
CloudBase is Serverless cloud native integration product solution produced by Tencent Cloud. It provides one-stop back-end services for small programs, Web applications, and mobile applications. It weakens the concept of operation and peacekeeping server and focuses more on business code.

After the environment is created in the background, CloudBase provides cloud database, cloud storage, cloud functions, and static resource deployment by default

Cloud database

Cloud database is one of the core functions provided by CloudBase, providing basic read and write, aggregated search, database transactions, real-time push, and other functions. Is a document database. Each record in the database is a JSON-like object.

The cloud database can be added, deleted, modified and searched through various SDKS, as well as other normal database functions, such as indexes, transactions and so on.

At the same time, it also provides some functions that are not supported by conventional databases, such as real-time push. You can use the WATCH function of THE DB of SDK to monitor the changes of the database, and execute the callback function when the database changes. This can be very convenient to implement an IM instant chat system. Another user can receive this change in the Watch callback for message synchronization.

It also supports backup and file back functions to increase project fault tolerance.

In addition, unlike the normal development of intuition, the client SDK can access the database directly, rather than by cloud function or the backend interface, users can directly use tencent cloud login system, the simplest is anonymous login, and then through the SDK to access the database, database, of course, there is a safety rules, generally speaking, users create their own data, Other users are not allowed to change the security rules, and a library like user can set the security rules to be read and write only by administrators, so that ordinary users cannot change the security rules.

Cloud storage

Cloud development provides developers with storage space, the ability to upload files to the cloud storage space, and the ability to download files in the cloud with permission. Developers can use the cloud development console or the SDK call interface to use the storage function. Cloud development supports CDN acceleration by default and provides free CDN domain names.

Every file uploaded to cloud development has a unique fileID on the whole network. FileID can be used to access files more safely and conveniently. For example, the validity period of the access link of files with private permissions is limited, and developers can choose to use fileID to dynamically exchange accessible file link addresses.

Static Web hosting

CloudBase static Web hosting provides fast and secure hosting services for your Web applications and static resources. Static resources can be quickly deployed with a single command, and access to resources can be accelerated using CDN (Content distribution Network).

Static resources will be cached on CDN edge servers everywhere. Content loads quickly no matter where your users are.

Support for custom domain names

Cloud function

Using CloudBase’s cloud functions, we can run back-end code as functions in response to SDK calls or HTTP requests. Our code is stored in the cloud and runs in a hosted environment without having to manage or operate our own servers.

The code stored in the cloud can also be compressed and does not have to be source code, depending on the HTTP framework used. For example, NestJS supports code packaging and only puts the dist file and package.json in it.

For more information, go to the cloud functions


CloudBase saves server management time and effort, and is more stable and secure. Suitable for small and medium-sized project development scenarios.