Pod command parsing is implemented using CLAide. In the previous Ruby and Cocoapods article collection, we introduced using VSCode to debug Cocoapods source code.
CLAide command parsing
Pod install –clean-install –project-directory=${workspaceRoot}/TestLibrary Launch.json is shown below
{ "configurations": [ { "name": "Debug CocoaPods Plugin", "showDebuggerOutput": true, "type": "Ruby", "request": "Launch ", "useBundler": true," CWD ": "${workspaceRoot}/TestLibrary", "${workspaceRoot}/CocoaPods/bin/pod", "args": ["install", "--clean-install", "--project-directory=${workspaceRoot}/TestLibrary"], // 'pod' command parameters}]}Copy the code
We press F5 to enter the debug environment, and the function call stack for the parse function looks like this:
We pass in an array [“install”, “–clean-install”, “–project-directory=${workspaceRoot}/TestLibrary”].
It is first wrapped as an ARGV object. In its initialization method, parse the parameter array.
# @param [Array<#to_s>] argv
# A list of parameters.
def initialize(argv)
@entries = Parser.parse(argv)
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Three types of parameters
CALide defines three parameter types:
Option: Optional argument starting with — and containing arguments of =.
Flag: the value is limited to bool. The option parameter of type starts with — and does not contain arguments of =.
Arg: a common argument. Arguments are those that follow the command without any — modifier.
Parameters are parsed in the following format
[:arg, "install"],
[:flag, "clean-install"],
[:option, "project-directory","${workspaceRoot}/TestLibrary"]
Copy the code
CLAide:ARGV argument processing
Create a new debug project and introduce CLAide into Gemfile.
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'ruby-debug-ide'
gem 'debase'
gem 'claide'
Copy the code
We define a CLAide::ARGV object:
require 'claide' argv = CLAide::ARGV.new(['tea','green','--no-milk', '--sweetener=honey']) puts argv.arguments output tea greenCopy the code
The above parameters are defined as: take a cup of green tea, no milk, and choose honey as the sweetness level
Arguements: Obtains all common parameters.
oneARGU = argv.shift_argument puts "oneARGU: #{oneARGU}" # tea twoARGU = argv.shift_argument puts "twoARGU: #{twoARGU}" # green threeARGU = argv.shift_argument # nil puts "threeARGU: #{threeARGU}" green threeARGU:Copy the code
Shift_argument: Takes the first normal argument and removes it from the entries tuple.
flagMilk1 = argv.flag? ('milk') # false puts "flagMilk1: #{flagMilk1}" flagMilk2 = argv.flag? ('milk') # nil puts "flagMilk2: #{flagMilk2}"Copy the code
flag? (): Returns a bool, false if it begins with –no-, and removes entries from the tuple.
option1 = argv.option('sweetener') # honey puts "option1 #{option1}" option2 = argv.option('sweetener') # nil puts "Option2 #{option2}Copy the code
Option (): obtains optional parameters in the form of key and value. And remove the entries from the tuple.
Homemade beverage vending machine
Demand: Two drinks served: tea and coffee:
When choosing tea, you need to choose black tea, green tea, dark tea, one of them, you can choose to add ice or not.
Choose tea or Coffe, with or without milk, with or without sweetness (sugar or honey)
Creating the Gem project
1. We create a bundle gem BeverageMaker. We modify the GemSpec file to look like this
require_relative "lib/BeverageMaker/version" \ Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.name = "BeverageMaker" spec.version = BeverageMaker::VERSION spec.authors = ["LYC"] spec.email = ["1260197127@qq.com"] spec.summary = "BeverageMaker" spec.description = "BeverageMaker" spec.homepage = "http://www.baidu.com" spec.license = "MIT" Required_ruby_version = ">= 2.4.0" # Specify which files should be added to the gem when it is released. # the 'git ls-files -z` loads the files in the RubyGem that have been added into git. spec.files = Dir.chdir(File.expand_path(__dir__)) do `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").reject do |f| (f == __FILE__) || f.match(%r{\A(?:(?:test|spec|features)/|\.(?:git|travis|circleci)|appveyor)}) end end spec.bindir = "bin" spec.executables = "beverage-maker" spec.require_paths = ["lib"] spec.add_runtime_dependency 'claide' spec.add_runtime_dependency 'colored2' endCopy the code
2. Create launch.json
{"configurations": [ { "name": "Debug CocoaPods Plugin", "showDebuggerOutput": true, "type": "Ruby", "request": "launch", "useBundler": true, "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}", // "program": "${workspaceRoot} / bin/beverage - maker", / / entry "args" : [" tea ", "green", "- no - milk", "- sweetner = honey"] / / parameter}}]Copy the code
3. Core code tea.rb:
module BeverageMaker class Tea < Command self.summary = 'Drink based on cured leaves' self.description = <<-DESC An aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring boiling hot water over cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant.The following flavors are available: black, green, oolong, Self. Arguments = [# represent individual arguments to present to # the command help banner # def initialize(names, required, Repeatable = false) CLAide::Argument. New ('FLAVOR',true)] # help banner def self.options [['--iced','the ice-tea ' Version ']. Concat (super) end def initialize(argv) @flavor = argv.shift_argument @iced = argv.flag?('iced') super end # check whether arguments are valid def validate! Super # If the flavor variable is empty, print help banner if @flavor.nil? help! 'A flavor argument is Required.' end # @flavor # %w(black red green) == ["black", "red", "green"] unless %w(black red green).include? (@flavor) help! "#{@flavor} is not a valid favor" end end def run super puts "* Infuse #{@flavor} tea..." sleep 1 if @iced puts '* Cool off... ' end sleep 1 puts '* Enjoy! ' end end endCopy the code
F5 debugs the command. The result is as follows
Cocoapods uses CLAide to parse commands, which defines three parameters: :arg,:flag, and :option. Pass the shift_argument(), flag? () and option(“key”) to read the corresponding value. CLAide also provides a parameter specification template, Help banner, to show the parameter rules.
This article Demo address Git
Reference article:
CocoaPods command resolve-claide