What is cloud gaming?

Cloud game is a kind of game implementation based on cloud computing, rendering and cloud transmission. The difference from traditional games lies in that the game is run on the edge of cloud computing node instead of the traditional local terminal of users. The user’s local terminal receives the data sent by the cloud edge computing node through the network for the local presentation of game sounds and pictures, and the user sends the operation and control instructions of the game to the cloud for the control of the game.

Cloud game development history

Giants in the game industry have been exploring the cloud game field for ten years, but bandwidth and delay have always been the bottleneck of cloud game popularity. When Onlive debuted in 2009, cloud gaming came to the masses, but with the average U.S. home bandwidth at 9.54Mbps, the product died due to too few paying users. In 2014, Sony launched Play Station Now, a service that allows players to Play games “streamed” from their PC accounts. In 2018, Microsoft, Google, EA and other major manufacturers began to layout cloud games, have launched Project xCloud(Microsoft), Stadia(Google), Project Atlas(EA) and other cloud game service platforms **.

Pain points of traditional cloud games:

1. Delay limitation. Players can only try games that do not have a high latency requirement, such as board or single-player games. For games that require a lot of time delay, such as shoot-outs or multiplayer arenas, cloud gaming is a terrible experience.

2, network speed restrictions. Similar to high-definition video or live streaming in the 4G era, cloud gaming must be supported by high data transmission rates on networks, and requires higher Internet speeds.

According to game manufacturers, if a cloud game wants to deliver 4K+60fps high-quality video, it needs a transmission rate of at least 30-35 MBPS. And 4G networks don’t offer such steady rates all the time.

If desktop cloud games can also rely on fiber broadband to provide high-speed network, then for mobile cloud games, 4G network is difficult to ensure high-speed and stable transmission rate, naturally cannot provide stable video picture.

3. Excessive costs. In addition to the high cost of 4G network, high concurrent servers, GPU with excellent rendering capability and other supporting devices for cloud games require high maintenance costs, which need to be shared between manufacturers and users.

Advantages of 3DCAT cloud streaming in cloud gaming applications

The 3DCAT real-time rendering cloud platform uses the massive GPU computing power in the cloud to process the heavy image rendering calculation in games and stream and synchronize the output to the terminal device, so as to achieve the lightweight of the terminal device and make high-quality 3D graphics applications everywhere. Users can access 3d applications hosted in the 3DCAT cloud using any common device connected to the Internet without having to download and install the application.

1. 3DCAT content streaming can achieve large-scale multiplayer games, which may give birth to new game types.

2. Since the whole operation is controlled by the operator through the 3DCAT platform, the problem of opening and suspending online games can be easily solved.

3. 3DCAT content streaming takes advantage of the high download rate of emerging 5G technology and the high upload rate of Rui Yun’s own Radium cloud transmission to ensure the perfect stability required for smooth game sessions.

4. Easy to share. Game upload 3DCAT, can be quickly shared through the link, easy to spread fission. Players do not need to download, install, low requirements for terminal equipment.

5. Easy to upgrade. For game developers, the game will be released on the cloud, easy to upgrade, no need for players to do any operation on the terminal, once the upgrade, the terminal automatically refresh.

6. Enjoy high-end picture quality. The game is released through the cloud, and there is no requirement for terminal devices. All heavy computing is centralized in the cloud, so even ordinary terminals can enjoy the picture and quality of high-end games.

The 3DCAT Real-time Rendering cloud platform provides professional technical services to help users reduce cost and improve efficiency of related products and processes. At present, 3DCAT real-time rendering cloud platform has provided professional technical services in industrial simulation, smart park, medical simulation, game trial, automotive simulation, construction engineering and other virtual simulation, cloud streaming and digital twinning related applications.

The game production company can package the game project files and upload them to the 3DCAT real-time rendering cloud platform. After uploading, the application URL will be generated, and the game users can click the URL link to experience the high-definition interactive game online without downloading the game application or high-end computer configuration. Anytime, anywhere through computers, tablets, mobile phones and other terminals can access to experience the game project. 3DCAT real-time rendering cloud platform has a DEMO game, welcome to try: www.3dcat.live

This article “Cloud games hand in hand content streaming, so that ordinary terminals can also enjoy high-end game quality” content is the 3DCAT real-time rendering cloud platform original, if you need to reprint, please indicate the source and link: www.3dcat.live/news/3D-Clo…

For more information about cloud streaming, please visit 3DCAT Real-time Rendering cloud platform: www.3dcat.live/

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