Alyun University courses: Website construction — deployment and release

Course Introduction:

Website certification can help students master how to publish a local static site has been designed to the Internet public Internet, through their own domain name to let the world’s netizens to visit, and the church students how to complete the ministry of Industry and information ICP record, to achieve regulatory compliance.

Course Objectives:

Understand the basic steps of building a site

Master domain name registration methods

Master the basic usage of cloud server

Master the method of setting up the website environment

Master the publishing method of website content

Master domain name resolution methods

Master domain name filing methods

Class Schedule:

01 Course Introduction

This section introduces the content and objectives of the course.

02 Basic steps of building a site

This section helps students refine the core steps of building a website by analyzing the process of users accessing the website, and explains the tasks and significance of each step.

03 Registering a Domain Name

This section explains the classification of domain names and the composition of URLS, helps trainees distinguish host names from domain names, and helps trainees master skills such as how to prepare materials, query registered domain names, and real-name authentication through practical demonstration and summary.

04 Enabling the cloud server

This section teaches trainees how to open a cloud server ECS with Linux preinstalled and remotely manage the cloud server through SSH.

05 Setting up the Website environment

This section explains how to set up a static web hosting environment on a blank Linux cloud server, using Apache as an example, including installing, starting, adding remote management users, and assigning permissions.

06 Publish website content

This section describes how to publish local website content to the ECS of the cloud server in encrypted transmission mode. Using FileZilla as an example, this section describes how to publish, download, install, start, and configure FileZilla.

07 Domain Name Resolution

This section explains some concepts related to domain name resolution, and demonstrates how to use domain names to access successfully published websites in the previous section

08 Complete ICP filing

This section explains how to record a website from 0 to the whole process, with a clear practical demonstration, students can easily master the record skills.

09 Online experiment 】 website deployment and release

In this experiment, users will have a complete experience of how to safely publish locally developed websites to the cloud server ECS of Ali Cloud, and end users can use the IP address of the server to access their own websites.

Start learning:Clouder Certification Course: Website building – Deployment and release

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