

(114) Beauty checks guard

Qianlong did not soar as the bosses expected. After more than half a year on the market, the user growth was gradually weak and its performance was far worse than expected. Larvin has generally cut off or left underperforming product lines to languish. According to the current situation, Qianlong is still in the latter category.

Mountain rain to come, qianlong in the company there has fallen out of favor over the gossip began to spread within the project team. The Internet is a winner-take-all business. When a product is successful, everyone is happy. Failure can mean reduced promotions, annual bonuses and even layoffs.

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Many are saving for a rainy day, leaving or switching teams. Negativity quickly spread to the architecture group. One after another big man submitted his resignation, kang God good words to retain, but mostly iron heart to go.

If the heart is scattered, the team is not easy to lead. Kang God to find someone to talk one by one, listen to everyone’s real ideas. I patted my chest and promised Kangshen that I wouldn’t leave until he did. It’s not that I’m loyal, it’s just that I’m lazy. Changing teams and companies can be challenging, and I’m used to hiding in my comfort zone.

At Langyun, if you are too busy, it does not mean that the product you are responsible for has a good profit. But if you’re bored and fishing in troubled waters, it’s almost a safe bet that your project is on the verge of extinction.

The company hasn’t announced that it’s giving up qianlong, and some of its development work is still going on, but I’m getting more and more relaxed, and I’m even trying to find something to do for Her.

Of the three interns, Deng was the youngest and least capable, but the most likable. In addition to the smile on her face, she is very diligent. Hard until one day Kang God suddenly talk to me, asked me to urge Deng Puyun to go home early in the evening, so as not to encounter danger on the road.

As the night fell, I sat at my desk reading a novel with my mobile phone in my arms. In fact, I have several tasks to develop, and I don’t have the heart to do them without being urged. If it hadn’t been for Li Xiangyang that the boy insisted that I wait for him to go home together, NOW I had already been lying in the bed.

Li Xiangyang about two yuan sister to play billiards. He told me he’d play for an hour, and two hours later, he’s still nowhere to be seen. I sent the guy a message on wechat, but he didn’t answer me, so I had to call him.

“Hey, brother, are you leaving?”

“Oh my God, I’m sorry, Yao, I forgot about you. I won’t be back tonight. Don’t leave the door.”

“Fuck you…”

I was about to attack, heard the voice of Deng Uncut rhyme turn over a book, dirty words will be I abruptly swallowed. Li Xiangyang must be playing hi, directly to the hotel.

He ran off and wasted two hours of my precious time. I hung up the phone angrily, put on my backpack, and turned to go out. Think of a few days ago kang God charge, I gently knock knock deng Unpuyun desk corner: “pu yun, early go.”

“All right.” She looked up, smiled and nodded, then went back to her book. It is a shame that such a promising young man as her makes us live our lives in a muddle.

Walk out of lang Yun mansion, outside already is brightly lit. Since sharing a flat with Li Xiangyang, she has walked to and from work. Not having to take the subway has boosted my happiness.

The skyscrapers lit up their signs, and a vision of the metropolis unfolded. And so on the bus off work clan, screen live drivers, peddlers selling goods……

Most people have no time to enjoy the prosperous and gorgeous night view of the imperial capital. They are more concerned about their own way home. Only after the meal take a stroll of the elder brothers and sisters seem to have some leisure mood, but for this night is afraid to have been born blunt feeling, will only occasionally call back a few fell behind the dog.

I hurried home, took a bath first, and then lay down on the bed. It is customary for me to report to Hua Mei what I have seen and heard today.

Suddenly, a message popped up in the group’s wechat group: “There is a new old beggar in the underground passageway near the company. He likes to take off his pants and move his penis at passers-by. Please be careful not to get shot.”

Just after reading the message, the guy added, “Sorry, I forgot we have a new female intern. I was a little rude. I’m sorry.”

“Later, we talk carefully, don’t scare away the only girl in our group.” God Kang spoke in the crowd.

Group of people have come out to fill water, but not female interns. So I sent a private message to Teresa: “Puyun, have you seen the group message? You got home safe?”

“Well, I just saw it. I’m home, thanks to Brother Yao.” Give me a second.

I guess she already saw the group message, may not know how to reply for a time, has been mute.

I casually asked, “Didn’t run into that old pervert, did you?”

“I’m not using that underpass.”

“Don’t you live in Hualong North Garden?” I had a question mark.

“Yes, it’s too dark in the underpass for me to go. When I go back at night, I usually walk to the intersection and cross the traffic lights.”

“Oh, you’ll have to walk a few hundred more metres.” I made a rough mental calculation of the distance.

“Think of it as exercise.” Ms. Deng is optimistic.

While I was chatting with Deng, a video invitation from Huamei popped up on my phone screen. The Queen stepped forward and I quickly pressed the answer button.

