In the domesticpod setup
Basic cool cool! We do not directly download terminal, manual faster!
Download from CocoaPods at…
My own Git is also available for download:…
Enter the local Cocoapods library:
Enter directly:
Terminal Access:
cd ~/.cocoapods
open repos/
There is a branch of the master that goes into the Specs folder and replaces the downloaded files with the Specs folder. (Note: Just replace the Specs folder.)
Note: If you don’t have a master then manually create a master folder and copy everything from the downloaded Cocopods into the master folder.
Go to the master folder and execute: Git init git remote add origin # and git clone git remote – v do not have what difference Then you can update the pod! pod update –verbose –no-repo-update
When you need to delete an unwanted library from CocoaPods, you can delete the library directly from your Podfile
Go to the project directory and run the pod update –verbose –no-repo-update or pod install –verbose –no-repo-update command
The difference between the two when deleting:
Pod update --verbose --no-repo-update 'will update other libraries when deleting related libraries.' pod update '--verbose --no-repo-update' will only delete related libraries and the same 'pod' below Install --verbose --no-repo-update 'will only delete related librariesCopy the code
The difference between the two installation time:
Pod update --verbose --no-repo-update 'only installs the newly added library' pod update --verbose --no-repo-update 'updates the other library versions' pod update' when installing the related library --verbose --no-repo-update 'updates only specified libraries, ignore' pod install --verbose --no-repo-update 'personally recommendedCopy the code
Arrange the:
Configure Cocoapods’ master library
Pod update –verbose –no-repo-update and pod install –verbose –no-repo-update
How to fix the slow pod setup problem in Cocoapods
【 taobao source can not be used 】