on and sweat was on the back. I quickly got on bus 320 and stared at the sign to count the stops. There are 33 stops from Beijing West Railway Station to Xi Erqi. So good, the scenery and people along the way, enough to make me drunk in Beijing under the sunset glow.

Brake lights dot the loop, cars stop and go as the sky darkens. I put on headphones and randomly played the playlist from Huamei’s phone before returning to Beijing, hoping to hear some of huamei’s unspoken mood. I was pleasantly surprised to find most of the songs to my taste.

Before nightfall, the bus arrived at Xi ‘er Banner. As SOON as I entered the house, Galen followed me close, never leaving me. It’s only been a day, and it’s been missing me so much. I had to bring out canned fish to calm him down.

I showered, I bathed Galen, and we lay side by side on the couch in the living room. I turned on the TV and watched the news broadcast. Galen cocked his head and licked his slightly wet tail.

I fell asleep and rubbed my shoulders several times. When Li Xiangyang came back from work, the sound of the security door banging woke me up. We met, Li Xiangyang and I mumbled a few words, I was still trapped, did not hear what he said. Like complaining about the heat.

Li quickly slipped into the master bedroom and emerged a few minutes later, dressed from head to toe and clutching a new pair of sneakers. I think this guy’s gonna show me his new cool shoes again.

In one corner of the living room is a two-metre-high bronzed wine cabinet, which the landlord used to store wine but which Mr. Li commandeered and filled with all manner of fashionable shoes. When we first moved in, Li xiangyang boasted to me that his cabinet of shoes could be traded for a car. I don’t believe it.

“Dayao, we live together so long, elder brother how to you?” Li Xiangyang a face obsequious way.

Although Li Xiangyang has a lot of shortcomings that I don’t like, he really has nothing to say to me. He was the one who saved me when I was in trouble with my roommate and gave me a place to live. His parents sell cooked food in the south city, and he would take some beef and elbow from home from time to time. He was not stingy, and he would almost share with me.

Even so, I can never have a good word to say about him. That’s how we get along.

“Cohabitation is a bit of a dirty word. If you don’t pay attention, it’s either rape or theft.” I sat up straight and crossed my legs. “Now, what do you want?”

Li Xiangyang gently put his shoes on the coffee table and sat down beside me. He moved his hips toward me, creaking the sofa.

As I leaned over to avoid his approach, he put his arm around my shoulder and said, “Can I have these shoes?”

“These shoes?” I pointed to my shoes and pointed to me, full of questions.

“What? Didn’t your sister tell you she sent you double AJ4?” Li Xiangyang was foaming at the mouth.

“What four? I look like an idiot.

“A from ABC, J from JQK, Air Jordan, you Kown? Pay more attention to fashion trends when you have time, and don’t be an old hat every day.” Li Xiangyang scorn, continue to say, “this shoe joint money, not easy to rob.”

Then he picked up a shoe and examined it carefully. The Buddha was appreciating a work of art.

I took the other shoe, mimicking him, and looked it up and down, but I couldn’t see why.

“I tested it for you. It should be genuine.” Li Xiangyang turn a head blunt I stretch out thumb, “our sister can ah, quite recognize goods.”

“Are they very expensive?”

Through Li Xiangyang’s atmosphere of a surprise, I had to be curious about this pair of shoes at the moment. I knew nothing about shoes, and the only way I could think of measuring their value was to ask how much they cost.

“It wasn’t expensive, but I couldn’t stand it. This co-branded version of aj4, again scarce 41 yards, authentic can sell for at least 5,000. I’ll never talk about us again. This sister is cooler than I am.”

“Fashionable to buy a pair of shoes?

“Ah, playing the piano to a pig. The best shoes are wasted on your feet. Better to sell elder brother, 3000 elder brother received, next month rent you need not pay.”

“Didn’t you just say it was worth five thousand?”

“It’s more than second-hand. I need a discount.”

I snatched hua Mei’s gift from Li Xiangyang. I don’t see how these shoes are worth $5,000, but you can’t change a gift from a girl. It was a blessing that I allowed Li Xiangyang’s dirty hands to touch it.

“Which cool which stay to go, private tear open my express, haven’t calculate account with you, say you 43 yards of foot, want to cut foot fit shoe?”

“Someone else’s rich spend hundreds of millions to buy an antique vase, really flower arrangement? Collect, understand not understand.” Li Xiangyang disdain way.

I thought a Nike T-shirt would be a gift from Hua Mei for Chinese Valentine’s Day, but I didn’t expect to get an extra gift back in Beijing. I carried them into my bedroom and put them in a shoebox for important occasions.

