[Version release]
- upgrade
The compiler - Support native component styles to be introduced into the corresponding platform style file without suffixes
- Supports multi-platform routing configuration
- Alipay small program compiler package layer ID moved up
- The web,
The name field is added in the compilation mode of router.config.json - Initialize project paltForm with default values [‘ web ‘, ‘WEEx’, ‘wX’]
- support
More bundle build - Added the CML info command
- Provide build processes and panels to optimize the development experience
- Update the initialization project dependency version
- support
Multiple bundles build custom names - Cross-domain is supported in Web dev mode
- Warning messages during the build process support whether the configuration output, you can check the installation of repeated NPM packages
- Zip the build process to remove the console
- In Windows subProject configuration npmName path adaptation repair
- Fixed a problem with global variable verification built by NPM script during CLI installation in project
- Dynamic loading on the Web supports user-defined chunk names
- Fixed Bug with native Tabbar icon configuration on Windows
- upgrade
- How to enhance the use of htML-webpack-plugin
- The build process displays warning messages
- How does the Web side support cross-domain development
How do you configure multi-bundle builds on the end- Store in the small program subcontracting scenario of Alipay using tutorial
[Component Extension]
- C-design completes THE CD-Badge && CD-Tab components
[Operation and Promotion]
- “How to Quickly Land in Didi Chameleon”