Hua Mei is sitting in front of the dressing table to apply a mask. The loose pajamas clung to her skin and swung in the air. In fact, the clothes do not move, move the heart. If ONLY I could change into a cloth and then into a robe. Not gorgeous show people, dazzling brilliant; I wish I could walk in my boudoir.

“Were you just talking to some other girl?” Hua Mei suddenly handed me a grenade with a fuse pulled out.

Bomb in hand, I can’t help but shiver down my spine, this woman’s intuition is like a wire. But I don’t have to be nervous. I didn’t cross any boundaries with Teresa.

In such a situation, WITHOUT hesitation, I immediately dropped the bomb and said, “No way, I have a young girl in my phone address book. You are the only girl left after excluding the direct relatives and collateral relatives up to three generations.”

Hua Mei looks very much like the Concubine in the legend of Zhen Huan, a hit TV series a few years ago. There’s no reason why, considering women are jealous. I dare not confess truthfully for fear of being stigmatized.

“What lineal, collateral, three generations?” Hua Mei that white eyes from the mask of the gap came out, scared to death.

“Article 6 of China’s marriage Law clearly stipulates that direct blood relatives and collateral blood relatives up to three generations are prohibited from getting married.”

“Damn, where’d you learn all that?”

“Elder brother’s belly, grocery store, you full experience it.”


(115) The elder guard

The next morning, I was explaining business code to Teresa when my mom sent me a video chat invitation. During the general work, in order not to delay my work, she rarely contact me. Afraid there was something urgent, I found a spare conference room. After connecting, I saw mom’s face full of happy two words. I’m sure she’s got some big event she can’t wait to share with me.

“You made it with the girl?” I cut to the chase.

“Which girl? What’s done?” I pretended I didn’t know what I was talking about.

“Don’t joke with me, A few days ago I looked at your moments.” I’m going straight for the door.

“You still check wechat moments? Who taught you that?” “I wondered.

Knowing my mom, even if she learned to play Wechat, there’s no way she could have read the metaphor of my state. In addition, the grapevine information she obtained was obviously lagging behind, and there must have been someone in charge.

After a long, goofy laugh, mom confessed. The man who gave her advice was my fourth uncle, or rather his daughter, Bo Mei. When my cousin saw the status of my circle of friends, she told her guess to uncle 4, and then uncle 4 passed the information to mom for the first time.

Mom saw the photo and immediately recognized Hua Mei. Although she only met hua Mei once, she was deeply impressed. She was delighted that her pigs, which she had been raising for more than 20 years, finally had cabbages to root.

I never thought a wave of dog food would disturb the whole family.

“I heard you say the girl works in the county drugstore. Which drugstore?” Mom finally made it clear what she was calling about.

“How? You still want to call? Please don’t. I’ll send you some recent pictures of her.” I immediately refused.

“Ugly in-laws meet pretty daughters-in-law sooner or later. Your father and I had a plan. We’d go to the drugstore and pretend to fill a prescription. Mom assured me, patting her chest.

“No, no, that would be too abrupt. I’ll take her home some time so you can look at her.” I wrote a bad check.

“No, how can you get back now? If you don’t tell me, I’ll look from house to house. It’s not much of a county anyway.” Mom takes back and advances.

I had to compromise: “You two can go, but pay attention to disguise, do not let others recognize, that is not good.”

“How many years have passed, I’m afraid I wouldn’t recognize me.”

“Just to be safe, you two wear masks.”

“Whole with spy joint like, want to wear you wear ah, I don’t wear.” The video suddenly heard old Yao’s voice.

Mom panned to Lao Yao. Seeing this, Old Yao turned his horse around and waved his hands as he walked out of the house. He must have shied away from talking to me about visiting his future daughter-in-law.

Mom closed the door and whispered, “Your dad and I couldn’t sleep last night thinking you had a girlfriend and were going to get married. County just opened a real estate, your father is going to buy you a wedding house there, money is ready. You find the opportunity to ask the other girl there is any particular or requirements, we prepare in advance, try to meet. Is there…”

If we keep talking like this, we’ll soon be talking about when to have a baby and who to take care of it. My life is still a teen drama, and I don’t want to jump into a family drama so soon. I quickly interrupted, “Mom, we’re just dating and we’re not there yet. What’s the hurry?”

“Ha ha, I am a little anxious. But your old father is more anxious than I am.” Mom raised her body and looked out of the house. Then she continued in a low voice, “He went to blind Li’s house in the east end of the village this morning and asked blind Li to count out some lucky days.”

“Ah.” I heaved a sigh.

It is human nature to wish for their children to settle down as soon as possible, and this desire becomes stronger as one gets older. But I have not even brought home the object, they began to worry about the matter of marriage, invisible in gave me great pressure.

Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. I get it. In China, there are too many parents like Yao and His mother who see marrying their children as a task to accomplish.

Some people never save a lot of money, their children get married and immediately become destitute, or even run up debts. Even so, they are determined. Blood is thicker than water, or is the formation of thousands of years of moral concepts, I hope under the whole world, the task of parents can be successfully completed.