In the face of the sudden and generous gift, I was naturally pleasantly surprised. But feel hua mei income is meager, I do not have to be so generous. Besides, I don’t know anything about shoes, so it would be a shame to give them to me.

I called Hua-mei, thanking her for her heavy gift, then complaining that she shouldn’t have spent money on me. Hua Mei said she had been thinking about buying a new mobile phone for a long time. After learning that I was going to give an iPhone as a Gift for Chinese Valentine’s Day, she decided to give me a gift of the same price. She didn’t want to take advantage of me.

I was obstinate and had to comply. Actually, I really want hua Mei to take advantage of me. Because of the debt, the heart is restless; The heart is uneasy, will be long to miss.

(129) Defense of formal examination

On a new day, I arrived at the company early, came to the station, the aroma of coffee came to my nose.

Mo Daojun early, more early pedestrian. As usual, Teresa was the first person in the group to arrive. I’m wearing headphones and burying my head in a book.

I stopped beside Teresa and tapped the table a few times. Deng Uncut jade charm side cross a head, pupil is shining, take off earphone, said tenderly: “Yao elder brother, early ah.”

“Early.” I paused and asked in a low voice, “Did brother Wang give you any more trouble?”

“No.” Deng’s tone is slightly bitter, but she quickly reveals her fangs and smiles. “Thank you so much for the other day. I wanted to invite you to dinner yesterday, but you didn’t show up.”

“No big deal.” I pulled out my chair and sat down at my desk, flipping open my laptop and getting ready to start my day of fishing.

She was on her feet, sliding her seat close to me. I thought she was going to ask me a question, so I edged towards her. Deng Uncut jade charm suddenly evil spirit a smile, eyebrows slightly shrug, small voice way: “Yao elder brother, you didn’t come to work yesterday, is to go back home to find a girlfriend?”

I was stunned, surprised that the normally slightly introverted Deng Would be gossiping about me. Li Xiangyang this big mouth, fortunately, I told him to return home is a heavy money beg son, rather than an apology. I’m afraid this will spread throughout the group and be the talk of the day.

“I don’t see her more than a few times a year, so I wanted to surprise her.” I giggled, not giving away too many details, not mentioning that this impromptu long trip was all about her phone call.

I rarely share my love life with others. On the one hand, people around me are not very interested in my love life. On the other hand, I always feel happy or sad. Most people can not empathize with me.

“Yao ge, is really a good man.” Deng Uncut jade charm thumbs up, “your girlfriend is really happy.”

I smiled and accepted Deng’s praise. Suddenly, brother Wang’s words that day began to linger in my ears, I can not help but mind a tight, instantly more than a few minutes of caution to Deng Uncut rhyme.

If what Brother Wang said is true, then with deng’s current position, if you attack me, I’m afraid I will not be able to withstand, may fall. I think I have the moral character to keep my head down, but I don’t have much experience with women after all.

September is coming and the summer internship of Langyun is coming to an end. As Deng’s instructor, I needed to evaluate her performance in the past three months in the company’s hr system. This evaluation will serve as one of the reference items for deng’s formal defense.

The Tanabata episode shook my good impression of Deng, but in the spirit of giving her the benefit of the doubt, I ended up giving her an S, Langyun’s highest rating for an intern.

Before going off work, Deng Jiruyun turned the defense PPT to me a, let me criticism and advice. To send Buddha to the west, I put forward some revision suggestions according to their own understanding, hoping that her assessment is smooth.

If Deng Jade charm can get langyun school offer as a guarantee, then she will be full of confidence in the next nearly half a year’s job search.

However, according to the grapevine, Langyun Beijing branch business performance is not bright enough this year, recruitment will be reduced. As a result, the number of full-time interns will also be tightened.

In recent days, my lunch breaks have been dominated by Teresa Teng. I acted as an interviewer and helped her practice her speech. I’ve been underestimating Donna in the past. Although she doesn’t talk much at ordinary times, she speaks PPT with special appeal and is confident when talking about her work.

In the last week of August, all summer interns of the department completed their formal defense. Deng Puyun told me very modestly that her performance in the defense was not good, and SHE did not know whether she could pass. But I could tell from her irrepressible joy that she had won.

To be continued.

For those of you who have forgotten the plot, please start with chapter 1. Up to now, the serialized novel has a total of 200,000 words. I modified some of the previous chapters while taking advantage of the holiday, so I may have different feelings when I read them again. Then update as much as you can. I’m really sorry to keep you waiting. It’s been two years. Thank you for urging me to keep writing. I hope the novel can bring some comfort to the friends who are in the confusion of life. We are all the same, mediocre and confused.

Click to read from chapter 1