What is CNCF?

CNCF is an open source software foundation dedicated to making cloud native computing ubiquitous and sustainable. Cloud native computing uses open source software technology stacks to deploy applications as microservices, packaging each part into its own containers, and dynamically orchestrating those containers to optimize resource utilization. Cloud native technology enables software developers to build great products faster.

Member of CNCF project



Kubernetes is the world’s most popular container choreography platform and the first CNCF project. Kubernetes helps users build, extend, and manage applications and their dynamic life cycles. Originally developed at Google, Kubernetes now has over 2,300 contributors and is used by some of the most innovative companies in many industries around the world. Cluster scheduling capabilities allow developers to build cloud-native applications that focus on code rather than operations. Kubernetes future-oriented application development and infrastructure management can be done locally or in the cloud without vendor or cloud provider binding.



Prometheus provides real-time monitoring, alerts, and time series database capabilities (including powerful query and visualization capabilities) for cloud native applications and integrates with many popular open source data import and export tools. It has become the standard for monitoring container-based infrastructure and is adding major functionality as users demand it. Prometheus provides required visibility and troubleshooting for cloud native architectures, including Kubernetes and other next-generation components.



Tracing is a key part of a microservice-based environment for Tracing behavior across service requests. OpenTracing is a distributed tracing API that can be used by a variety of popular open source and commercial tracing tools. The OpenTracing API makes it possible to monitor microservices interaction, switching with popular tools like Jaeger, Zipkin, DataDog, and so on. The product of the efforts of engineers at LightStep, Red Hat, Uber and others, it gives developers a simple tool for accurate tracking even in heterogeneous environments.



Fluentd is a unified logging tool that collects data from any data source, including databases, application servers, end-user devices, and works with numerous alerts, analysis, and storage tools. Fluentd helps users better understand what is happening in their environment by providing a unified layer to collect, filter, and route log data to many popular sources and destinations. Fluentd makes log analysis easier by providing a unified platform to collect, build (using JSON if possible), and export data. It uses a pluggable architecture that simplifies bringing new data sources (such as connected devices) and back-end systems (such as cloud storage and databases) online through a unified platform and pluggable architecture, and integrates with software providers such as Atlassian and Microsoft.



GRPC is a high-performance RPC (Remote Procedure Call) framework developed by Google that optimizes services for connecting services across languages, clouds, and data centers, as well as the large-scale, multi-platform nature of connecting mobile devices to back-end cloud-native computing environments. GRPC supports 10 popular languages and is used by some of the world’s leading businesses, technology vendors and universities. GRPC improves the latency of remote calls in distributed computing environments, supports multi-language programming, and includes client libraries for iOS and Android as well as back-end servers.



Containerd is an industry-standard container runtime component developed by Docker and based on the Docker Engine runtime. As a container ecosystem of choice, Containerd can manage Docker and OCI container images as part of a new platform or product by providing a runtime. Containerd is designed to integrate directly into third-party software products and projects such as Kubernetes, providing basic functionality around the container lifecycle. It provides prototypes for many of the underlying container lifecycle processes, giving developers the freedom to innovate at a higher level.



Rkt is a viable alternative to the Docker container engine, originally created by CoreOS to achieve maximum composability and manage a collection of containers called PODS. Instead of using a daemon to manage the container, Rkt starts the container directly from the command line. It is optimized for security and integration with other open source container technologies and standards.



The Container Network Interface (CNI) project was created by a series of industry organizations to standardize the basic network interface of containers in a cloud native environment. CNI gives developers the freedom to build applications on multiple container runtimes while experiencing a consistent network API. CNI advances the state of the container network by standardizing basic functions, such as adding and removing container resources across common runtimes (including Kubernetes, Rkt, Mesos, and Cloud Foundry), and proactively supporting advanced network functions through third-party plug-ins.



Envoy is Service Mesh, originally created at Lyft and now used inside Google, Apple, Netflix and more. Envoy, written in C++, is designed to minimize memory and CPU footprint while providing features such as load balancing, network depth observability, tracking in a microservice environment, and database activity.



Jaeger, a distributed tracking system developed by Uber to monitor its large microservices environment, is now being collected by companies like Red Hat, SeatGeek, and Under Armour. Jaeger is designed to be highly scalable and available, and provides native support for the OpenTracing standard and numerous storage backends. It has a modern UI designed to integrate with cloud native systems such as OpenTracing, Kubernetes, and Prometheus.



Originally created by Docker, Notary is an implementation of TUF (another CNCF project) that aims to build trust in digital content through strong encryption. Notarization does this by ensuring that the software comes from the intended source and that no one changes it except its author. It provides an encryption tool for developers to verify the origin of containers and their contents.


The Update Framework

The Update Framework (TUF) is a specification for protecting software update systems from attacks that occur during updates or initial installation. TUF was originally developed at NYU’s School of Engineering and has been integrated into enterprise software products developed by the likes of Docker and VMware. TUF uses encryption keys to prevent known vulnerabilities during software installation or update, ensuring that users install the files they intend to install. TUF is integrated as part of the software development process rather than as a stand-alone network security tool.


Vitess is a database cluster system used to scale MySQL horizontally through generalized sharding. By encapsulating shard routing logic, Vitess allows application code and database queries to remain unchanged for distributing data across multiple shards. With Vitess, you can even split and merge fragments as your needs grow, atomic cutting steps in seconds. Vitess has been a core component of YouTube’s database infrastructure since 2011 and has grown to include tens of thousands of MySQL nodes. Its architecture can run as efficiently in public or private cloud architectures as it does on dedicated hardware. It combines and extends many important MySQL features with the scalability of NoSQL databases.



CoreDNS is a DNS server optimized for the performance, flexibility, and service discovery requirements of cloud native environments. CoreDNS is the successor to SkyDNS written in Go. It includes a variety of features, including Kubernetes support and monitoring through Prometheus, and an emphasis on plug-ins to add new features or build to simplify implementation. DNS is an important part of a cloud-native or microservices-based architecture and can include hundreds or thousands of individual services, containers, and other endpoints. CoreDNS is designed to support these architectures and easily support new functionality as requirements mature.



NATS Server is a simple, high-performance open source messaging system for cloud native applications, IoT messaging, and microservices architectures. Members of the Synadia team create NATS Server (written in Go), NATS Streaming, and clients written in Python, Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, Java, NGINX, C, and C #. The community contributes a growing number of libraries, including Arduino, Rust, Lua, PHP, Perl, and more.



Linkerd, a cloud-native Service Mesh built on Netty and Finagle, is a tool built by Twitter to manage its vast microservice environment, allowing it to scale to tens of thousands of requests per second. Linkerd provides a separate proxy layer through which distributed application services can communicate with each other to handle tasks such as load balancing, routing, and TLS. It helps simplify the transition to and operation of a cloud-native architecture by managing interactions between microservices to ensure application performance.

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● Spring Boot Configuration – Configuration information encryption

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● There are three sources of concurrency bugs, so keep your eyes open

This article is published by OpenWrite!