A few days later, old Yao and old mama for hua Mei’s investigation results fresh out. Mom called first to say the girl was tall and pretty, and she was satisfied. However, since she does not have much say at home, her opinion is for reference only.

For me, yao’s opinion is the most important. To be honest, yao’s opinion doesn’t matter much these days. My wings are full.

In the previous two decades, Yao played the role of a domineering president, who said nothing and had absolute authority. Trapped in the lack of financial independence, I had to bow to him, often compromised.

After entering the university, I earned some money from part-time jobs. Although I basically realized economic independence, my income was not very stable, and I had to ask my family for pocket money from time to time. At this stage, OLD Yao and I were in a state of sometimes cooperation, sometimes struggle.

After participating in the work, he finally turned over the serf to sing. With a stable income, the daily food and drink is no longer subject to others. With economic independence comes mental independence. Since then, I have repeatedly disrespected old Yao’s instructions.

But considering old Yao is still the head of the family, it doesn’t do me any good to upset him. Some of his ideas may be listened to before being taken into consideration.

Lao Yao generally approved of hua Mei, but he was a little worried that his daughter-in-law was too beautiful to run away with others.

I can’t help crying about old Yao’s worries, how little he thinks of his son. To say the least, if Hua Mei really run away in the future, it is also my eyes, I recognize the planting. However, I have great confidence in Hua-mei.

After some friendly communication, Lao Yao showed his respect for my choice and asked me to treat hua Mei well and marry her as soon as possible if I made up my mind to go with her.

Without others’ instructions, I will certainly treat Hua Mei well, and from the bottom of my heart, I am willing to grow old with her. However, two people get along with friction inevitably, coupled with me and Hua Mei in the state of separation, small friction is easy to evolve into a big spark.

Just a few days ago, Hua-mei called me more than 10 times in a row, but I missed all the calls. She then fried hair, blame ME to say, men are the same, after catching up to begin not to cherish. “I joked back.” You seem to have a lot of men. She ignored me for a whole week.

I have to admit that when two people are together, their mindset does change a lot. Ambiguous stage, as a result of the existence of various uncertainties and trembling, such as repeated thin ice. After determining the relationship, more secure, also more unscrupulous.

According to my limited experience, falling in love is actually quite bitter, and only sweet at first. When I broke up with Li Hong at the beginning, we both complained about each other changed, became the most hated appearance of each other.

In fact, think about it carefully, we have not changed, but have removed the disguise, more real.

Two people together for a short time to see the advantages, long time to see the disadvantages. Once the period of intense love was over, my shortcomings with hua Mei were gradually exposed, and quarrels occurred from time to time. Fortunately, I have grown up a lot in recent years, and my heart has become softer.

Programming has given me the habit of thinking about what I did wrong whenever I encounter a problem. Sometimes admitting a mistake can save a lot of unnecessary conflict.

Every day before falling asleep, I will have a video with Hua Mei, a few minutes to dozens of minutes. Working with the computer all day, I didn’t have much fun to share on my side, and I played the role of listener most of the time.

Talking isn’t always fun, but a good conversation once in a while can go a long way.

The other day I chatted with hua mei about her high school diary. I have always been curious about one thing, that is in high school during that time, hua Mei’s diary whether there is a word about me.

After a few soft and hard talk, hua Mei finally agreed to turn over the original diary to find a. They say you’re the man you are, but it’s not always true. Hua Mei’s appearance and her handwriting are worlds apart.

Looking back in time, Hua Mei sent me some photos of diary fragments.

“Today, the eldest brother next to me cried. The reason seems to be that he dropped out of the top ten of the grade in the mock exam. I consoled a few words, but the effect was not much.

“When Li Heng came to play with me during the break, the student with excellent grades kept beating the table beside him. It was because his physics paper got wet accidentally in the morning.

“My old class called me to the office and scolded me, saying THAT I didn’t know how lucky I was to have such a good deskmate as Yao. How could I cherish him and learn from him? But I have no talent for learning, so how could I cherish him?”

“Yao to take an examination of the first grade, for the light to the class, the old class praised him to be spent, even wanted descent from using the word of feudal superstition. No comparison, no hurt, I’ll be up shit creek, teachers carry out targeted. High school ah, hurry to end, old niang is going crazy. However, jay Chou just out of the new song” chrysanthemum Taiwan “good.”


This dare not expect hua mei diary will have a long talk about me, but also never thought in her diary I was such an image. Reading those diary fragments, is really mixed emotions, want to cry. A sensitive and stingy student with good grades is vividly portrayed by her. Unfortunately, if her writing style was used in the college entrance examination composition, she might have achieved a full score.

Sadly, Hua Mei has now lost the habit of keeping a diary. I think the present good time should be recorded, and I will be the most brilliant one in the diary.

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